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Mountain lions in Colombia county?


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Been taking off since the DEC stocked them with the insurance companies

That is why you see verified pics, dead bodies, prints, hair and scat everywhere.

They even dragging kids from schoolyards and hunting in packs.

Wiped out the fragile Bigfoot population as well.

Edited by SteveB
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I had a ( weekender ) neighbor that would walk down the road with a shot gun whenever he came up from the city. So one day as I was working outside he stops to BS , I as why are you carring that shot gun, He said just incase the mountian lion attacks me, I said really, he said yea., I asked is that gun loaded, He said you bet your *** it is ,I said you better not let a State Trooper or county cop catch you with a loaded shotgun on the road.He gus laughed and left gun still loaded.

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Ya know..I would think some wouldn't act such the fools over this subject ,considering......


You said basically the same types of things before it was found ...one did roam through NY on the way to being hit in Connecticut...so some of those.... Oh so fictitious sightings....well.... weren't...Just saying....

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The question should be would you shoot

one if you seen one and would you tell anybody.

you would think if there wer some mountain.

lions you would see them when you wer coyote huntin

not saying there isn't a possibility of there bein one

but there isn't more than a couple otherwise

there would be more proof

Edited by hung4wheeler
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I had a ( weekender ) neighbor that would walk down the road with a shot gun whenever he came up from the city. So one day as I was working outside he stops to BS , I as why are you carring that shot gun, He said just incase the mountian lion attacks me, I said really, he said yea., I asked is that gun loaded, He said you bet your *** it is ,I said you better not let a State Trooper or county cop catch you with a loaded shotgun on the road.He gus laughed and left gun still loaded.

No law against carrying a loaded gun on the road.

It is illegal to hunt from the road or to shoot from or across the road, but to my knowledge there is no law prohibiting BEING in or on the road with a loaded firearm.

The dude is perfectly within his rights to walk down the road with a loaded gun to protect himself from pumacougars, catamounts, hobgoblins, werewolves, zombies, or deranged Mongolian Jughumpers as long as he is not HUNTING or firing the gun FROM or ACROSS the road.

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No law against carrying a loaded gun on the road.

It is illegal to hunt from the road or to shoot from or across the road, but to my knowledge there is no law prohibiting BEING in or on the road with a loaded firearm.

The dude is perfectly within his rights to walk down the road with a loaded gun to protect himself from pumacougars, catamounts, hobgoblins, werewolves, zombies, or deranged Mongolian Jughumpers as long as he is not HUNTING or firing the gun FROM or ACROSS the road.


Take THAT to the bank, boys!!!

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The question should be would you shoot

one if you seen one and would you tell anybody.

you would think if there wer some mountain.

lions you would see them when you wer coyote huntin

not saying there isn't a possibility of there bein one

but there isn't more than a couple otherwise

there would be more proof


I'd shoot it in a New York minute and tell anyone who wanted to hear about it.

Let the DEC prosecute me , fine me , take my hunting privileges and throw me in the county for 6 months. Then they can explain to me how a species is endangered when that same species is officially extirpated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few weeks back my neighbor (Dutchess County) told me that he and others saw a mountain lion in my yard.  I'm not sure I believe him, but he's not the type of guy to tell tales.  He also said that the DEC let out some cougars in a part of Columbia to thin out the deer population, but I understand that is a myth.

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No law against carrying a loaded gun on the road.

It is illegal to hunt from the road or to shoot from or across the road, but to my knowledge there is no law prohibiting BEING in or on the road with a loaded firearm.

The dude is perfectly within his rights to walk down the road with a loaded gun to protect himself from pumacougars, catamounts, hobgoblins, werewolves, zombies, or deranged Mongolian Jughumpers as long as he is not HUNTING or firing the gun FROM or ACROSS the road.

Ok. The AH is up this weekend shooting on his property 22's + center fire, what ever and the shotgun, starts  at 9:00 Am goes on until 9:00 Pm. Let's say he see's what he things is a Mountiian Lion while carrieing his loaded shot gun on the road and shoot's at it while on the road. And he is shooting into somebody's property not his.?.

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I saw a mountain loin in Jefferson county last night while in the stand. I took 3 cell phone pics then the darn thing charged after me, climbed the tree and stole my phone! I tried to shoot as he ran away but my gun jammed.

Hopefully Verizon can track the phone so we can find the phone and lion!

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Haha funny stuff this same B S happens every year the net email and texts blow up with pics and storys but no evidence to back them up. There is no doubt that a mt lion may have traveled through ny but there is no proof of a breading population. I got to talk to a biologist who studied the mt lion that was killed by a car in milford ct a few years ago. They were able to track that animal through ny finding hair containing its dna in lake george accross the st laurence river through canada and trace its origin to the black hills of south dakota. In that case it was a young make in surch of his own teritory and his own mates.

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