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Live From the Stand / Woods 2013!


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I had a great sit! 6 point under stand as I walked in, let him kinda mosey around and went up the hill (he was smaller) After he left I sprayed some ms doe pee on a wick. Got comfy and waited. Lots of little noises until 515 and then a doe walked in the trail under my stand, something was behind her so watched for a bit. At 5 yards a fawn walks in behind her. The graze for 5-10 then cross the creek and leave. Another deer comes down the hill and that as well has a fawn in tow. They stop and eat as well, but the doe stretches out and smells my wick and then goes down the trail the original doe came in. The fawn crossed the creek. Here's where it gets interesting, I hear some rustling and hope it's the big 8 but nothing shows. I get down at dusk, untie my bow and turn. There's a coyote 10 yards away and it barks at me. These f-ers are bold and surely know how to startle you. I ease away from my stand with broadhead in hand and go across the creek. I bumped something on the way out but didn't really feel comfortable hanging out with the yote in the dark. Gonna let it sit a couple days.

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Walkin in late this morning to get a camera, on an old logging road, doe comes running by within 10 yards, panting, spike buck behind her chasing, also panting, sees me, doesn't even break stride, passes me at 10 yards without a care, hot on her tail. I laughed out loud at how they both seemed not the least bit concerned as to my presence. As far as the camera, couple sweet looking bucks and a bear were the highlights. My g/f picked this spot out, she's very proud of herself.

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Well planned it perfect and screwed up!...starting back in summer...had a set I hadn't used and need to mow before doing so...I did all trails again yesterday and it sprinkled last night....now if the deer did what I've been watching the s/e winds were perfect for the stand or blind in the area...off I go so quiet you couldn't even hear my estrus drag...passed blind and decided to hit the stand....Well the first deer was a mature doe that got out of her bed and walk a couple of yards past the stand upwind from me ...then at 7:30 I see a doe coming through the slashings on my right side why of course down wind...headed for the blind...she cut an angle through the trees and came out into the opening 40 yrds out...on alert and trying to decide to feed toward me or go to the bedding area...when I hear heavy steps and there is a huge body and BIG wht rack...I can't see tines but it looks like the 9pt and he's broad side 16yrds from the blind



Here's where I screwed up...when it got light I see a branch I'd purposely decided not to cut this summer....it had a bigger, dead branch, fall on it...dropping it down across my line of sight...I didn't move figuring I still had lots of open if they came to the drag...and all open when sitting...Well when the doe showed to be real alert...I stood to make me smaller....She decide to go bed...


Now the buck steps into the opening at 35 yrds...and I realize it is the BIGGEST 6pt I have EVER seen....... the rack did look like the nines but it had 2 small brows and each wide high main beam had a single 10-12 in tine that ran parallel to the main beam...his body was huge..... solid neck from chin to bottom of brisket and his belly hung as low as his brisket...he was hungry and in 2 steps was across the opening  feeding..... I drew but had to not only bend but squat to clear the limb....I drew down and took a breath...slowly releasing it and squeezing the trigger...I was elated as I watch the lighted nock go right for the crease above his heart and for a millisecond relieved when the broadhead cleared the branch...WHACK!!!...but alas the fletching/noc didn't ...I now see a whobbling green light shooting 10 ft to the lft of my aim and the buck appears...mind you all happening in a couple of seconds...the arrow just passes his lower neck and strike ground as he runs over it and stops....long /short...he didn't spook he actually started circling to come back so I noc'd another when I catch another buck.....  he had stood in the slashings..can't see tines...the 6pt slowly came around about the time the doe decided to scoot up the hill and he trotted behind...the other buck was a 4 pt that walked right to the stand and looked up at me 4 times ...then fed and followed the 6 and doe...I had drawn before he got to opening but let down....GREAT MORNING  any how...going down now to cut that ...@#$@###% branch....lol

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A little late but my first post in the forum. Monday morning head to a spot in Big Indian. I have consistently seen scape activity over the last few seasons but yet to see a deer,buck or doe. So I get up in climber 45 minutes before legal shooting time. Decide to make a all day sit. No activity all day however at 4:30 I finally see a buck cruising on a ridge line above me. he passes to my left and Ilose sight of him. Few minutes pass and I again see him moving nice and slow throught the woods.He stops and works a branch for a minute probably about 70 yards away through some cover He begins to move away. I threw a grunt or two at him hoping to turn him but no luck. Stayed in thank until last possible minute. But he did not return.

