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Lie #1 Romney said his tax plan does not cut 5 trillion dollars in taxes and benefits the middle class but it has been proven by economists and fact checkers that his tax plan does add up to nearly 5 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

Lie # 2 Romney said he is not going to reduce the amount of taxes paid by the wealthy but his tax plan (once again confirmed by economists and fact checkers) would give the biggest tax breaks to the highest earners.

Lie # 3 Romney said he is not gonna keep spending money on things that he has to borrow money from China to pay for but he want to give 2 trillion dollars more to the military and the only way to do that is to borrow the money...especially if he cuts taxes as much as he want to.

It has also been proven by every economist that I can find(conservative, moderate, and liberal) that his tax plan would put the burden on the middle class while making the wealthy more wealthy and increasing the unemployment figures from 23 million today to roughly 40+ million by 2020.

Trickle down economics does not, has not ever, and will not ever work. If you give the rich more money, they do not create more jobs, they put it in the bank with the rest of their money. If you give more money to the middle class we spend it on goods and services which in turn gives the rich more money and creates the need for more goods and services which creates more jobs which puts more money in the middle class...wash, rinse, repeat. It is simple economics.

These are all facts. But If you are a Romney supporter then facts are not gonna get in the way of your decision just like they are not gonna let facts get in the way of there campaign.

Who are these "economists?" It's just like when Obama says "independent studies have shown....." (fill in blank) Point is that with out the corrupt media throwing him soft balls and bailing him out and without the teleprompter he got Shhhhpanked!! He may do better in the next debate..who knows?

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True story: Al Gore has blamed the air in Denver for Baracks poor performance. I guess Barack's brain doesn't work correctly when he is not breathing pot or ciggarettes.

Speaking of hot air, anyone notice Gore is looking more and more like the michelin man. I think he is being greedy and needs to redistribute some of his food to the poor! And where did this turd pop up from. He hasnt been in the news in yrs for anything news worthy that isnt some eco wack job news. And all the sudden bammer is getting his as- handed to him all the libtards pop out of the wood work and start making excuses for him. I guess they can see their meal ticket evaporating before their eye's. Wont be long and these hipocrites will be on the unemployement line also, I hope!!

Edited by erussell
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Lie #1 Romney said his tax plan does not cut 5 trillion dollars in taxes and benefits the middle class but it has been proven by economists and fact checkers that his tax plan does add up to nearly 5 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

Lie # 2 Romney said he is not going to reduce the amount of taxes paid by the wealthy but his tax plan (once again confirmed by economists and fact checkers) would give the biggest tax breaks to the highest earners.

Lie # 3 Romney said he is not gonna keep spending money on things that he has to borrow money from China to pay for but he want to give 2 trillion dollars more to the military and the only way to do that is to borrow the money...especially if he cuts taxes as much as he want to.

It has also been proven by every economist that I can find(conservative, moderate, and liberal) that his tax plan would put the burden on the middle class while making the wealthy more wealthy and increasing the unemployment figures from 23 million today to roughly 40+ million by 2020.

Trickle down economics does not, has not ever, and will not ever work. If you give the rich more money, they do not create more jobs, they put it in the bank with the rest of their money. If you give more money to the middle class we spend it on goods and services which in turn gives the rich more money and creates the need for more goods and services which creates more jobs which puts more money in the middle class...wash, rinse, repeat. It is simple economics.

These are all facts. But If you are a Romney supporter then facts are not gonna get in the way of your decision just like they are not gonna let facts get in the way of there campaign.

Romney tried to explain this basis economic concept to Obama three times, but I guess you could not grasp either. When you lower taxes for EVERYONE (including small businesses and Corporations which account for most jobs in the US), it stimulates the economy, pushes hiring, creates jobs, and therefore leads to more people paying taxes and therefore more tax revenue. So yes he is lowering tax rates, but it will ultimately increase tax revenue. Obama has no concept of economics, so he was unable to grasp this idea and kept repeating the same thing that the math doesn't add up.

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It also leaves people with more money in their pockets, which makes them more likely to spend it, therefor increasing tax revenue on purchased goods.

The only thing better would be a flat tax system (not what TV says is a flat tax system, read Ron Pauls books about it for the real low down)

You cant talk sense to people that continually drink the liberal (aka socialist) Koolaid. They usually dont believe in cutting out spending within the government on unnecessary things and putting the money toward what is important, or just plain less spending. Its all the feel good glitter that matters to them.

