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How to "crack" a safe??


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You'd smell body parts, and even so they're dead. Who cares :)


They don't smell forever..............I don't know for how long they'd smell but probably less than a year. 


Smaller critters like woodchucks, skunks, rats, rabbits etc can smell for a month or so easy.  Wanna see pics?  :)

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Hopefully some precious metals or cash are in there.

No lie, I had a great aunt and uncle who lived in upstate NY. They had no other family. They would always tell my Mom to check certain places in the house for $ they hid (my great uncle suits pockets, old coffee cans, and even a hole in the wall in the basement that was patched up). For some reason they didn't want to put $ in the banks over the years. Anyway, when they died and we went through the house it ended up being over 1/2mill cash in that house. But also made us wonder if there was any that we missed somewhere??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Edited by Lawdwaz
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Ok, Ok, got some more news on the safe last night. The guy who was taking care of the house said the safe hasn't been open for more than 30 years. He told me the original owner was a hoarder. There might be something in there???? The thing is that there was a nurse that had the combination and he doesn't know if she went into it when the owner was put in a home. Guess what I'm about to do?????? Talk to you in a few minutes or hours, don't know:)

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