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Did you hear about the new Italian assault weapon restrictions?


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LOL!!! I was " assaulted" with one of those every day of my life, when I was a kid!!! My grandmother actually broke one across my back side once and then got even madder at me because she broke her good sauce spoon.


Its about time they passed a "Common sense" law.

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When I started dating my girlfriend 29 years ago (who has been my wife for 21 years now) my MIL had a few of those spoons strategically hanging on her walls to keep my younger BIL in check. But what kept me in check was my FIL's double barrel 12ga over the woodstove. LOL!

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LOL!!! I was " assaulted" with one of those every day of my life, when I was a kid!!! My grandmother actually broke one across my back side once and then got even madder at me because she broke her good sauce spoon.


Its about time they passed a "Common sense" law.

Same here when the spoon broke it was my fault!!!!!!!!and I got even more   LOL

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Another popular "back up"  was one of those wooden paddles, from the rubber ball on an elastic string game. Back then the paddles were made of wood and were pretty heavy. They didn't hurt as much as the spoon but they still hurt.

I think the only reason my mother, grandmothers and aunts ever bought them for us is because they knew that the string would break, within a day or so, and they would have a nice little "back up". 

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My Great Grandmother would whack me with a Whammo Paddle.  The paddle that had the rubber ball attached by the long rubber band. The ball and rubber band were gone, but the paddle was always kept out on the counter for when my brothers and I got out of hand.


My Grandmother just used the traditional wooden spoon.

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There was a 6" "smile" in my grandmothers molding by the front door that I asked about one time. My mother told me that it was from a frying pan my grandmother threw at my uncle when he came home too tipsy and very late. While much of that house was re-painted over the years, she would never allow that touched up...good reminder for all those who entered. Respect the rules and all is ok.

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