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Whisker biscuit or arrow rest


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Oh, poor innocent Larry. Here's a dollar, go buy yourself a clue. The only "bud" you have is the one covering your ass time and time again. Come at me.


Hey man, I'd be happy to take your dollar. 


As far as the racism stuff, you know I'm cool.  Why else would I have a dog like this?





Nighty Night, Buck-a-roo.


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The champ is here! First post on this topic. What's best for an xbow wb or drop away? Lastly, everyone settle down. You didn't miss the Ambit Energy boom yet. Only 3% of NYers have it! Larry, are youuuuuuuuu ready to join the cult? http://ThomasLevy.energy526.com


I'm sharpening my pencil Biz for the big negotiations.................................hang in there while I think on it.




With all the money you'll be raking in with the Ambit scam, er a, I'm mean gig, you'll be able to afford ANY rest you want!!!!



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So how many times does this site allow racial slurs before action is taken? How many more personal insults and name calling before you do what a mod should do and stop the nonsense?

So you and I don't agree on a few topics, that gives no reason for this type of bs to propagate over and over again. And when someone retaliates, they get the ban hammer, I'll be waiting.



Been out for a while. Did I miss some "racial slurs"? 

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anyone who thinks that the contact between vanes and biscuit has a significant effect on arrow flight at bowhunting distances is very misinformed. shot this 40 yard group tonight with a WB. enough said!



Jim Despart - a long time pro around Albany - posted pics a while back of a 300 NFA round he shot with one.

60x 300.

Said it was a difference of less then 3 fps over any other rest on his set up.

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Wow, this thread ha gone way off topic!! Like I already stated, a WB is just as accurate as a drop away as long as they are both tuned properly. The only drawback of a WB is the noise upon drawing during cold weather that may happen.Just because it hasn't happened to you don't mean that it doesn't happen.

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Nice groups, too bad that top arrow's flight doesn't look like a well tuned bow. But how many WB shooters really bother to really spend the time to tune it properly?


Probably the same % as any other rest.


I admire your skills to tell how his arrow flight is from a pic of a few arrows shot at 40 yds in a target.

Most pros would depend on something more tangible.

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Probably the same % as any other rest.

I admire your skills to tell how his arrow flight is from a pic of a few arrows shot at 40 yds in a target.

Most pros would depend on something more tangible.

Not claiming to be a pro, just pointing out that top arrow looks off, and I've seen that from arrows shot from a bow with a knock high, or knock low bow.

As far as percentages, I'd disagree. The consensus even in this thread is that "if it ain't broke" vs the "get the most" out of your bow is very obvious. An out of tune WB is forgiving, but on a drop away or prong style rest, its much more pronounced.

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So how many times does this site allow racial slurs before action is taken? How many more personal insults and name calling before you do what a mod should do and stop the nonsense?

So you and I don't agree on a few topics, that gives no reason for this type of bs to propagate over and over again. And when someone retaliates, they get the ban hammer, I'll be waiting.

Says the guy who followed me around the forum calling me apewhacker and attempted to start with me every thread I posted in after I left for a while. You even went so far as to post several times, links to the sandyhook thread, making personal attacks on me.

Then there are the threads of late that are either locked or nearly locked all due to you.

Now this thread you display once again your vast knowledge of archery(ha) bashing not only a rest (which in itself is dumb, it's an inanimate object for Christ sake) but also all users of that rest too.

Go back to westchester fishing forum with your crap, grow up.

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So how many times does this site allow racial slurs before action is taken? How many more personal insults and name calling before you do what a mod should do and stop the nonsense?

So you and I don't agree on a few topics, that gives no reason for this type of bs to propagate over and over again. And when someone retaliates, they get the ban hammer, I'll be waiting.

I asked all involved to simmer down. I didnt direct anything at you. Nobody has gotten any ban hammer. If you continue to keep the nonsense going after youve been asked to settle down, then what you get is on you. Our opinions on things have nothing to do with it.

Honestly, the only racial or bigoted slurs in this thread have come from you. Stop being such a pariah.

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do they offer a rubber coated boot or something for the metal travel area? My drop away has replaceable rubber on the travel area and like a mole skin cover on the containment bar.  Very quiet.


i checked last night. with my carbon arrows you can barely here much noise with the arrow nocked. i would agree they're noisier, but nothing i would be worried about.



Your perception is amazing.............grins




Unreal that for sooooo many years guys used their index finger as a rest!  How did they do it?


Probably had a few finger freeze ups and arrows falling off but they kept at it with fine results.


listen. it's been well documented you can kill a deer with a homemade recurve. The advances in technology are 2 part. They decrease the variables that could negatively affect your shot and they provide more confidence for most hunters. if we took the average bowhunter and did a study on accuracy using a wb vs finger rest i'm sure the proof would be in the pudding. People should use what they like and other hunters shouldn't try to get them to change. There's a great article about this in the "best new gear for 2013" issue of D&DH last month.


anyone who thinks that the contact between vanes and biscuit has a significant effect on arrow flight at bowhunting distances is very misinformed. shot this 40 yard group tonight with a WB. enough said!




I used to shoot beamen ICS with the longer vanes. I was never concerned about the wb affecting my flight, but a few years in i did notice the fletchings begin to warp. Is it cheap and easy to replace them? sure. But when i upgraded arrows, i figured i'd do the drop as well and couldn't be happier.

