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NYSRPA reporting fees for ammo background checks

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not better.  it has been in there form the beginning.  Very few bothered to read it as they did not think it would effect them.  hell a lot of gun owners and others have no clue what the safe act even is.  wait until you have to renew your pistol permit and they scan your health care records deny your renewal and then they come and take all your guns.  Not just handguns, all guns.  I have been attempting to educate people about this for a year and it mostly falls on deaf ears.

Edited by bubba
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Wait until you gotta go through a nics check to bye arrows

Lady at. Dicks said it's gonna happen cause

When they scan the bar code on the box it comes up as ammo

Now that's just messed up ...this is dicks sporting goods in the

Crossgate mall

I wouldn't go by any info from a retail worker, just saying. What else would ammo come up as when scanned, peanut butter?

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when was the last time anybody ever heard of arrows being referred as ammo. Not once .... call a bow shop and just ask do you have ammo they will say no... just saying ...people better wake up.... I ain't gonna sit here and argue . That's what they want is us to fight with ourselves

Edited by coyote killer
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when was the last time anybody ever heard of arrows being referred as ammo. Not once .... call a bow shop and just ask do you have ammo they will say no... just saying ...people better wake up.... I ain't gonna sit here and argue . That's what they want is us to fight with ourselves

Opps my mistake, I thought you were referring to a box of bullets. I had to reread what you were saying.

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To be honest I have not read up enough on this whole law, what stops me from going from my cabin in NY 1 mile over the boarder to PA to get what i need?


If this really is the case, whether its 10 bux or 20, there is going to be a huge backlash from the entire hunting and gun owning community once they see how it hits their wallet. This will finally make everyone "wake up", with that said, I'm not to sure this is a bad thing. 

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when was the last time anybody ever heard of arrows being referred as ammo. Not once .... call a bow shop and just ask do you have ammo they will say no... just saying ...people better wake up.... I ain't gonna sit here and argue . That's what they want is us to fight with ourselves

BB's and pellets aren't even considered ammo.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Jeremy K, on 27 Dec 2013 - 9:35 PM, said:

Not gonna happen , the Safe act will be repealed .



Maybe overturned in court......and thats a maybe.....



But repealed?


Who's gonna sign that into law?


They couldn't even get a repeal before a committee for fives seconds before it would be DOA.

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