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Has the idea been approached


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Is it really inconveniencing you that much? Whats the big deal? Honestly? Its like a seat belt law, does it really hurt you to take 2 seconds and buckle up? I think there are alot of better, more substantial issues to worry about, dont you?

I guess you missed the part where I said I live where it is the law to wear blaze orange so I already have to wear it. As usual almost everyone either misses the point or bypasses what I said about the fact that there are thousands of others out and about during deer season who just do not happen to have a gun in their hands. If it makes things safer, and since you all seem to think that everything safety related needs to be a LAW............. why isn't the blaze orange requirements mandatory for all people out during deer season? Because it is not in any jurisdiction I have hunted in that required blaze orange for hunters.

Why should I, as a rancher, have to wear blaze orange to hunt on my own property where no one else can hunt without permission from me? And please don't give me some BS like someone could be trespassing. I could be out walking around checking my fences, not hunting and no gun in hand and I do not need to wear blaze orange. What is the difference? I have previously lived in two other jurisdictions where blaze orange was mandatory in years gone by, that did away with that regulation because a study of shootings accidents over a number of years showed it made ZERO difference.

This is a no win debate as I have seen it a hundred times and advocates of blaze orange are rabid about it. Fine. The simple fact is that if it is so dangerous in the deer season, all people should have to wear blaze orange if it can be demonstrated it actually prevents hunting accidents. It is also just one more example of where everyone is so brainwashed that they believe every single thing in their lives has to be legislated to 'make everyone' do something they think makes things safer.

Glad I grew up when kids could wander around on a farm shooting gophers with a .22 and some do gooders had not made it mandatory that I had to wear a helmet when I rode a horse, a helmet when I rode my bicycle or a host of other things. But that is the pervasive 'liberal' attitude.............. don't let people decide for themselves what is best, force them by law to do it. Any rational person who hunts in an area with thousands of people out at the same time is going to take safety precautions which probably would include wearing blaze orange...... or yellow or what have you. But does it really need to be mandatory............ and if so why. I personally know of several instances with hunters and even non-hunters wearing blaze orange and they got shot anyways. If you want others to wear blaze orange because you are afraid of making a mistake, then you should not be in the woods in the first place, because to make that mistake and shoot someone means you have chosen to disregard some of the most basic principals of safe firearms handling. If it is that bad where you hunt then I would not want to be out there with or without blaze orange............. cause apparently the woods are filled with idiots.

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I honestly dont give a rats patoot if they make Blaze Orange mandatory. I wear it anyhow, and I personally think youre a dippy do if you dont during gun season. Whether it becomes mandatory or not, anyone that shoots another hunter and says they mistook the person for a deer, or any other game, or says they were shooting at movement or a noise in the bushes, needs to get the death penalty, PERIOD! Theres no excuse.

I would be all for the change to 1/2 hour before sunrise and 1/2 hour after sunset. It works just fine in other states. You are always going to have people that stretch things or just plain break the laws, why punish everyone for their actions? Enforce whatever laws are in place.

my fealings exactly!!!!!

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Makwa, I didnt miss anything, I was making a point that its not really a big deal, and something that I wouldnt worry about. Also, I asked if it was a huge inconvenience, and so far I dont see it as such.

Did you miss the part where I said I dont give a rats ass if it becomes mandatory or not?

No I saw it.............. it is not a matter of whether it is inconvenient for me or not, or whether it is a 'big deal'. I have never used that as the criteria for whether I vote to have more feel good legislation imposed on everyone. That attitude is why things are such a mess today and getting exponentially worse every year in so many facets of our lives. People don't give a rats ass about much of anything.

Don't worry I am done. Time to go and check my traps............ without blaze orange, even though it is deer season, because I am somehow safer in the woods with just a trapping licence in my pocket.

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Hey Makwa don't let it get to you. Like several others here, I could care less if they make it mandatory or not. It's not that I "don't care" about anything, because I do, but I have to pick my battles or crack up entirely. LOL! And, if someone shoots me on my own land when I'm wearing blaze orange and still says they thought it was a deer, it should be prison forever for that person. That is nothing more than out and out murder, not an accident.

Law or no law you can't cure stupid, and even if it were made mandatory you might be right and people will still get shot. But, you have to keep something in mind. Comparing things where you live and hunt, Manitoba, to here in New York, is apples to oranges so to speak. I know because I was born and raised, and hunt here. I also have had the opportunity to hunt in Quebec, New Brunswick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, Canada. In Manitoba there is about what, a million people? Multiply that number by 19 to get the population of NY. And just by the numbers for every potentially unsafe moron in Manitoba we likely have 19 of our own. LOL! Scary thought!

