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Albany rally 4/1

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WSYR radio covered some of it yesterday, and then TWC news (YNN) covered it mid day, not too sure about any other outlets.  Looked like a good crowd.  There was a thread over on NYFirearms.com in the laws and politics section that had some pictures.  I attended the previous 2 in Albany, and was not able to make this one.

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smalller event for the supporters. ha there were 20 people there.  At the 2a gun rights , I be there were close to if not over 10 thousand.  All the pro safe acters are getting the medias attention.  I was filmed a couple times with ny real message of thesafe act sign but nothing in the media.  Oh well.  We were there in numbers.  

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Seems like there should have been much more coverage. If there were 10k pro safe acters and only 20 anti safe people, I think the coverage would have been greater. Frustrating how corrupt the media are but thats what we're up against. Glad it was a big turn out….

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The Daily News is such an over the top rag, that even honest liberals laugh at it. Its like its written by a bunch of 19 year old occupy Wall Street filth, from their moms basement. LOL!  That "paper" is written and edited by  a bunch of angry, dirty hippie activists. End of story 

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I do have to agree with some of the things said by the President of The NY Rifle and Pistol Association......I don't think those who show up and suggest revolt and violence, wear childish shirts saying "F Cuomo" and the likes, really don't help our cause....they make us look like idiots, there is a more professional way of handling things.

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I was at the rally yesterday. I never heard one person talk of revolt or violence.  In face the whole take away message was "vote cuomo out" and ways to get that done.  I also did not see one shirt that said f cuomo.  I did see some that said cuomo's gotta go.  My groups shirt has a pic of an ar 15 and a musket on it crossed to symbolize what our forefathers fought to keep and what we are fighting to keep now.  It also says Molon Labe.  if that is bad, then I will be bad.  Trump mentioned fracking as a way to get the economy going in this state and making ny the top energy producer in the country.  Astrorino side stepped common core saying that was for another rally.  No mention of abortion of the other things King claimed would be on the topic list.  If you ask me he is doing a fine job of playing to the politicians.  My group had donated over 5 grand to his organization to help the cause. We will not give anymore to him, as he has pointed us out as part of the problem.  He is upset that no one wants to follow to listen?  When is the last time anyone has heard anything form him about what we should be doing other than go to the press to get his name in there.  Then if this fails, he can say see they drove people away.  well guess what at a rally the people there are not going to be driven away.  He is losing credibility every day.

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People who know something is wrong, drawn together for music, education, and the quest for freedom.


A fine rally.


One person did a heck of a lot of work to build an elaborate art piece of a hanging tree with a tyrant hanging from it. It was a decent size sapling with branches and an almost life size body.  It stood quite tall. The hours put into that construction is to be respected.


Many women and children present.  Madison Rising entertained with a young persons rendition of the Star Spangled Banner to start their set.  The band was not too loud.


A terrific turnout of vendors.  Vendor alley was packed from start to finish.  Definately a great place to hang out and gain more Patriot vibe.


Sherriff Howard.  Need more like him.


Trump, Paladino, and Astorino.  The people heard from them. Not sure what is going to happen but usually when a system state party chair coddles a candidate, that candidate is a sytem establishment guy.  Is that what people want?


It was a beautiful sunny day, in a great venue, with superbly behaved rally guests.  Thank you to all those that attended.   See you in a few months ...


And, hopefully you all will be heading up with us to Connecticut this Saturday and support Americans there.


Also, don't forget to attend the Open Carry Victory Rally at Perry Square in Erie, Pa., on April 12th.  We'll be there, bandoliered.


We will have more Safe Act Educational Forums coming up soon.  We just finished a ring tour from Endicott, Mayville, Lackawanna, Gasport, Leiceister, and Palmyra.


Isn't it great to keep attending the forums and rally's; meeting new Patriots every week?  I love it and hope you do to.



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  Its odd that the media always cover the shootings(today Kent St. in Ohio & Ft. Hood Tx.) & bad crap but they can't  to make it to the rallies to fight for our 2nd. amendment right!  Sure would be nice to see what would happen if govt. started screwing with the media's 1st. amend. rights & censor ship.  One of our local stations just said there were a few hundred people at a gun rally in Albany & that was it!

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