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i have a wildgame card reader sorta like the moultrie one just cheaper and it works great,  i always have it with me the only cameras i have problems with are wildgame lol for some reason it has a hard time reading the cards from the same manufacturer that made it, 

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Next time one of us is going to hold a telephoto lense up in front of the cam to correct the issue. Hehe

I better stop before this thread really does get graphic! Lol

Good luck grow, I bet they deleted them after getting caught on cam trespassing. I would do the down load program thing that a couple of guys have mentioned.

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Thanks ...guys...hoping now it will still be there...dang the deer were snorting up the woods last night at dusk....not something they normally do unless ppl are around...should have just grab it at the time but just couldn't wrap my brain around dealing with it...sign idea happened when I was driving yesterday...time to think..lol...I'll hobble down this afternoon...been trying to stay out of the woods as much as possible....working near where the neighbor is still cutting up fire wood...that area is being disturbed any ways

Paula the words associated with those 2 letters aren't something I normally throw out...and kids aren't dumb so a warning to it being graphic...to be honest I'm normally a slow burn get even type of person...not that that's a good thing...but for me more satisfying than a quick out burst and thinking about being angry..I replace anger with ...plans...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So update...I moved cam ...put up sign...I ran a recovery...it pulled every other pic...saw daughters and a few deer... others blank...I tried the disc in another cam...took pics but wouldn't read on computer...so I reformatted and put it back in original camera...got these today...in the mean time ...the computer crashed and had a reading of severe error....ect ect yes we do run anti programs so???? What ever was done totally screwed up the discs formatt...now it's working again???

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I can't fully understand what you are saying. Is the computer having a problem or the disc having a problem.


If it is the SD card, it's not a surprise. I think that was part of your problem all along, not some random person peeping your pics. You likely have bad disc space that went corrupt. It happens alot, even with Sandisk.


Cards can error out too. They're cheap components.

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Computer didn't have a problem until I started messing with the disc...but remember originally it showed on the cameras display as no pics...when I knew it had displayed 20...then I tried the recovery...got what I stated...then took the card to another camera...display showed it took 16  new pics...and they viewed on the camera....but when putting in the computer they read as not being formatted and non readable...so I brought the  original camera in and tried reading it from that ...said that program couldn't be found...then reformatted while in the camera...it's all working...I still think that the card could have been pulled and read on another devise and pics deleted and formatting was messed up

I will give a possibly could be wrong I don't know for sure...but the sign will remain..If I'm wrong..no one but me will see it...if not someone will get the point...done deal now just glad I got that cam up and running again...

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I'll bet it was Doewhacker and Steve 863....



There you go again Pygmy, always blaming me and Doe.  


Actually almost missed your post here, so I figured I'd save you a trip over to Grow's camera and post the picture from the disk here for her and everyones viewing pleasure.  From left to right, pictured are a clean shaven Grizz 1219, Elmer Fudd, WNY, Culver and of course you are the short one.  Missing from the picture were Doc, who was busy writing letters to his representatives, and VJP who has gone back into his underground bunker planning the next revolution.  


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Grow I had a Moultrie that would mess up the sd card all the time.  I would check pictures on it and never delete them, put the card back in and bam it would read zero pictures on it yet if you pulled it out and stuck it back in the camera the pictures were there.  Later on it would just delete the darn pictures and I would get sd error messages and all sorts of crap.  Its wasnt the card either cause I use it in another cam with no problems.  I dont think anyone actually deleted them but rather your camera is glitching out on you.  It drove me nuts till one day I got so mad I smashed it against a tree and the problem was solved.

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