Additionally, the lay of the land is a lot different here. Whereas we talk about acres, and woodlots, you people (at least when I was there) refer to the "bush" and chunks of land measured in "sections". Hunting land here might be a few acres or less in the middle of a subdivision, a farm, orchard, or maybe state owned public forest which can be substantial in size as in the case of the Catskill's or Adirondack's, but access can be difficult. When I hunted in Canada I don't recall ever hearing another shot, not even in the distance. Prior to owning my own land I had several experiences of hunting on "opening day" when I was absolutely mortified when the shooting started. I honestly used to position myself against the widest tree I could find so I wouldn't get shot in the back of the head, and where I could see anything approaching me from the front. This is not an exaggeration! And sadly, in my lifetime, twice I have heard the fire rescue alarm go off on opening morning and felt sick to my stomach wondering and then finding out on each occasion that a hunter had been killed.

Thankfully, things are a lot safer hunting on my own land, but it is still a different experience than you are probably used to. If you have never been here, and get itch in your ear to try it, just let me know and we can see what we can do for next season. Oh.......and how did a rebel like you manage to not get kicked out of Canada? You sound more suited for someplace like Montana with all that anti government, anti liberal stuff. LOL! Well at least if you pinch your finger in one of your traps you can get it fixed thanks to the socialized healthcare, without going broke.

Hey, it just dawned on me. You have socialized medicine, mandatory blaze orange...........good lord we're becoming Canada!


Edited by New York Hillbilly
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Hey Elmer I think there is a way..........."outlaw stupid people". Nothing ever "looks like a deer" and gets shot at in my book. Accidents can and may still happen, but anyone that ever claims they "thought it was a deer" and shot should do "mandatory jail time" as far as I'm concerned. No exceptions!

as Ron White said... "you can't fix stupid"

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This is a no win debate as I have seen it a hundred times and advocates of blaze orange are rabid about it. Fine. The simple fact is that if it is so dangerous in the deer season, all people should have to wear blaze orange if it can be demonstrated it actually prevents hunting accidents. It is also just one more example of where everyone is so brainwashed that they believe every single thing in their lives has to be legislated to 'make everyone' do something they think makes things safer.

For those that doubt the effectiveness of blaze orange, please access the following site: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00044112.htm

Scroll down to the chart that regards the comparison of accidents where blaze orange was worn by the victim vs. no blaze orange. You will see that in every category of the type of shooting the higher numbers were in the "no blaze orange" column (and significantly so). Actually, I am surprised that anyone argues that fact anymore. Very often, I will see a flicker of blaze orange before I can even see a partial outline of another hunter. And even in poor light, that particular color seems to almost glow.

Would mandatory blaze orange stop all hunting accidents? ..... clearly not. I doubt there is anyone who is calling it a total cure-all. But it sure is hard to argue that it doesn't aid in detecting humans in the line of fire.

Does it need the force of law to get compliance? .... according to that chart, apparently so. There's apparently an awful lot of hunters out there that still like to play the odds with their lives.

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I was just "guessing" the reason that shooting light is sunrise to sunset was for safety... Giving how effective hunter orange has been and the fact deer can't see it... I thought the extra 1 hour of hunting time each day would be worth it...

I think one of the reasons for not pushing the boundaries of safe daylight is the fact that there are no guarantees that all people will wear blaze orange. In fact even if a blaze orange law was passed, there still would be a certain amount of people out there without it. And another consideration as I have already pointed out is that there are various weather conditions and just naturally dark areas that would produce absolutely unsafe lighting for safe hunting.

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Hey Elmer I think there is a way..........."outlaw stupid people". Nothing ever "looks like a deer" and gets shot at in my book. Accidents can and may still happen, but anyone that ever claims they "thought it was a deer" and shot should do "mandatory jail time" as far as I'm concerned. No exceptions!

totally agree
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Is it really inconveniencing you that much? Whats the big deal? Honestly? Its like a seat belt law, does it really hurt you to take 2 seconds and buckle up? I think there are alot of better, more substantial issues to worry about, dont you?

this is the problem with this country. Just like the nazi roadblocks in the southwest, just do it and conform to what the government wants. This is America, the land of the free. If you want I take the risk of not wearing your seatbelt, or not wearing blaze orange, then that should be your decision. I'm sick of all these laws that take the freedom from the people, and I'm sick of all the ignorant people that just conform because it's the easy way out. Stand up for your rights as an American for once, you'd be surprised how much power the people actually have.
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this is the problem with this country. Just like the nazi roadblocks in the southwest, just do it and conform to what the government wants. This is America, the land of the free. If you want I take the risk of not wearing your seatbelt, or not wearing blaze orange, then that should be your decision. I'm sick of all these BS laws that take the freedom from the people, and I'm sick of all the ignorant people that just conform because it's the easy way out. Stand up for your rights as an American for once, you'd be surprised how much power the people actually have.

Learn to choose your battles. There are plenty of things that I think are worth fighting for or against, wearing some orange so I dont get shot during deer season isnt one of them. You dont know anything about me, or what I have actively spoken out against, etc, so you may want to watch who you are accusing of not standing up for their rights there pal.

Oh, and dont curse on the forums.

