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Another nut with a gun,near my house.

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This happened this morning a mile or two from my house.Firemen responding to a house fire were shot.Last report said possibly 3 firemen shot.The fire has now spread to at least one more home.Sad,I hope the firemen recover.

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I hope they find that scumbag and stone him in the town square.He probably set the fire so he could shoot the firefighter as they responded.Right before Christmas and this twatwaffle burns someone house down and tries to kill the firefighter that are responding.He/she is a piece of garbage that should be taken out of the gene pool!

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To my brother firefighters who gave their lives this morning we never know what the hell we are up against, Rest in Peace.

    • When duty call's me, oh Lord, Wherever Flames may rage, Give me the strength to save some life Whatever Be its age. Help me embrace a little child Before it is too late
      Or save an older person from The horror of that fate Enable me to be alert, and oh Lord, guide my every move, for life is so precious,
      please don't let us loose. I want to fill my calling and To give the best in me To guard my every neighbor And protect their property And if according to thy will, That I must give my life,
      Then with thy protecting hand my Lord,
      I pray thee, protect my children and my wife.

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I'm avoding participation here, but I think this is worth mentioning due to the situation at hand.

I believe based on past posts and a conversation, that Larry 302 is a Webster fire fighter or first responder of some sort.

My prayers go out regardless, but let's make sure Larry is safe.

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Larry 302 lives in Webster but I believe he is a Rochester fireman. The responders to this were West Webster volunteer firemen as far as I know. I also heard an unsubstantiated rumor that the homeowner may have been angry at the town about a property dispute. I am just sick about this.

He is a Rochester FF, I know this b/c we had an inbox conv recently.

However, as firefighters we are all BROTHERS and SISTERS, and this really hits home !

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I drove by the scene of the ambush today.All I can say is those poor guys had no chance.The shooter was on an elevated side of the road that used to be railroad tracks and he wasn't very far off the road in the dark.It is amazing that the wounded were able to get out and that more people were not hurt.The Webster policeman that engaged the shooter may very well indeed have saved lives.

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5 minute drive from my house. Scary when it happens in your backyard.

My wife and I are attending "the wall" tonight to block the morons at the WBC from protesting.

On a side note, I believe this case hurts the anti-gun movement. The guns were owned illegally by a mental insane individual let out of jail after killing his grandma with a hammer. It's a clear indication that banning firearms doesn't work, but instead we need better mental health programs.

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As I look at any of these recent tragedies, I just keep asking anyone who will listen, "Which one of today's favorite new gun laws would have prevented any of them"? It's a simple question that any of the anti-gunners should be able to immediately answer. How many of the favorite existing gun laws were blatantly broken? Anyone getting the picture?

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The New York State parole board shares responsibility in this case.It isn't enough to put these murderers in time out for years and then release them into the community.If someone proves they are capable of killing a woman in her 90's(and a grandmother) then they do not deserve a "manslaughter" lesser charge and shouldn't be out among us to possibly do something "crazy" again.

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I'm beginning to wonder if anyone gets convicted of the entire scope of the crime anymore. It seems that plea bargaining is just a standard way of doing business these days. Frankly, I don't see any reason for someone that uses a hammer on another person should ever see the outside of a prison again. In fact, a death sentence probably would have been appropriate. I think that all these people worrying about clips and evil looking guns should spend their energy on thinking about how this guy with this background was ever allowed to walk among us again. But then, I suppose that new gun laws require less effort and investment of intellect.

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