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Local cops breaking the rules


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I know this is going to seem like kind of a rant but I live in southern westchester no hunting at all not even bow due to town ordinance. Now I know for a fact that there are a few plots of land, the woods across from stew Lennords and next to ridge hill, the Irvington resivor and the woods of the sprain north of Jackson ave that are hunted local police officers. It just pisses me off that these are are loaded with deer closed to the public but the cops use it as their own personal hunting club. Also I was waking in the woods by orchard beach behind the Nypd shooting range a few weeks ago and the was a stand back there too! I wonder who that belongs to. Just a rant and something that really bothers me.

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Do the police have nuisance permits?

Oh yea, are you allowed to be walking the grounds of the police shooting range?


Absolutely not. I used to qualify there when I worked in the city. Only law enforcement personal are allowed on the Rodmans Neck premises. Everyone is checked at the entrance. He must be talking about some place else.

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I've heard of construction workers taking big bucks in the yonkers area with a bow. Again, no hunting allowed but some people just break the rules/laws. Personally, I'd never do it because I'd be too embarrassed to have my name in the paper for illegally hunting nor would I be proud of an illegally taken buck. Same goes for the guys who bait in Putnam. I've seen Texas style feeders on private property that borders state lands. I feel sorry for these pathetic self proclaimed hunters. I just keep grinding it out legally and someday I'll be super proud of 100"+ buck

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Eshanks, thanks for acting like you have any idea what my political views may or may not be! I have no problem with people hunting there just that fact that is cops pisses me off! Because they are the same dicks who will hunt there but write you a ticket or even worse if you do! That's for your own half a cent worth of a comment though

Edited by chefhunter86
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