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Hatchet or machette..


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Getting my pack filled for some serious winter hiking again.

I'll be adding one of the above, but not sure which one yet.

Curious what some of you that head out into the backwoods this time of year prefer?

I'm leaning more towards a compact hatchet at this point, but I see some advantages to having the big azz blade instead. I'm trying to keep my choice as light, durable, and functional as possible without carrying both. Up to this point, I've relied mostly on my bow saw for small cuts... but that's getting to be more of a PITA than it's worth, and sometimes I find myself needing more of a "tool" for other tasks.

Make up my mind...

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Two different tools that work great. For survival, I guess I'd take the Husky.

That's kinda what I'm thinking. The extra weight of a hammer style tool may come in handy for tent stakes, trap stakes, or just busting up ice on gear this time of year. Endless possabilties I suppose.

I usualy have two knives for general cutting, but thought a nice long swinging blade would be nice at times.

Might raise some eyebrows if I hit a main road toting a 18-24" blade on my belt.

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That got my attention.... untill I read this. Sounds like a disclamer for lack of ruggedness,lol. Pretty cool though!

1/8” thick x 10 1/2 inch carbon steel blade toughened to Rockwell C47 giving it power for cutting, keeping its edge and for flexibility in cold weather
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Sure that's got a usefull purpose for someone, just not what I'm looking for. Not a big fan of serrated edges. Soon as it gets dull I'm SOL and back to square one. I doubt it's zombie killing attributes will be put to much use,lol.

The more I look at this stuff, I'll probably go with one of each and pac along whatever one will suit the situation best that day.

Thanks for all the input and giving me a few different options to consider.

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That is a nifty looking piece. Just afraid I'd lose most of the parts switching between chores.

I'm usually pretty organized with my gear before I head afield, but have a tendancy to missplace vital parts and pieces once I get busy. Simple is better for me I reckon.

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Matt i usually use my Gerber Gator matchete, but when you get that rugged and out there I'd say go with the Gerber Gator Axle 2.....


they also make a smaller verisons of it with a knife that goes in the handle instead of a saw blade with it's own handle....


Edited by dbHunterNY
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Matt i usually use my Gerber Gator matchete, but when you get that rugged and out there I'd say go with the Gerber Gator Axle 2.....


they also make a smaller verisons of it with a knife that goes in the handle instead of a saw blade with it's own handle....


I actually have that myself. Its pretty nice. the only complaint I have is the saw is hed in the handle with a tiny earth magnet, everytime I swing the axe the saw goes flying out the handle. It has a nice carrying pouch that straps to your belt. Handle down and the saw fell out and its forever lost now. If they had a better way to hold the saw in the handle it would be perfect.

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I actually have that myself. Its pretty nice. the only complaint I have is the saw is hed in the handle with a tiny earth magnet, everytime I swing the axe the saw goes flying out the handle. It has a nice carrying pouch that straps to your belt. Handle down and the saw fell out and its forever lost now. If they had a better way to hold the saw in the handle it would be perfect.

i don't have one... i always thought it locked in. it's a good idea but i can think of a handful of designs better suited to hold them together. i retract my post go with the regular Gerber axe....lol then just carry a survival knife too.

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Hmmm....Hatchet?...or, Machete? How 'bout neither. Seriously...for hiking or hunting I have never carried either. I sometimes carry my Blackjack 1-5....It will do whatever needs being done, and will do things neither a hatchet or machete can do.

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