Following day I did another all day sit closer to where he was cruising. But not a sighting doe or buck. It's rough terrain can't move anywhere without making a ton of noise. Which is why I do the all day sits. Once I am up I am quiet all day.

Big Indian is a rough place for the amount of time I spend in the woods I don't see much. I really need to find a new place to hunt. It's difficult to get my young boys into this thing of our when we sit and barely see a animal other than chipmunks.

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Well planned it perfect and screwed up!...starting back in summer...had a set I hadn't used and need to mow before doing so...I did all trails again yesterday and it sprinkled last night....now if the deer did what I've been watching the s/e winds were perfect for the stand or blind in the area...off I go so quiet you couldn't even hear my estrus drag...passed blind and decided to hit the stand....Well the first deer was a mature doe that got out of her bed and walk a couple of yards past the stand upwind from me ...then at 7:30 I see a doe coming through the slashings on my right side why of course down wind...headed for the blind...she cut an angle through the trees and came out into the opening 40 yrds out...on alert and trying to decide to feed toward me or go to the bedding area...when I hear heavy steps and there is a huge body and BIG wht rack...I can't see tines but it looks like the 9pt and he's broad side 16yrds from the blind



Here's where I screwed up...when it got light I see a branch I'd purposely decided not to cut this summer....it had a bigger, dead branch, fall on it...dropping it down across my line of sight...I didn't move figuring I still had lots of open if they came to the drag...and all open when sitting...Well when the doe showed to be real alert...I stood to make me smaller....She decide to go bed...


Now the buck steps into the opening at 35 yrds...and I realize it is the BIGGEST 6pt I have EVER seen....... the rack did look like the nines but it had 2 small brows and each wide high main beam had a single 10-12 in tine that ran parallel to the main beam...his body was huge..... solid neck from chin to bottom of brisket and his belly hung as low as his brisket...he was hungry and in 2 steps was across the opening  feeding..... I drew but had to not only bend but squat to clear the limb....I drew down and took a breath...slowly releasing it and squeezing the trigger...I was elated as I watch the lighted nock go right for the crease above his heart and for a millisecond relieved when the broadhead cleared the branch...WHACK!!!...but alas the fletching/noc didn't ...I now see a whobbling green light shooting 10 ft to the lft of my aim and the buck appears...mind you all happening in a couple of seconds...the arrow just passes his lower neck and strike ground as he runs over it and stops....long /short...he didn't spook he actually started circling to come back so I noc'd another when I catch another buck.....  he had stood in the slashings..can't see tines...the 6pt slowly came around about the time the doe decided to scoot up the hill and he trotted behind...the other buck was a 4 pt that walked right to the stand and looked up at me 4 times ...then fed and followed the 6 and doe...I had drawn before he got to opening but let down....GREAT MORNING  any how...going down now to cut that ...@#$@###% branch....lol

. Holy essay
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grow, i'm surprised with how much you mow and tend your trails. I don't know your area at all, but I've been a believer with leave it alone post september. dont want to disturb scrapes and the area at all if you can. I really dont even like doing much work at all after April if I can. It may not affect the doe, but the big guys will avoid these open areas most of the time anyhow. Good luck though, i have no doubt it does work for you.


good luck to those hunting in the rain today.

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Belo.. the pics speak for them self...and that huge 6 and 4pt cared less that I'd just mowed the area the day before...no hunting today...bed rest...I went down a non cleared trail to avoid deer last night...my foot caught a beech root and I was slammed to the ground so hard it took my breath away...seriously damaged both knees and messed up my shoulder and lower back....That is why I mow my trails.....right now I can barely walk

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Belo.. the pics speak for them self...and that huge 6 and 4pt cared less that I'd just mowed the area the day before...no hunting today...bed rest...I went down a non cleared trail to avoid deer last night...my foot caught a beech root and I was slammed to the ground so hard it took my breath away...seriously damaged both knees and messed up my shoulder and lower back....That is why I mow my trails.....right now I can barely walk


Do not like preaching but.

I do not understand why you did not go and get your problems fixed before hunting season( there would be many seasons afterwood) I just hope you do not get to a point you have to go out in a wheelchair to hunt. A Big Rack Is Not Worth It.

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