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3,000 deer on LI in federal sharpshooters' sights this winter

the blur

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I do not know if you ever hunted on L.I. But You Can Shoot as many Does that you want before you shoot a Buck.

On the DEC controlled lands.

looks to me like he said it should be MANDATORY to shoot two does before being able to take a buck, that's a little different than just being allowed to take as many doe as you want.

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looks to me like he said it should be MANDATORY to shoot two does before being able to take a buck, that's a little different than just being allowed to take as many doe as you want.


Yes mandatory, thanks. Too many does get passed early season, hunters want to help do your part.

Edited by First-light
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Yes mandatory, thanks. Too many does get passed early season, hunters want to help do your part.


I do not see that happening because they will have less hunters if the do.Are they going to take the deer after they are shot and donate them.Who is going to pay for the processing of the 2 does and a possible buck.There are many people that like to hunt and live on L.I. that are just about able to pay there bills month to month that are living with there relatives to have a roof over there heads or live in small rented rooms.And do not have chest freezers to store the meat from 3 or 3 deer. Or even have room for a freezer.

It is very easy for people that live hundred's of miles from somewhere to make comments on how to do something in an area that they have never seen or been in.

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East Hampton already has a program where you take a doe head to the Dump, the dump gives you a slip  saying you turned in a doe head. You goto Town Hall they give you another tag. You shoot a buck your done. So do the math Oct3 31 days  Nov 30 days  Dec 3o Days all Does.   Dec 31You shoot your buck. That is alot of Venison

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You obviously do care, or you would not say I am not helping...  Those 2 doe I would have harvested would have really made the difference that's for sure!  And I understand you care about nothing but you.  Just don't believe all the media you read.  And don't be so gullible to think this will never happen where you hunt.


Caumsett park is not open to hunting for the public.  But is controlled by bow hunters.  You will not find this info on the internet. 

Guys NFA is on to a conspiracy, it's all lies by the media!

Lol. That's your best nonsense yet, congrats!

Again NFA, I don't care about you, how you hunt, what you do or don't kill. If you don't choose to shoot doe, do not complain about a cull as you are not helping them control the population at all.

Maybe they should open a year round season for you down there.



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So even the elected officials know their is no issue with population, it is a issue with access and now they are starting to allow us access to these places?  And now they say the population is ok?  Go figure how all of a sudden when the cull is not allowed the population is NOW OK?  What happened to those 3000 deer that had to be culled?  Did some one over estimate the population or are they just coming to the realization the bow hunters can do the job now that snipers can not?  Again do not believe everything these new media like to spit out.  And no this is not a conspiracy lmao.   Nice conclusion! 


So now all of a sudden bow hunters have been controlling the population and we have enough of them?  Funny how this cull was only brought up when the season was almost over.  Bet you think that was a coincidence too...  Like I said what until one of your politicians figures he should control your population and lets see how you like 3000 doe taken out of it!!!  Again I am shocked so many here support such a bad idea.  But I guess some only think about themselves... , if it does not affect me so what right?  Wrong it does affect you by allowing such stupidity to take place...


Bow hunters are the best way to keep suburban population under control and as a hunter you should know this fact.

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Clerks office should know shouldn't they?




Town Clerk


Monday - Thursday (8:30 am4:30 pm)
Friday (8:30 am -7:30 pm) except on Holiday weekends (Marriage Licenses issued by appointment 
to Residents Only on Friday evenings)

- See more at: http://www.huntingtonny.gov/content/13753/13757/17478/17526/#sthash.Hln9ZT6j.dpuf


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East Hampton already has a program where you take a doe head to the Dump, the dump gives you a slip saying you turned in a doe head. You goto Town Hall they give you another tag. You shoot a buck your done. So do the math Oct3 31 days Nov 30 days Dec 3o Days all Does. Dec 31You shoot your buck. That is alot of Venison

That's not how it works anymore. Unless you have a bow tag, or a DMP tag, no buck hunter hunting LI is going to sacrifice their regular season buck tag to take a doe. With this year's new bonus tag changes, it really discourages trophy hunters from taking does.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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You obviously do care, or you would not say I am not helping... Those 2 doe I would have harvested would have really made the difference that's for sure! And I understand you care about nothing but you. Just don't believe all the media you read. And don't be so gullible to think this will never happen where you hunt.

That post sums up why you don't get it, if you kill two doe that helps. If you kill none it does not help, it's so simple.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't know if many have been following this, but it looks like a lot of the towns pulled out.....now it's down to 1000 deer to be taken. I hope they realize that this could make them money instead of costing money, there would be no shortage of hunters who would pay to have a lottery in place just to give them a chance to hunt some of these areas.

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They are starting the Cull in Caumsett again...  Arg.  


OK Doewhacker those 2 deer I did not shoot are causing the population explosion, ok.  You have no clue where I hunt or the population issues.  The area I hunt does not have a population issue but keep believing the media. 


The area's that need population control have access issues due to private land.  I hunt public land, deer are not excessive or even coming close to habitat damage.  But yea OK I am the reason LI is overrun lmao.  Forget your meds today? 

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OK Doewhacker those 2 deer I did not shoot are causing the population explosion, ok.  You have no clue where I hunt or the population issues.  The area I hunt does not have a population issue but keep believing the media. 


Doe's point is that if you, and a whole bunch of other hunters took 1 or 2 does instead of just trophy hunting, you might not need the cull programs in your area.

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They are starting the Cull in Caumsett again...  Arg.  


OK Doewhacker those 2 deer I did not shoot are causing the population explosion, ok.  You have no clue where I hunt or the population issues.  The area I hunt does not have a population issue but keep believing the media. 


The area's that need population control have access issues due to private land.  I hunt public land, deer are not excessive or even coming close to habitat damage.  But yea OK I am the reason LI is overrun lmao.  Forget your meds today? 



Hey way to go you just replied to a post from 1/2.


I'm sure its a media cover up, you are right.

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