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better dump your ammo stockpile

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yeah, that's what they said about the safe act, how did that work for us


sorry way past ruffled feathers


No, thats not what was said. The Safe act was pushed through in less than 2 days, during an active legislative session. We are not in an active session right now, and this was first proposed months ago. What are you going to do? Go revolutionary over a bill that hasnt passed anything? Come on, use your head. Write your reps, its the only thing you can do at this point.

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It says that the law will only be used for pistols and assault rifle caliber weapons. And that the coding will be etched in the base of the round so reloaders will be able to reload. <- was not trying to sound supportive of this legislation at all. You know no ammo manufacturers will actually do this so that means it will be even more difficult to find ammo


remember, just about every rifle caliber, is also a pistol caliber, encore....contender


and AR's come in several calibers to, 204,223, 243, 308,

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No, thats not what was said. The Safe act was pushed through in less than 2 days, during an active legislative session. We are not in an active session right now, and this was first proposed months ago. What are you going to do? Go revolutionary over a bill that hasnt passed anything? Come on, use your head. Write your reps, its the only thing you can do at this point.


not revolutionary yet, but pissed, yes


it would have to pass the senate, assembly and governors desk first, use your head if  they did it with the safe act, why not this


I've just about had it, I will stick it out until the next election, if things don't change, if we cant band together and change who's in office, then everyone in this state deserves what they get... and I will be bailing on this welfare state

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not revolutionary yet, but pissed, yes


it would have to pass the senate, assembly and governors desk first, use your head if  they did it with the safe act, why not this


I've just about had it, I will stick it out until the next election, if things don't change, if we cant band together and change who's in office, then everyone in this state deserves what they get... and I will be bailing on this welfare state


Again, they did it with the safe act during a legislative session, under the guise of an emergency action. That is not happening with this one. I can understand your worry, but its not the same situation.

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Guys if you care about your gun rights get onto the NYFirearms.com site and keep abreast of the laws and legal proceedings that are in the works right now to help us get our rights back. It a very informative site and has attorneys who are on the front lines in the war against the guy whos pissing on your 2nd amendment rights, King Cuomo. Look for posts made by NYshooter, he's a lawyer who is keeping the gun owners of NY well informed on whats happening. There is hope and the cases filed against the state look very good.

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I think our legislators should all be "drug tested" !


And alky. tested.They should remember You can make some of the people happy some of the time BUT NOT ALL Of THE People Happy All Of The TIme.


Edited by OMG
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Actually, it doesn't take a passed and signed bill to warrant getting bent out of shape. Just the fact that there are jerks out there proposing this stuff is enough to send one off the deep end. They know that if you throw enough crap up against the wall, some of it is bound to stick. This sort of thing is just another legalized harassment of gun owners in that we are now going to have to send out the letters and email, and our advocacy groups are going to have to dip into their treasuries once more to send out all the warnings and calls to action. These creeps know that and that is why the constant barrage of these nonsensical proposals. At some point we are going to have to understand that we have to foster political fear in the minds of these politicians and make them understand that their votes have consequences. 


What bothers me is the growing attitudes that you often see here of people who simply say, "I will not comply" and then act like the problem is solved. No .... the problem is not solved. Every one of these legal assaults on the 2nd Amendment turns millions of legitimate gun owners into criminals that are eligible for felony convictions and jailing. Just saying you will not comply does absolutely nothing. The proper reaction whether we like it or not has to be a letter writing campaign that puts the fear of God into these legislators. Until people understand that, we will continue to lose our legal rights to self-protection and the legal use of firearms or become part of the criminal element in this country. They say that "freedom is not free". They are right. It requires diligence, intelligence and quick reactions and efforts.

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You peeled the right banana there Doc, the idea that people are even proposing these things is mind boggling. Brings me back to the very night the safe act was passed and numerous NY lawmakers stood up and stated that the safe act was only the beginning and that they wouldn't rest until there were no guns whatsoever in the state of NY....

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Here is something to chew on as well for those that say this won't effect them becasue they don't hace pistols or assault weapons. think about shotguns. this was written specifically written for pistols and assault weapon ammunition. there are shotguns classified as assault weapons. so how do they place the unique identifier on the base of that round? A semi aout turkey gun with a pistol grip or thumb hole is an assault weapon by the new classification. so even the shotgun ammo will be impacted by this.


If you read the full text there is a sentence that the ammunition retailer will have to keep records for all sales, loans and transfers in the state. wrap your arms around that one.

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Here is something to chew on as well for those that say this won't effect them becasue they don't hace pistols or assault weapons. think about shotguns. this was written specifically written for pistols and assault weapon ammunition. there are shotguns classified as assault weapons. so how do they place the unique identifier on the base of that round? A semi aout turkey gun with a pistol grip or thumb hole is an assault weapon by the new classification. so even the shotgun ammo will be impacted by this.


If you read the full text there is a sentence that the ammunition retailer will have to keep records for all sales, loans and transfers in the state. wrap your arms around that one.



Actually a semi auto shotgun with a pistol grip is not an "assault weapon" but a semi auto shotgun with a thumbhole stock is. Thats how much thought these self serving little rats, and their little king, put into this law.

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Actually a semi auto shotgun with a pistol grip is not an "assault weapon" but a semi auto shotgun with a thumbhole stock is. Thats how much thought these self serving little rats, and their little king, put into this law.

My mistake. Thanks for clearing that up. The point I was making still stands though.

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I called some of my assemblyman in the Syracuse area today. All 3 people in there office told me same thing. This was introduced in senate in march. The assembly in june . No action has been taken on it. Was proposed by an assyblyman from the Bronx. The last girl I talked to said she doubts it will go anywhere but is going to have someone from there legislative office call me back this afternoon. Guess I will just keep calling and sending out those emails and letters

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My mistake. Thanks for clearing that up. The point I was making still stands though.


Yes it does...... It is obvious what these little scum bags are trying to do. How often do we hear them speak out against inner city/gang gun violence? 99.99999% of which, by the way, is committed with illegally possessed guns. True scum bags.

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Guys if you care about your gun rights get onto the NYFirearms.com site and keep abreast of the laws and legal proceedings that are in the works right now to help us get our rights back. It a very informative site and has attorneys who are on the front lines in the war against the guy whos pissing on your 2nd amendment rights, King Cuomo. Look for posts made by NYshooter, he's a lawyer who is keeping the gun owners of NY well informed on whats happening. There is hope and the cases filed against the state look very good.


Agree 100% - read it quite often. 

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