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Dont remember hearing about this one


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I bet there are a lot of them. Quit a few guys are nto into the whole "book" status thing. 3 years ago I saw a guy dragging one out and it was an enormous 17 point no typical. 3 main beams and I thought WOW...gonna see that one in the papers....he cuts himself and mounts nothing. A box full of antler guy from what I am told. Never heard a peep about it. I was kicking myself for not having my phone with me that day. would of loved to get a pic of that one

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I remember going to Palmers Taxidermy in Endicott  one time to get a rack in the 120's put on a plaque . I remember looking around going holy cow these deer are huge. I asked him where they were shot and he said he wasn't allowed to tell. I think with all the trespassing going on a lot of people are keeping quite about where they kill big ones. I know I don't tell anyone who has a chance to hunt some of the deer I hunt what I see.

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Dan is a serious bowhunter...it's all he does. He runs a custom gunsmithing shop in Lancaster (I think) and only has time to chase whitetails...not much other hunting.

He's taken quite a few big bucks...he actually had to wrestle with this one along with a hunting friend. Quite an interesting story. He credited some of the success to a scent trail he laid down...it gave him just enough time to shoot.

His gunsmithing abilities apparently are world-renowned...I think he's a big player in the handgun shooting circuit...

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Thats a huge buck, but really?  You just took the NYS record buck and DIDN'T TUCK THE TONGUE IN? ??? ?!!

Im sorry, but that is the kind of stuff that is ruining hunting. Polish up your pics, make sure the tongue isnt out or theres no blood near the wound. Please, its hunting, not a dog or pony show. There are more important things to worry about that can give hunters a bad name. Like pandering to the antis.  ;)

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I feel the numerous public discussions about "I wounded one - who else" are far worse then any pic with a tongue out or a little blood. Those things happen (with all weapons), but are far better suited for face to face/campfire discussions. There is nothing positive posting it publically will bring.

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I feel the numerous public discussions about "I wounded one - who else" are far worse then any pic with a tongue out or a little blood. Those things happen (with all weapons), but are far better suited for face to face/campfire discussions. There is nothing positive posting it publically will bring.

That's an interesting thought.  I myself sort of think that someone who doesn't like hunting would find pretty much everything offensive on a site like this.  I think the wounding threads just prove what I have always suspected, and that is that a LOT of deer get wounded during the hunting season, and bowhunting is little better if not worse than gun hunting.  Yeah, that surely isn't anything to boast about or be proud of, but it's a sad fact that shouldn't be swept under the carpet by us hunters at least. 

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I'm getting ready to maybe sell my Chevy Avalanche.

When I do, I will highlight thinks like the great ride, comfort and safety.

I won't be putting things like mileage and repair costs in the ad - will discuss them with any interested buyer privately - not deal killers, but not as positive as the comfort

Not hiding anything - just doing it all in the proper context.

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