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Whats so hard about passing yearling bucks?


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steve, not going down the road with you.  But saying we are all big antler guys well let me tell you that the last buck I harvested was a 4 1/2 year old 6pt that had no brow tines.  I guess that's a big trophy rack deer ::)

As I said before, you guys can shoot whatever you want.  Eventhough I think your ideologies are most definitely centered on antlers I have NO right to tell you that you can't shoot trophy deer only,  mature deer only, or any other kind of deer that would make you happy.  The question, however is are the rest of us getting the same courtesy from you guys?  It's really pretty simple and that's what it all boils down to here.

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Steve863,  How is the person who is waiting for a decent buck in an area that doesnt really hold any decent bucks cause they were shot out for the most part at 1 1/2 going to get one.  How is that fair to them?

Exactly, those same bucks will be there the following year for everyone to have an opportunity to harvest or pass on.

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Steve863,  How is the person who is waiting for a decent buck in an area that doesnt really hold any decent bucks cause they were shot out for the most part at 1 1/2 going to get one.  How is that fair to them?

Because it's not all about killing a big buck and no one is guaranteeing us a deer whether we are meat hunters or trophy hunters.  We are issued a hunting license to hunt.  The rest is up to us.  You are equating "fair" as to being able to kill a decent buck.  That is asking too much in my opinion.  The state issues you a license to kill a buck, they aren't making any guarantees to you on how big that buck will be or even if there will be ANY buck at all.  Someone mentioned entitlement in the way you AR proponents think in the other thread.  I am starting to think they were 100% correct.  You guys think that your hunting license should guarantee that the big bucks will be out there.  I've also got some oceanfront property in Arizona for you if you really think that will ever be the case! 

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You know from what I have written in the past that I dont need a guaranteed buck every year.  Its about knowing you have the opportunity at one or knowing that you have decent bucks in the area that can eventually walk past you.  If hunters know that the biggest buck they will probably shoot is 1 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old walks in front of them they will shoot it.  But if they know they have from 1 1/2 and older in the area the chances are that they will hold out if the younger buck walks in front of them.  Only because they know that the opportunity is there at an older buck.

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It seems to me that if more hunters ,"not all", voluntarily passed yearlings, there would be more older bucks, there for more bigger bucks.  Therefore I would imagine pro AR hunters wouldn't have the need to push so much. Then your rights as a meat hunter wouldn't be infringed upon.  What are your thoughts?  I totally see where your coming from and I don't disagree with you entirely, just trying to think of solutions.

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It seems to me that if more hunters ,"not all", voluntarily passed yearlings, there would be more older bucks, there for more bigger bucks.  Therefore I would imagine pro AR hunters wouldn't have the need to push so much. Then your rights as a meat hunter wouldn't be infringed upon.  What are your thoughts?  I totally see where your coming from and I don't disagree with you entirely, just trying to think of solutions.

Hey look at that you DO get it! The key word is voluntary with us.

Same goes for you.  DOEWACKER!  If you dont like it step off

Really, I'm not the one asking the same repeatative questions..Mr. Internet tough guy all of a sudden eh?

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What you see is what you'll get.  On the internet or face to face. I say it as it is whether people like it or not.

What kind of remark were you looking for?  A smiley face?

No the point is don't type something you wouldn't say if we were face to face. Now, go study your math like a good girl.

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It's true that the DEC can't change anything with just AR. Whether you like it or not , imposing your own AR is the best thing for the buck population in your area as is the harvesting of does. What hunters want to do and what should be done are two different things. The reason the buck to doe ratio in NY is so out of whack is because there are hunters that make excuses for why they can't instead of doing what they should. Between bowhunting, muzzleloading, and the regulars season... a hunter can take a doe or a buck with bow, doe or buck with muzzleloader, and a buck with regular season tag (even if you don't draw a doe tag). So, that being said... what is the reason for killing a small buck? The only reason is because you want to... which is ok by me. But in the same breath you can't say "I never see any big bucks" when you take your spike horn at 7am on opening morning. That doesn't leave you much chance of seeing a big buck that year.

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My reply to the the question what about guys that don't get but a couple days to hunt each year? is: How can you be doing any practicing with your bow or firearm if you can't even get the time to hunt? And, just because there are hunters that can't hunt as much as others doesn't mean we need to stop thinking about what is best for the deer and hunting in general. If you aren't a kid any more you should be ashamed of yourself for not giving back a little to the sport by doing your homework about what produces the healthiest deer heard in a given habitat.


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I can't take it....I gotta chime in as much as I tried to resist. The AR guys talking about no big buck around...BS...and I don't care what region you are in. They are there! Everwhere! What they want is a guarantee. Them mouthing off that the opponents to AR are killers and they are the HUNTERS...again BS. If they were all that good they would be finding and getting those bucks no matter where they were. They just want to walk out and have a south Texas rach style hunt without haveing to pay for it. And to include the income from NR licenses as even a consideration in any management style maks me want to puke. If you want to talk finances of NY let's talk about all these welfare gimmicks....bet a few of these boys wouldn't want that included as a finance concern. Seems to me a lot of these proponents with all this time to spend in the woods waiting on the BIG one might want to try working for a living. A lot hunters have limited time and base their satisfaction of a season on mre than the size of some bone. Entitlement...go figure....mature...immature...big horns or none....it ISN"T what this is all about...or at least shouldn't be.

"Benifiting the herd"....If I have to hear that one more time....what they are saying when those words slime off their keyboard is "benefiting them". You can tell they are all about them...it is obvious. the comment to reduce gun season or eliminate it just proves it. No consideration to folks that can't bowhunt or don't have the time to practice and feel irresponsible walking into the field like that. He is a solution that I beleive would satisfy everyone involved....it would give them the Iowa , South Texas ranch stye hunting they want and so desire....and it give the resto of us the opportunity to make our own free choices......MOVE THERE!!! all parties will be happy then

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It's all about choice, your choice or mine.  Pretty simple.

I let plenty of little guys walk, when I want. 

The TV shows have plenty of guys brainwashed into thinking that you let these little guys go and pretty soon  you have all these wallhagers just out feeding in the food plot or cut corn fields.  The places they film those shows are off limits to us regular Joe's.  You wanna play, you gotta pay.

Hang on while I put on my Scent Lok suit,  ball cap and load up the T/C Encore........... ???

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Hard to beleive we can be on the same side of the coin...lol

Same here, but I still get my share in. I just think about others that aren't so luck and work their butts off....how about the older crowd that is retired but still are limited because of age or money.

Let's face it., especially in shotgun areas but probably in most cases Gun killed deer...the majority are probably taken inside 75 yards. the whole find time to shoot BS from you, NY Antler, doesn't hold water. How much practice is required to make sure your gun is still on and functioning correctly to make a responsible clean kill at those ranges. We are not talking about 300 yard shots at elk here. the bow is a different story and I have had years that I was out of town working and not able to practice...knwo what...didn't bow hunt that year. I pulled out my muzzleloader and rifle and hit the north woods until south opened.  Steve hit it on the head and it is all about choice and the QDM BS won't hold water with the majority of NY hunters. Preaching the benefits to the HERD.....I don't see it. Buck to doe ratio in the areas I hunt...not an issue. I am not saying some areas may not benefit from some of these techniques but to paint the entire state with that brush in pushing and agenda

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