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Hunting behind fence

Four Season Whitetail's

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Four Seasons, what do you raise the deer for?

I'm not for a fenced hunt, but to each his own.  I never knew this whole selling of deer even existed (ignorance on my part), after reading a few of those posts on the other forum, its obvious that its a pretty big business.

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The point is that their is a growing number of people with adequate resources for supporting more and more of these kinds of hunting businesses.


You must be hanging out with a better crowd than I am....That amount of disposable income is pretty hard to come by the last few years for most

Yeah, for all the talk about the recession, and the hard times (which I'm not denying), there's still a whole bunch of money around. Anytime you want to check that out just take a stroll through any casino and watch the mobs of people filling those machines. Take special note of the guys that sit there all day cranking in $1 or even $5 or more per spin. That's just one example, but there sure is no shortage of disposable cash these days (emphasis on disposable ..... lol). Another thing that I have noted is the general quality of the cars (plural) that people drive today compared to the junkers that populated the road years ago. I still remember the days when a significant percentage of cars that you would see on the road had the flapping fenders and the duct tape holding a headlight in .... lol. Another eye-opener is the huge palatial estates that are owned by upper middle class people. They use to rent to 3 or four families any houses that size. Also head down to the Canandaigua pier (or any city pier) and note the fancy power boats that seem to just sit there all year more as a status symbol tha something that actually gets used. There's signs of significant wealth all around us, and a lot of those people who on a whim, feel like having the hunting experience, have no problem blowing the bucks to do it. It's true there are a lot of us who will never be able to afford it, but there is no shortage of those that can.


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I first got deer to start collecting my own scent for me and some of my buddies.I am no different than anybody else on this site as i have hunted over 30 years,went on many hunts and have been lucky to have 700 acres of my own land and have done qdm and taken some great bucks!!!I know some people are greatly against high fence hunting and to be honest i am 50/50 on it myself.I think there is a place for it if they are big enough in size and not just tame deer and those so called canned hunts.I know i have been in huge enclosers and bow hunted a single picked out deer and he was huge and believe it or not he was mostly nocturnel like most big bucks in the wild.We had all kinds of night pics and not many daytime.I will tell you that i think a person should have a right to do as they will when it comes to raiseing animals on their own property as long as it is decent conditions and done with taste.The whitetail deer is a great animal and truly loved by many and none more than me.When it comes to harvesting an animal behind a fence a deer is really no different than a farm animal if used for personal harvest.I know there are places that make big money on their deer alive as well as harvested and i guess it to each their own.I know i dont have the big cash to harvest those deer but i will tell you that having the pleasure of being in front of huge 200 class deer standing on your land in your presence and care for them and watch them grow is just a pleasure to see.I dont see them going anywhere soon!!!!

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I hate to start this out with "I nkow a guy who knows a guy" But I do......Texas ranch bought his HUGE non-typical buck for breeding purposes. The guy was getting out of the business...$30,000...sedated it and shipped. The stress was too much and the deer died in transport. the seller was responsible for the transport so he was out the 30K

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I'm sure that extraction of such substances from various species is done everyday somewhere for considerably less than the $30,000 they offered for that buck.  I don't think there would be a shortage of extractors for that kind of money.  They'd do whatever it takes.  :)

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Have not sold any so far and as of now just scent and semen.I am not sure on breeding any this year so i dont get more than i can handle.I am sure someday i will have to decide what to do with them but as for now i dont see them going anywhere!!!!

What precautions against CWD do you take? Is there any agencies that do inspections or regulate conditions on your deer farm?


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So how does the sperm get in the straw?  ???

I remember Buddy Hackett doing standup comedy and explaining how they artificially inseminated a cow .He daid , they take frozen bull sperm and place it in the palm of their hand . Body heat thaws out the frozen sperm . Then the person pours the thawed out sperm into a long glass tube . Next , the tube is carefully inserted into the back of the cow .

Then the individual blows into the glass tube ........ hopefully before the cow does . alt=laughhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/5243_rofl_1.gif[/img]

I don't think I would like that job !    alt=oh Nohttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/help.gif[/img]

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OK i dont know if anyone asked or not but as far as getting it they do it just like they do a bull...Electro-ejackulation..One draw can get anywhere from 10 to 80 straws..They pack the straws with semen and a fluid called extender and pack it at 50.000 sperm count per straw.I have seen straws go upwards of 20grand for a 315 inch yearling!!! Doc ny state does a herd check every year and we have to be tb tested every 3 years and as far as cwd you have to do 10% of your herd each year and any deer that dies behind any fence of natural causes or harvest has to be tested.NY State is the strictest state of all states the have deer behind any fence.There are only 115 deer farms in ny and over 1200 in pa...

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