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Some people don't get it .....


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I stopped off at DICKs in Webster this afternoon to check out a couple things . While I was there I stopped in front of a display that I initially thought was food plot seed . It was Deer attractant and a guy was telling me how good it worked . I told him it is illegal to use in NYS and he said he didn't hunt over it . It was just to attract the deer for pictures , and get them to come to his property . I told him I wouldn't use the stuff as I would probably have someone tapping me on the shoulder and lose my license .

He said if someone tried that he would shoot them . I said "no you wouldn't" . He said "yes I would ". I said what you are doing is breaking the law and he walked away pissed .

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It is deer hunting...  Some see baiting as a way to hunt and usually get many deer to come in to them.  It is illegal for reasons they can't understand.  CDW, Mites, Fleas, Ticks and other forms of bacteria and disease can be transferred.  This is a major flaw in using bait, you can cause the transfer of many things that can adversely affect your herd and the ones around it...


That is the reason I do not get upset when an officer of any type asks me to unload or put down my gun...  They have no clue on the persons disposition until they confront them...  Scary job at times I am sure. 


What these people do not realize is they (Officers of the Law)are the one's who protect all the game we have to hunt!  With out their support the woods would be vacant of deer in some areas as poaching would be rampant!


Some people have no ethics or regard for the laws, unreal...

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The thing that people don't get is that baiting is not the only thing that is illegal. Any form of feeding deer is also illegal. So even if there is no intent to hunt over it, any form of distributing material for ingestion by deer is illegal regardless of motives. It may only be for picture taking purposes, but it still is breaking the law (everywhere but Sullivan County).

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I wouldn't care to bait deer even if it were legal It might still be "hunting", but it still carries a cheating mentality. Where's the challenge in that? Nothing is learned from doing it.

I dislike those who jacklight deer even more!


Haha, glad you got under that guy's skin Eddie! 

He would shoot them? Yeah he (might) get his safety clicked off before the ECO sends five 9mm rounds out the guys back tag!

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While there is no excuse to not read the DEC Hunting Magazine which clearly states that feeding/baiting of deer is illegal, I can somewhat understand those that still do not know. We are surrounded by advertisements, magazines, television shows that explain the benefit, and local stores that still sell it! I just posted in another thread how I was recently ordered seed from WI and they included two bags of minerals without my knowledge. Why would they include that knowing that I live in nys? Why does my local agway in cobleskill have 3 shelves dedicated to the sale of an illegal product? I am we'll aware that someone can by it here and then drive to New Jersey or Pennsylvania to use it, but why can't they just by it in their local store? It simply boils down to money. Those products take in huge profits and the dec then makes more money when they ticket the poor smuck that was using it! Sorry for the rant...

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Personally that is what hunting is about for me, the challenge.  Baiting, spotlighting, shooting from a vehicle are all pathetic ways of getting a deer IMHO...  I agree 100% Predate they learn nothing yet most of these type of people don't want to learn they just like to cheat...


Pav2704 I understand and wish NYS would ban the sale of this stuff.  Wonder how NYS would feel if I tried to open up a fireworks store, kind of the same concept...

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as ridiculous as it is,  buying and selling those minerals/attractants isn't illegal, only the using of them, the same way that stores used to sell bags of corn, not illegal to buy just illegal to use...................I don't think  your comparison with fireworks is useful since isn't illegal just to posess fireworks illegal?


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If I recall correctly.., years ago we used to be able to bait but had to remove it 30 days prior to season.

I don't remember much of an uproar about it back then. In fact, if you didn't have an apple trough, corn pile, or salt block out your back window, you were probably in the minority. Gotta admit, I kinda miss that for watching deer.

Edited by wooly
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The guy was telling me that he had also put out minerals and Deer Cocaine . I tried to tell him that any type of feeding the deer is illegal and he didn't want to accept that . He probably wasn't happy that he stopped to talk . I am just glad that he wasn't "carrying" !

He came across with the tough guy bit and I tried not to laugh out loud .

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It is amazing how much, of the stuff is out there. The store that I usually shop at has piles of it. Mineral blocks, powdered stuff that you just dump on the ground, corn laced with minerals, other dried feeds, deer cocaine, molasses mixtures all kinds of thick liquids that you pour on stumps, dried apples.....the list goes on. Matter of fact you can smell a sweet, molasses/corn oder from 5 or 6 aisles away and every time I go in there, some guy is carting some of it off. Even this time of year.

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With the exception of private deer farms within the state, the only demand of these products "should" be to supply people who are traveling to a different state or flying into a remote place. We all know that it doesn't stop people from using it in NY. It seems like king andy would put a stop to it if he knew some hunters are hunting elsewhere, since he cares about the people so much(LOL)

 Whoever said that it's all about cash flow is spot on!!!! It does seem like a setup, especially for new hunters with "deer goggles" on.


             "If you find yourself in a "buck jam" just try some "deer cocaine". It's all the "acorn rage"! 

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With the exception of private deer farms within the state, the only demand of these products "should" be to supply people who are traveling to a different state or flying into a remote place. We all know that it doesn't stop people from using it in NY. It seems like king andy would put a stop to it if he knew some hunters are hunting elsewhere, since he cares about the people so much(LOL)

 Whoever said that it's all about cash flow is spot on!!!! It does seem like a setup, especially for new hunters with "deer goggles" on.


             "If you find yourself in a "buck jam" just try some "deer cocaine". It's all the "acorn rage"! 



You can bet that id little King Andy could find a way to score money or political points off of it he would be all over it.

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as ridiculous as it is,  buying and selling those minerals/attractants isn't illegal, only the using of them, the same way that stores used to sell bags of corn, not illegal to buy just illegal to use...................I don't think  your comparison with fireworks is useful since isn't illegal just to posess fireworks illegal?

