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Don't burn out before it gets good!


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I know some of you have stated that I wait all year and I'm gonna be out there from day one. I for one, said I was gonna wait until it gets cooler before I go out. I went against my claim and did not see a thing Saturday, just sweated my ass and damn near fell asleep a few times in the stand. There is something about shivering that keeps you awake.


The point I'm making is this especially to the newer hunters. There are many hours to be logged in the stand and it is a long season. Put the hours in the stand when the opportunity to see bucks moving and that is the last 3 weeks of the season. If it were cool, say high in low 50's and nights in the high 30's then that's different, but when it's warm and you are not seeing anything you can get burned out before it gets really good.

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I agree...I'm alternating between mornings and nights hitting a different area/stand each time...and avoiding the storms...that way I can get a minute idea of whats happening in the different zones and getting work done..for when the weather changes...besides...getting the first sits back, butt, and head aches(stiff neck) out of the way...lol

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I haven't seen target bucks yet, but haven't had the needed wind/time/conditions to make any serious plays when I can hunt - except for one afternoon hunt. What stands have been hunted thus far have been "outside in" stands with the least amount of ground burn and quick, easy access.


Thus far, in two morning sits and three afternoon sits, I've encountered 3 bucks and more than 20 doe/fawn/bb. The morning hunts total about 3 hours of hunting time (not including walk-in/seat time before dark) and about 9 hours on the afternoon sit.


Average-wise, thats ballpark 5 deer per sit, at a rate of 2 deer per hour of hunting time.


Not excactly burnout material or too slow of action to not make it worthwhile. Yeserday was the closest I've been in a while to thinking it was too hot in the stand - not for deer action, but the fact I was sweating like crazy.


Burnout will come in November if I don't have the tag filled. If I don't, I didn't hunt hard enough and lay everything on the table and that will bother me more than the physical drain.

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since the season started i have not been so gun ho with this warm weather... i did a full day hunt opening day and a morning hunt day after. havnt been out since. im hoping for some cooler weather!


my mentality right now is not to get burnt out so soon when seeing deer is very slow. having said that, you have to be in the woods to kill one! 

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Unfortunatly I live down in the City so I only get the chance to hunt on the weekends. The travel and lack of sleep last year defenitley took a tool but I love being out in the woods so it is a give an take. This weekend was way to hot for my likeing but due to weddings and family obligations I had to get out there since I am going to be missing 3 weekends of the remaining bow season so i need to take advantage of every weekend I can get up. Hopefully I can hunt the gun season hard and make up for the lost bow season that I am seeing in my future.

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I always look like hell when I settle in and start hunting hard. The working hard, not enough sleep, and just plain being physically tired are all parts of how I have fun during deer season.


My advice for people is to keep it fun. If that means hunting as much as possible, by all means, do it. But, if it means maybe sleeping in on a Saturday and missing a morning sit just to get rested or spend time with the family, then do it. Hunting is not a competition unless you make it one.


I have had a horrible chest cold and didn't get out until yesterday morning. Yes, it sucked to miss the afternoon sits after work last week, but I lived through it. The world didn't stop, and I didn't wither up and die like I was bitching about either. Lo and behold, the deer were still there yesterday, and I finally got a dose of bow hunting.

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i agree if your thinking your gonna get on that mature buck outa the gate with the weather cond., not to say that it doesn't happen, cause even a star burns out every now n then, but i just look at it as a chance to get some meat in the freezer and maybe the off chance to catch that buck commin through.. shot two doe's already, got the monkey off my back , n now i can wait till the weather cools off and the wind is right, enjoy time on stand without havin an itchy trigger, n waiting for that buck to slip up... to each his own.... but hey , liike everyone else said, we wait all year for this, why not make the most of it, of course frustration sets in when not seein nothin , but if you don't keep it relative , than ya i can see how they get burned out early... 

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I dont wait all year for deer season to sit my ass on the couch thinking about it some more while its open. Im gonna be hunting SOMEWHERE every single chance I get for the entire season. I already have 1 in the freezer and will put money down that there are more to follow this year.


I agree that you dont want to burn yourself out with all day sits right now (IMO not effective or worth it yet), but come on guys, the excuses for not being out there this year are really making me laugh at this point. "Its too hot", "Ill burn myself out", "Its not good hunting yet" lol sheesh. Hunt smart, play the wind and choose the right stands, youll see deer.

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Have to agree with the above. Its not too hot, ive seen tons of deer movement as have my hunting buddies. All day sits...probably right about it not being the right time. Deer have to move. If they didnt move in the heat...then how did they survive summer? Excuses excuses. But to each his own:)

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Can you burn yourself out on something you truly love to do and have such a passion for? Tha is only here for a few months out of the year ? That you wait for all year long? I'd spend every second of everyday on stand of it were possible ! Not toention the fact that with the season beginning on the first of the month now , the first week is your best shot at catching one of those bucks on the feeding pattern you've figured out "weather permitting Ofcourse" after that week patterns change and it will be hard to spot one of those bucks again until the rut begins .and everyone knows that they can be chasing a doe 5 miles from your stand at that time ! Good luck everyone! Shoot straight and be safe !

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i went out Wednesday just to be in the woods and could have cared less to shoot a buck. had a spike and 2 doe in range as a bonus though. Had to get the itch out. Will go out once this weekend though as it's still looking too warm. I'm a believer in a nice fresh stand. Need some in late October that are fresh.

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I am more worried about stand burnout. I have been out every other day or so weather permitting and haven't sat  in the same stand twice. I did see a big, big bodied deer with a fat neck leave a thicket on Saturday night, I didn't go back until this morning. I saw four fresh scrapes in a 20 yard radius in that thicket. I am going to burn myself out holding back on hunting him too hard. I get all fired up seeing fresh sign and have to calm down and remember to alternate stands.

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Wasn't able to get out last weekend with a wedding, but I'll be out with my son on the weekends from now on.  He saw quite a few up in Orange County on Saturday, and a couple of nice bucks with them.  Just like anything else, you put the time in,  you begin to know your opponent.  How they react in rain, drizzle, snow, heat, wind and all conditions can sometimes reap some benefits.  And when your out there now, you get to watch them with just a little more cover with all the leaves still green or just changing, and I get to move around a little more than when they're in the rut season. I don't complain if I don't see anything cause I'm sure I was just getting back into the swing of things, turning leaves into ears, sticks into antlers, and cursing every squirrel who got me excited for that single "snnnnaapp, tsh, tsh, tsh" he left behind.  Good luck to all.

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I'd back in that spot tonight b and q. never pass up hot, fresh sign. He probably beat you to his bed this a.m. but you can still get a shot at him this afternoon.


 I really don't think he is in the area, just from the lay of the land i don't think he'd be comfortable getting to that spot in broad daylight. I don't know if I jumped him this morning or what. Decisions, decisions.

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 I really don't think he is in the area, just from the lay of the land i don't think he'd be comfortable getting to that spot in broad daylight. I don't know if I jumped him this morning or what. Decisions, decisions.



Didn't you post that you saw him or a big bodied deer in that thicket in the p.m.?

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