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It's been three years now, and he is still around.


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So, i have posted these pictures on here before. I have been following this buck for three years now and thought he was gone because i had no pictures or sightings of him last year. Well...I was wrong. I took a drive up to my spot earlier this morning and there he was in broad day light feeding on crab apples. As soon as i saw him i backed out and did not want to risk getting closer for a picture. He seems to have hit his peak as he looks about the same as two years ago for this time of year. I cant wait to get in the woods.


I've never seen him while in a tree.




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The park really does have some enormous deer the park has everything to grow them safety zones the farms around it for food and plenty of places for them to hide. I hope you get that deer this year.

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So big it looks fake. What is he eating to get that big?

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At first glance it looked a little fake to me to. Both them pictures match up pretty well. They both have lots of black running up their face and the right spike is higher on the left. They would both have to be fake !! 


Huge rack by any means.

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I think more big bucks die of old age and are never found in nys. they live a few years and know where to disappear too permantly. not like out west where pressure is minimal and they walk around in daylight. amazing what trail cams show, we wouldn't believe what is out there otherwise.

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I sure understand the excitement of such a deer, but man, you really shouldn't be posting this info about him being online. Just the ballpark details can make your life miserable. People do stupid things to kill deer, especially big ones. I'd be so quiet on that deer until I killed him or knew he was dead.


Some people simply don't care about big bucks, but others do, and I've seen the ugly come out whether right or wrong in that particular situation.


You have a bunch of info on him and I'd be putting some serious effort into tagging only him. Usually targeting one buck is a mistake, but this guy is starting to reach epic proportions for the given area and warrants a chase.


A similar point as Gman noted. An acquaintance had knowledge of a giant buck on his ground that pushed 200" here in Rochester. He had four years of info on him and didn't speak of him for another three years after he disappeared. Nobody publicly claimed the buck. He got a high-end photo of the buck and this thing was magical...just magical. He had the buck the first year in his sights but had already filled his gun tag and had to let it walk. He vowed never again, but ultimately failed to tag him. He got a few sheds of him, but never found the dead buck...either old age or someone got him quietly legal or otherwise.

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