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Romney tried to explain this basis economic concept to Obama three times, but I guess you could not grasp either. When you lower taxes for EVERYONE (including small businesses and Corporations which account for most jobs in the US), it stimulates the economy, pushes hiring, creates jobs, and therefore leads to more people paying taxes and therefore more tax revenue. So yes he is lowering tax rates, but it will ultimately increase tax revenue. Obama has no concept of economics, so he was unable to grasp this idea and kept repeating the same thing that the math doesn't add up.

Thank you for explaining that to jimbob. Saved me alot of typing. Must be people cant remember how things worked in the Reagan era lmao. Its truly sad when I still read stuff like this when Obamas policies for the past almost 4 years have spoken for themselves. I dont know about you people but he has sure made life tough in america and its far to late in the game to keep blaming someone else for his lack of economic 101. What you seen was the real Obama. There were no puppets strings guiding him through the debate. He has no clue. Sad thing is they both were given the topics well ahead of time to prepare for them. And Im sure his advisors went over them with him one by one and yet we all seen the results. That was some funny stuff watching that guy suffer through that debate. The tough part is about this election and any election for that matter is I was listening to alot of talk show host and suprised me the attitude change of Obama supporters calling in. The one thing was clear is the dividing of the parties is pretty extreme. Modt of the democrats I heard admitted Obama was a failure at that debate, and it woke some of them up and when asked who they are planning on voting for.......... yep Obama, reasons were all the same. "because I believe in the democratic party, what they stand for and will continue to vote that way". Yep thats the mentality of most americans whether its dem or republican. Wont see the light to vote for the better of the country. I dont think Romney could have closed out the debate any better than standing up for the Constitution and quoting from it. Obama knew he was really screwed then.

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This is the single most important fact in determining who to vote for this year.

I disagree. I think the fact that the next president could have the opportunity to appoint 2 to 3 SCOTUS justices should be at the top. Those Justices will be around way after Romney or Obama are gone.

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When you lower taxes for EVERYONE (including small businesses and Corporations which account for most jobs in the US), it stimulates the economy, pushes hiring, creates jobs, and therefore leads to more people paying taxes and therefore more tax revenue.

So when in history has this ever worked? Taxes rates under Obama are lower then they have been since the 1970's... but if we lower them more the economy will boom? Don't believe what either of these clowns are saying.

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Since when is donald trump a small business?? I about died of laughter when i heard that lol. That statement reminds me of an "uncool" kid at school tryin to talk back to the bullies but fails miserably.... almost have to feel sorry for the guy. Haha yea right.

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I'm shipping my own job overseas just so I can get that imaginary tax break. lol.

It came out yesterday that the "tax break" Obama referred to is a tax break on moving expenses ( shipping equipment and machinery , paying for employee's to move etc..) It's not a break on doing business over seas, but of course the way it was phrased...........lol

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So when in history has this ever worked? Taxes rates under Obama are lower then they have been since the 1970's... but if we lower them more the economy will boom? Don't believe what either of these clowns are saying.

Not sure what state you are living in, maybe the state of denile, but my taxes have gone up every yr for the last 10 yrs since I bought my house. Gas prices are astronomical which makes food prices astronomical which makes everything astronomical. Bammer hasnt done sh-- about it either except to say get use to it and inflate your tire's? Seriously? You libtard I didnt think of that !! The eco wako libbers wont be happy till were all riding horses or walking to work. Progressive party my a-- maybe regressive party, regress back to the 1800's, what a bunch of bulls---. You Libs can take your " progressive agenda" and shove it!!!!! Your all in denile like your little socialist counter part down south, Chavez, and you wont be happy till we are all wallowing in filth and poverty. And, oh yeah o Bammer :fuck:

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Once you get past the known fire hazards and the fact that one day that 1200lb toxic battery has to be disposed of and replaced (for true electrics) causing more potential "environmental harm" than every car on the planet idling next to a hot dog truck simultaneously, electric cars are great for the environment and very practical.

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Not sure what state you are living in, maybe the state of denile, but my taxes have gone up every yr for the last 10 yrs since I bought my house.

Assuming your house is in New York and not the state of 'denile'(denial), those taxes you're referring to are state taxes, not federal taxes like income or payroll taxes.

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