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Please slow down on the road

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Yes and put away those friggin cell phones!

Lipstick/makeup application, GPS fiddling, dogs on lap, fighting kids, fighting spouses, Whopper with cheese inhaling, shaving, jerkin' the beef, spilled coffee etc.

lots of ways to get into a jam up, none good!

That video is some powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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that camera is mounted on the wind shield i have on in my dump truck its called drivercam its very sensitive hit a pothole it goes off hit the brake hard it goes off it also record in the cab so they see you smoking [idont] or drinking coffee its against company policy they penalize youwonderful tool to see what can happen but the companys are useing as a control thing and i dont understand how sombody in india or san diego or phillipines tell me iwas following to close on the brooklyn queens exp or i had a fixed stare [ not paying attention ] on the l.i.e.

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the camera records 8 sec before 4 sec. after the driver hit the brake and triggered an event [thats what they call it ] thats why the clips are short but i seen these before and it bogglels the mind how quick things change and you dont have time to react it did change my mind set when driving

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the camera records 8 sec before 4 sec. after the driver hit the brake and triggered an event [thats what they call it ] thats why the clips are short but i seen these before and it bogglels the mind how quick things change and you dont have time to react it did change my mind set when driving

That is what I notice the most today is how closely many people drive to one another,no buffer zone and no time to react. Sometimes there is no time but slowing down can help. This video scared me a little so hopefully I will drive a little slower too.I drove a delivery truck for many years but people drive faster and a bit more carelessly now than when I drove a route for a living.

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That is what I notice the most today is how closely many people drive to one another,no buffer zone and no time to react

Wow horribly great video....I'm a brake tapper and I will just tap until they finally back off......This is why I stay on secondary roads going to the city and trucks...now I know why I fear trucks ...geezz

Many years ago in drivers ed. our teacher would wait for a good storm...then have us drive to Pavilon NY...many of you guys know the area I'm sure...he'd get us on a back road with a small hill and have us go for it....by the time we were done scaring each other senseless we'd learned how to control a car in snow....I took our kids to parking lots late at night and taught them how to control skids as best possible

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Great,now I gotta slow down even more.I already slow down on wet or snow covered roads,unlike many drivers that pass me.Let them pass I say.I travel 81 from Exit 1 Kirkwood to Exit 33 Parish every time we head to camp.Binghamton is nuts and Syracuse is usually nuts,depending on the time frame.The speed limit signs mean nothing to New Yorkers through there.

When heading to camp on 81 another thing I do is let the groups of cars go by or pass them and stay clear of them.Why 6 or more vehicles have to group together at high speed is beyond me,1 screw-up and tragedy happens. Excellent video to remember when driving.

I notice a lot of NJ plates heading north/south as well.....no offense,but you people need to go back to driving school,or learn how to read numbers.The speed limit is 65 not 85. I see a lot of busy NYS Troopers EVERY time up and back.I love when a car blows by me at a crazy speed....the wife and I say to each other,haha,see you a couple miles up getting a ticket.And we do!

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i know im big on common curdesty [ i know i didn't spell it right ] on to road w/ truckers its an unwritten code but in todays world its me first and the hell w/ everyone else gypsy cabs and yellow cabs are the worst in the city theyll come around you to an access lane and bottle neck the right lane , make a right or left turn from the oppsite lane because the turning lane is long so screw everbody waiting because their entitled i try and catch my self driving aggestivly and people not paying attention if i flash my lites to make a left GO im laying back GO somtimes i need patience too peolpe are lost or looking for an address or a parking space curtesy common curtesy

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