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Learn to choose your battles. There are plenty of things that I think are worth fighting for or against, wearing some orange so I dont get shot during deer season isnt one of them. You dont know anything about me, or what I have actively spoken out against, etc, so you may want to watch who you are accusing of not standing up for their rights there pal.

Oh, and dont curse on the forums.

it's not about what YOU choose to stand up for, just because you don't agree with what I want to stand up for, as minor as it may be, doesn't mean I'm wrong for saying it. And I never said anything about you as a person or what you have stood up for. I'm glad you have, but taking risks is well within my rights as an American. I wear blaze orange during gun season, but if someone doesn't want to, there is no reason they should be forced to. No reason to get nasty about it just because you run the forum "Pal"
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it's not about what YOU choose to stand up for, just because you don't agree with what I want to stand up for, as minor as it may be, doesn't mean I'm wrong for saying it. And I never said anything about you as a person or what you have stood up for. I'm glad you have, but taking risks is well within my rights as an American. I wear blaze orange during gun season, but if someone doesn't want to, there is no reason they should be forced to. No reason to get nasty about it just because you run the forum "Pal"

So this wasnt you saying something about me?

Stand up for your rights as an American for once, you'd be surprised how much power the people actually have.

You were replying directly to my post.

For the third time in this thread, I have said I really dont care whether it gets passed or not. Its a minor issue, and in the grand scope of things, wont affect any hunter in NY very much. There are a ton of other issues going on in the hunting world that are of far more importance than this one. How about hunter recruitment (or lack thereof), dwindling access to huntable land, gun owner rights, etc etc etc. Like I said, someday youll learn to choose your battles, by prioritizing the issues.

BTW, I dont run this forum, and it wouldnt matter if I wasnt a moderator, Id respond to your post in the same way.

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Makwa, I didnt miss anything, I was making a point that its not really a big deal, and something that I wouldnt worry about. Also, I asked if it was a huge inconvenience, and so far I dont see it as such.

Did you miss the part where I said I dont give a rats ass if it becomes mandatory or not?

"please don't swear on the forums" Pshh. Either agree with the guy who runs the forum, or get bashed by his hypocritical "ass". I'm done with this site.
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"please don't swear on the forums" Pshh. Either agree with the guy who runs the forum, or get bashed by his hypocritical "ass". I'm done with this site.

Most people know what the limits for the site are. We dont generally say anything until you get the S,F words out, which you did. Dont let the door hit ya on the way out.

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Exactly... I can see PERFECT long before sunrise and long after sunset... And with mandatory hunter orange, safety is a non issue with the time... No clue why we can't bow hunt those times now... Unreal... Have your state bow hunter org's work with the state....

I beleive years ago NY hunting hours were 1/2 hr before sunrise & 1/2 hr after sunset,for all game, maybe some of the older people here remember this to be true.

As far as NY bowhunters working with the state, they are against crossbows & youth hunts already. (reaction time).

Mandatory B/O., not sure but I wear it so I can be seen & don't get shot , I feel its a good idea imo.

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this is the problem with this country. Just like the nazi roadblocks in the southwest, just do it and conform to what the government wants. This is America, the land of the free. If you want I take the risk of not wearing your seatbelt, or not wearing blaze orange, then that should be your decision. I'm sick of all these laws that take the freedom from the people, and I'm sick of all the ignorant people that just conform because it's the easy way out. Stand up for your rights as an American for once, you'd be surprised how much power the people actually have.

I think a lot of people don't understand the principle of collatoral costs and consequences for stupidity and recklessness on the part of other people. It might seem like making stupid choices effects only those that make them, but there is also a whole array of other broken lives that are left behind.

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My thinking is... And I'm not trying to irk anyone on here... Is, people that are gonig to make stupid mistakes in life can't be avoided... in anything... Is this a worthy issue to go for 1/2 hour before to a 1/2 hour after by sportsmen or not... Do you think it is worth taking it to the state with facts showing blaze orange increases safety so let us hunt during all hunting light or not??

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"please don't swear on the forums" Pshh. Either agree with the guy who runs the forum, or get bashed by his hypocritical "ass". I'm done with this site.

So you can't discuss an issue without swearing?

I have nothing to do with moderation or the running of the site, but feel strongly points can and should be made

without cursing/swearing.

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My thinking is... And I'm not trying to irk anyone on here... Is, people that are gonig to make stupid mistakes in life can't be avoided... in anything... Is this a worthy issue to go for 1/2 hour before to a 1/2 hour after by sportsmen or not... Do you think it is worth taking it to the state with facts showing blaze orange increases safety so let us hunt during all hunting light or not??

I think that anyone who believes in such a plan should feel free to exercise their rights as a citizen to take their beliefs as far as they are willing or able to go. Such a change would have a much greater chance of being tirned into law if you could get the backing of the NYSCC (New York State Conservation Council) or some other organization that regularly deals with legislative matters.

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