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i finally got my


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pistol permit after 17 months of waiting . i opened up my mail box today and received the letter hunting/target im a very happy man. now its time to go and buy my first pistol its going to be one for deer hunting ive been doing a lot of research and struggled between getting a tc or a 44 now im pretty sure this Monday ill be going to buy a 44 ruger super redhawk

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If you are going to carry Just that pistol thats fine,Remember they are big and bulky,carrying that and a rifle was just too much for me.Sold it and bought a Contender a little lighter ( yes it is a single shot ) but I can shoot anything from a .22 and up with a BBL, change. What are the odds of downing a deer after the first shot with a pistole anyway.

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17 months is a long wait. What county are you in??

    Erie co. Myself & my son in law just got ours after a 16 mo. wait & his buddy is still waiting for his just as long!  I was just in the permit Dept. to reg. my first pistol & saw the judge that signs the permits & he has to be 85yrs.+ old, he proabaly forgets what he is there for!  lol.

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Nice Red!


I saw your flags advertisement at Lancaster Speedway last night.  You ever go? I haven't been there for a race in years but I stop up there each year and get a few pieces of their foam for target shooting with the bow they are pretty good there with giving the stuff away and it works great ive gotten pieces that were 4x6 and 2 feet thick


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thank you guys  yea erie county really drags their feet threw the entire process im just glad I finally got it I went today and paid for my ruger red hawk now im going to have to register it in the morning and pick it up by mid day. im pumped and cant wait to shoot it this weekend now I have to decide which red dot im going to put on it

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