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I Just Don't Get It


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So this is my first post on this site and hopefully not a prelude to future posts, but I need to vent to some fellow hunters.


So I went out to a nice piece of land on the Iroquoise Nature Preserve that I have been scouting most of the summer. (I caught some smaller bucks and nice does on camera). I have hunted it with my climber 2 times so far this season and seen some nice doe. No shots, but super excited about the opportunity.


Anyway, I sneak out of work early yesterday to battle the 30 MPH winds and 80 degree weather to sit for the afternoon / evening hunt. I was there on Sunday morning and left my climber (covered in leaves and sticks) knowing I would be back out Tuesday. That being said, as I sneak in and arrive to my site, I find out someone has stolen my climber. Suffice to say, this ruined my day and I had to try to hunt from the ground.


I did not see anything and got destroyed by mosquitos (I don't think I was ever bit that many times in my life at one time).


I just don't get how people feel that they can take someone's property that is not theirs. I work hard and buy all of my own equipment and to have someone steal it just eats at me. I have come across equipment on State Land in the past and had not one thought of ever taking it. I am sure over 50% of the people on this site has had this same thing happen to them in the woods. I never thought I would get something stolen, but after this, I will be much more vigilant.


I am hoping it was some knucklehead scouting for gun season and not another bow hunter. I always felt bow hunters had a code of ethics.


I am off my soapbox now. Good luck to all this year and be safe!

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Welcome and unfortunately, as hunters, we are not immune to the same scum that exist in every other aspect of life. I remember growing up as a kid (am 49 now) and my parents didn't even know where the key was to the lock on the front door to our house. It was never locked unless we went away and then the back door was opened so we could get in. We see too many of these posts on this forum around this time of year.


Sorry for your loss.

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Yes that sucks....i never leave anything on state land due to that. Did have the other family who hunts the tract of private land I hunt ask me if I knew anything about the trail cams he had stolen of course I didn't but told him if I found out anything or saw any one trespassing I'd be sure to get name and address to help try and figure this out. ...public or private they will find them and take them....hopefully the rest of your season is successful good luck

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While you were probably trying to save the hike in/out without the extra 25lbs, that's an expensive lesson. Allot of us know the feeling. There are thieves in all walks of interest, it sucks they are like parasites, perhaps it wasn't another hunter. Just the other day my portable h/d, case and all went 'missing'.

Edited by Fantail
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After a few incodents of the same nature, I don't leave my stand up oon public land. Dot even fond of leaving on the private land I get to hunt.

The real pain is that there's no way to get it back. Authotity can't do much, it sucks.


Hope your season gets better.

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isnt leaving a stand on state land considered abandoned property? and if you take it it's not legally stealing?



Right there....


That is the problem in a nut shell...a growing number of ppl that think adhering to the law or interpretation of the law over common human respect...The concept of "do unto others as you wish to be done unto" has been replaced with "do to others as long as it's within the law, moral or not"

Edited by growalot
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isnt leaving a stand on state land considered abandoned property? and if you take it it's not legally stealing? my understanding is if you leave it on state property you're more or less begging for it to be gone


I can assure you that me leaving it for a day and a half was not "begging" for it to be gone. I left the climber with the intention of going back out last night to hunt out of it and bring it back out with me since I am not going to be able to get in the woods for another 10 days due to some travel for work.


Never did I think that someone would steal it in this small time frame.


I was brought up that anything that is not rightfully yours and you take it, it is stealing. People may look to all the fine print of the regs to find a loophole, but at the end of the day, taking something that is not yours is not right in my book. It comes down to moral code and how you were raised.

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Right there....


That is the problem in a nut shell...a growing number of ppl that think adhering to the law or interpretation of the law over common human respect...The concept of "do unto others as you wish to be done unto" has been replaced with "do to others as long as it's within the law, moral or not"


Thank you. I agree.


In hindsight it was stupid I left it. I hope Karma comes back to bite the individual who decided that my climber would be their climber. Things always have a way of coming around...

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Perhaps the bottom will come loose and they will be stuck up in the tree unable to get back down.


Even when we had family property, we never left our ladder stands out.  Trespassers would show up coming through the woods from another property.  They may just want to grab a few apples off a tree, or illegally hunt on the property.  So, we just did not trust them (could take a stand or may find someone in it).


My dad once had someone bait the field that he had blind set up in. Shortly after heading in, the game warden shows up with a compliant in hand. The field was by a public road.  Someone trespassed on to my grandfather's farm, baited the field, and then called in a report.  Turns out the person who did it was someone with a grudge.


Once someone sneaked up to the farm house and stole the battery out of the pick-up truck.


Enough of these occurrences leaves a mis-trust in people in general.



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This is happening very often even on private land.My question is why are trapper's less likely to have trap's taken? Also the trapper is protected in sort's where it is illegal to harass them and the hunter is harassed all the time

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People are stupid and selfish. Sorry they stole your stuff. I know a guy who always seems to have his trail can pointing at the stand, i wonder if this is why, could help but I doubt it.

This type of stuff always scares me. I leave my climber in the woods all the time, public'ish land too. It's locked up to the tree but really that is not going to stop someone determined. I am usually hunting places I don't expect others to be, which probably helps. Either way I hope I avoid the thiefs because even an aluminum viper is heavy, loud, and sweaty on the walk in and out.

Crossing my fingers.

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I've been hunting Iroquois since the opener, seen a bunch of wooden permanent stands, portables locked up, and then some .... Apparently DEC does not go for strolls in the woods there ! I empathize with you though, but always bring a small cable lock with ya, I've left my stand on evenings locked up planning on the next mornings hunt n lock it anyhow... Sorry for your loss! N good luck, some big boys out there!!!

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I've been hunting Iroquois since the opener, seen a bunch of wooden permanent stands, portables locked up, and then some .... Apparently DEC does not go for strolls in the woods there ! I empathize with you though, but always bring a small cable lock with ya, I've left my stand on evenings locked up planning on the next mornings hunt n lock it anyhow... Sorry for your loss! N good luck, some big boys out there!!!

Good to hear from someone else hunting there. I have seen a few deer this season. Hunting it hard. I am in your neck of the woods in NT. If you need any info on conditions or anything, let me know. This is my first year hunting it, but I have done a lot of pre season scouting...

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I feel your pain.  I lost a camera and a hang-on this year. (both chained and locked to trees).  for the most part that moral compass is lost.  If it's not yours don't touch it.  It's a shame that even some good people will do such a thing when they think nobodys watching.

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