Imagine if the illegal drug trade went by those rules ..... legal to buy and sell but illegal to use. Those drug laws would become a nightmare to enforce wouldn't they? Well, I can imagine that same kind of thing makes the enforcement of the feeding/baiting laws just about impossible as well (especially on private and posted lands).

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I wouldn't care to bait deer even if it were legal It might still be "hunting", but it still carries a cheating mentality. Where's the challenge in that? Nothing is learned from doing it.

Are there really people that are such poor hunters that they have to rely on something like baiting? I have read magazine articles that tell about deer being conditioned to the extent that when the timed feeders go off, the deer come running as a response to the sound. It's like Pavlov's experiments with dogs ..... lol. Is it really necessary to train the wildness out of the deer to make them easier to hunt?  When I look at all the different crazy things that we engage in, simply to remove challenge, I have to wonder what "hunting" has turned into and why.

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It's people like that who give not just hunting a bad name but gun owners. I'm sure he's talking trash but "I'll shoot 'em?". Come on, really? Anyone coming take his license is a law enforcement officer. So he'll shoot a cop that's coming to stop him from breaking the law.

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A lot of these people when they start losing an argument begin to fly off into a little fantasy world where they all become Jean Claude VanDam leading a righteous crusade against tyranny and all of the world's evil forces ..... lol. What can you do? .... Just simply laugh at them. But you are right. Other people hearing those kinds of jackass comments do start wondering just what kinds of guns really should be available to wackos like that. And since he is going off over a hunting issue, we are all implicated by default.

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lets step down off our high horse for a minute


if someone puts out something for pictures I DON"T care why do you, maybe we should all start to mind our own business


lets see, 2 men can get married, women can kill there babies, and you want to tar and feather a guy for taking pics with a little help


let me guess no one ever breaks the speed limit,  don't lie you know you have

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Ever since they passed that "granny law" that protects our senior citizens, they go out and play "Mall Cop" instead of shuffle boarding,lol :pogranichnik:

I say leave the paying customers alone and let them buy what they want..., or they take away points from your Dick's bonus card!

If the guy was as crazy as is being implied, he might have popped Eddie in the nose and dressed him up in something purty from the ladies beach wear department!

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Plain and simple baiting is not hunting, even if you stop before the season they will still frequent the area looking for a free meal...  And as I stated before it can be extremely detrimental to your herd.  But yea compare it to speeding if you want... 


Speeding = Ticket/fine/court/possible drivers license suspension

Baiting= Ticket/fine/court/Revoked hunting rights


Not the same to me...  One is a court day and small fine with a slap on the wrist.  The other = wall of shame and no more hunting, not exactly the same risk IMO! 


Baiting is known to draw large amounts of deer from large area's if done properly.  This equates to larger numbers of herds coming in contact with each other and possibly spreading disease.  CDW I believe was a large contributing factor to this law.  If something bad happens to one of those deer and they come in contact with the food source it can spread easily from saliva is what I understand to be the main transfer agent.  I am sure it is nice to get photo's of your local population but consider the ramifications is all I am saying...  The law is not just to make money, these reason are legit.  That being said people do what they want, I am sure my explanation will not change anyone here... 

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You usually don't lose your hunting privileges on a first offense. You have to go to court and pay a fine. You also can't hunt that spot for 2 weeks.

**wasn't me but I know two people that got nailed for corn a few years back.

Edited by jesse.james
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lets step down off our high horse for a minute


if someone puts out something for pictures I DON"T care why do you, maybe we should all start to mind our own business


lets see, 2 men can get married, women can kill there babies, and you want to tar and feather a guy for taking pics with a little help


let me guess no one ever breaks the speed limit,  don't lie you know you have

It has nothing to do with "high horses" or minding someone else's business. None of us passed the law and as far as I know, none of us are responsible for enforcing the law. However we all should be aware of the law, and I would expect that we are all interested in respecting the game laws of our state. Maybe we don't understand the reasons for the laws and maybe we have some kind of problem with that law, but the right way to solve that situation is to work on getting it changed within the system.


What I have noted from many similar threads is that there is an awful lot of ignorance about this baiting/feeding law. Sometimes a comment like Eddie's might just save someone from an arrest. Instead of getting all exercised that someone saw fit to educate this guy, it should be viewed as an attempt to keep the guy out of trouble. If he takes offense to that, well, that's really his problem. But at least now if he's going to break the law, he definitely knows that he's doing it. Then it is between him and the encon officers and he gets whatever he deserves.

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Plain and simple baiting is not hunting, even if you stop before the season they will still frequent the area looking for a free meal...  And as I stated before it can be extremely detrimental to your herd.  But yea compare it to speeding if you want... 


Speeding = Ticket/fine/court/possible drivers license suspension

Baiting= Ticket/fine/court/Revoked hunting rights


Not the same to me...  One is a court day and small fine with a slap on the wrist.  The other = wall of shame and no more hunting, not exactly the same risk IMO! 


this is my problem, and thanks for proving me right,


everyone has an attitude of, it's ok for me to break the LAWS I don't like, but if you do you're a horrible person


and lets hide behind there're not the same thing, well a LAW is a LAW

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It happens, the person using it has to live with their guilt if they harvest game over it. To few econ officers to enforce the law. The game in the state belongs to the state, I always here my deer or your deer. I can't keep them on my property they wander all over. I blame the media and hunting shows for antler fever, I don't watch them anymore. All the good educational stuff was done in late 80's early 90's. Now the shows are b & c score ( they always use gross in the ads as well) the hheight the score the bigger the antler fever and protecting my deer craze seems to get. antler restrictions ? I like to eat my deer and although a big buck is nice , its also nice not to get one every year as it make the ones you do get that much more special.

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