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geez, just read the last 2 pages. I certainly can get on people's nerves. This I know, but it's mostly due to differing opinions on hunting. Shawn just seems to be a genuine troll pissing people off for things not even related to hunting. wtf dude?

Sure thing Belo, because I initiated the whole thing and Larry had nothing to do with it. Jump right on to the band wagon.

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I asked all involved to simmer down. I didnt direct anything at you. Nobody has gotten any ban hammer. If you continue to keep the nonsense going after youve been asked to settle down, then what you get is on you. Our opinions on things have nothing to do with it.

Honestly, the only racial or bigoted slurs in this thread have come from you. Stop being such a pariah.

Wow, pariah. Haha. Figured you'd go running defending your bosom buddies. Good job detailing the thread loser Larry. Say that twice fast.... Sounds good doesn't it?

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if we took the average bowhunter and did a study on accuracy using a wb vs finger rest i'm sure the proof would be in the pudding.

I'm glad you said "Average bowhunter". I have seen Stacey Groscup do things with arrows shot off his index finger knuckle that I have never seen duplicated by anyone using today's high tech arrow rests. Fred Bear was no slouch with his "knuckle" rest either (wing shooting pheasants). And then there was the legendary Howard Hill. I started off with the old knuckle arrow rest and a clunky 50# Ben Pearson all-fiberglass recurve. That lasted until I got tired of picking pieces of feather fletching out from under my skin. Boy did that hurt! So about the only thing that I can say for all these wonderful new rests is that at least you don't wind up with fletching laced under your skin.

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Sure thing Belo, because I initiated the whole thing and Larry had nothing to do with it. Jump right on to the band wagon.


shawn-hu...If you recall, I never said a word on this thread until I got sick and tired of you poking away at WNYBH, egging him on for a scuffle and he didn't bite.  Now your trying to draw Belo into it.  


Go back, refresh your browser and read all the posts you made prior to me jumping in.


Get back to me then.

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shawn-hu...If you recall, I never said a word on this thread until I got sick and tired of you poking away at WNYBH, egging him on for a scuffle and he didn't bite. Now your trying to draw Belo into it.

Go back, refresh your browser and read all the posts you made prior to me jumping in.

Get back to me then.

I wasn't aware WNYBH needed mommy to come and protect him. Always thought he could hold his own, but maybe that's how it's done by your neck of the woods. Clearly displayed here, almost like pack of yotes.

If WNYBH had any issues with me, I'm sure he would have sent me a PM like he always advocate or would have used his administrative powers to shut me up. Wasn't your place to open your trap. But since you chose to do so distastefully, I'll bite. Lets be honest, you have a grudge, and so does ape face. You'll take every opportunity to throw an insult. Have at it. You fellas are nothing more than a bunch of misguided children.

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shawn-hu...If you recall, I never said a word on this thread until I got sick and tired of you poking away at WNYBH, egging him on for a scuffle and he didn't bite. Now your trying to draw Belo into it.

Go back, refresh your browser and read all the posts you made prior to me jumping in.

Get back to me then.

That's all he ever does , go back to any perfectly good thread that he jumps in on and it turns to this crap ... Complains about racial slurrs, people attacking him , and nothing being done about it, when really he's the one antagonizing everyone , getting old !!!

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I wasn't aware WNYBH needed mommy to come and protect him. Always thought he could hold his own, but maybe that's how it's done by your neck of the woods. Clearly displayed here, almost like pack of yotes.

If WNYBH had any issues with me, I'm sure he would have sent me a PM like he always advocate or would have used his administrative powers to shut me up. Wasn't your place to open your trap. But since you chose to do so distastefully, I'll bite. Lets be honest, you have a grudge, and so does ape face. You'll take every opportunity to throw an insult. Have at it. You fellas are nothing more than a bunch of misguided children.





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Sure thing Belo, because I initiated the whole thing and Larry had nothing to do with it. Jump right on to the band wagon.


Think maybe people "jump on the band wagon" because you're 100% wrong?  You're the one who started the name calling and talking down to people....Like you always do... Grow up

Edited by ants
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I'm glad you said "Average bowhunter". I have seen Stacey Groscup do things with arrows shot off his index finger knuckle that I have never seen duplicated by anyone using today's high tech arrow rests. Fred Bear was no slouch with his "knuckle" rest either (wing shooting pheasants). And then there was the legendary Howard Hill. I started off with the old knuckle arrow rest and a clunky 50# Ben Pearson all-fiberglass recurve. That lasted until I got tired of picking pieces of feather fletching out from under my skin. Boy did that hurt! So about the only thing that I can say for all these wonderful new rests is that at least you don't wind up with fletching laced under your skin.


i very purposely included the word average :)


shawn-hu...If you recall, I never said a word on this thread until I got sick and tired of you poking away at WNYBH, egging him on for a scuffle and he didn't bite.  Now your trying to draw Belo into it.  


Go back, refresh your browser and read all the posts you made prior to me jumping in.


Get back to me then.


kid doesn't phase me. My opinion was made and set in stone based off his "destroying of deer" thread. anything else he has to say about anything else holds no water with me. And I'm sure he doesn't care what I think of him. So it's a mutual understanding :rabbi:

Edited by Belo
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