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On Ethics


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...but there are many out there who kill for the sake of killing and the donation process is their way of getting rid of a deer so they can go on killing

 I don't get your take on it. I can't find an issue with legally tagged deer being donated.  If they were truly killing for the sake of just killing, why would they even take the deer out of the woods. Just shoot it an let it lay. Is it possible their motivation is enjoying the hunting experience, being successful and also helping out the less fortunate? no?

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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 I don't get your take on it. I can't find an issue with legally tagged deer being donated.  If they were truly killing for the sake of just killing, why would they even take the deer out of the woods. Just shoot it an let it lay. Is it possible their motivation is enjoying the hunting experience, being successful and also helping out the less fortunate? no?

to me, it's the mindset of the person who does it...if your true intention is to help people out, and you live in an area that needs deer taken out of the herd that's fine with me, but the person who hunts in an area with a low deer density, I say let them walk........but it all goes back to ethics, mine anyway

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The big question is,who gets to set the standards for the whole community?  And how do you penalize the offenders?


those we vote in. And now here in lies the problem. With big pockets corporation will get a say. With big pockets, the socialists will get a say. With charisma, the poor will find a leader and get their way. It is why I will go full circle and restate that not everything in life that is illegal is unethical and vise versa.

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 I thought about this too.  A lot of people here have made that argument that any willful lawbreaking is unethical.  But what if you hit a deer and it's laying in the middle of the street with its back broken, clearly suffering?  It's technically illegal to shoot a deer on or across a road.  There are no cars coming in either direction and all available cops are out on calls and unavailable.  I would consider it unethical to not break the law and dispatch it if I had the means.  Some here would disagree 


Disclaimer for those who may feel the need to jump down my throat like so many here do:  This situation was hypothetical.  I have never been in this situation, nor have I shot on or across a road.  


Put your Bowie knife through it's heart.  That's ethical!  LOL!

Edited by Mr VJP
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 Please explain that? Are you saying a person that shoots a deer or multiple deer and donates them are being unethical? Feeding the poor or homeless is unethical?


I get where he was going, but not sure I would call it unethical. The key word is public land. Lots of guys just hoping to even see a deer. So for someone to shoot multiple does suck a little. Had I not just started hunting public land I wouldn't have seen this side. Those of us who do hunt public land know that killing a small 6 can be just as hard if not harder than a nice 8 on private land.


So I get it. It falls in line with letting the bench players get some time in the game when you're up 28 in the 4th quarter.

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this is my point of view, the area I hunt has a fairly low deer density....I could have shot 4 doe this year, but knowing the deer population I chose not to shoot any.....now take a guy who just wants to shoot deer, he could have killed all of them ( or most, not counting tags).....and if his only purpose was to kill them and then dump them off as a donation, whats the point? have a little knowledge of you area and hunt accordingly....that's what I'm saying...is it unethical to take more than the land has to offer, that's someone else's opinion

Edited by jjb4900
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those we vote in. And now here in lies the problem. With big pockets corporation will get a say. With big pockets, the socialists will get a say. With charisma, the poor will find a leader and get their way. It is why I will go full circle and restate that not everything in life that is illegal is unethical and vise versa.


I disagree.  Legislators cannot legislate ethics.  God help us all if they ever try to, because they will wind up banning all hunting in the end.


As far as a few idiots making us all look bad, why is it a few radical Muslims cannot make them all look bad?  Or a few radical animal rights activists, or looting blacks, or bad cops?  But a few crazed shooters can make all gun owners suspect and a few bad hunters can make us all look bad.  Why?  Because we allow it to happen, that's why.


This PC crap protects all who the leftist want protected and is used like a club against all who they want to demonize.  If we allow it to happen, we can only blame ourselves.

Edited by Mr VJP
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I disagree.  Legislators cannot legislate ethics.  God help us all if they ever try to, because they will wind up banning all hunting in the end.


As far as a few idiots making us all look bad, why is it a few radical Muslims cannot make them all look bad?  Or a few radical animal rights activists, or looting blacks, or bad cops?  But a few crazed shooters can make all gun owners suspect and a few bad hunters can make us all look bad.  Why?  Because we allow it to happen, that's why.


This PC crap protects all who the leftist want protected and is used like a club against all who they want to demonize.  If we allow it to happen, we can only blame ourselves.


ummm I don't know where you live, but that's exactly what legislators attempt to do. It is why we vote on legalization of marijuana, gambling, abortion, death penalty, gay marriage, right to die etc. Most of what politicians campaign on is ethics. Even economics, spread the wealth to the poor because it is unethical for one man to be rich and another to starve. I'm not saying it's right, but law at it's core is an attempt to stabilize society around a group of principals, morals and values.

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I just don't think it is ethical to get a bunch of tags, use them all and not eat any venison at all.  You want to hunt and donate some meat, fine.  Take a deer and donate it.


But fill-up a bow, muzzle-loader, buck, and 2 doe DMP's on public lands and donate it all when there are others that are looking to get a deer to fill their own freezer to get through the winter, just does not sit right to me.

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I just don't think it is ethical to get a bunch of tags, use them all and not eat any venison at all.  You want to hunt and donate some meat, fine.  Take a deer and donate it.


But fill-up a bow, muzzle-loader, buck, and 2 doe DMP's on public lands and donate it all when there are others that are looking to get a deer to fill their own freezer to get through the winter, just does not sit right to me.


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Then there are others that dont have a problem with killing any hand raised animal behind a fence, just dont call it hunting. ;)

Bull...You dont call it hunting!  They can call it anything they want. Its them thats doing it and its only their business. Not yours! Not mine..Theirs and theirs only.  You call shooting a bear out of a tree bear hunting? Yeah Whatever!!!!

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So is abortion right or wrong?


Why does Belo do this stuff?


WRONG!   Any man or woman who chooses to kill a product of their casual sexual escapade for the benefit of their own future comfort is wrong!  If it's not a LIFE THREATENING pregnancy to the mother, it's wrong.  If we decide death by the lack of a beating heart, why do we not define it as life when the heart starts beating?


How does a woman justify her physical and mental health and how those decisions effect HER life, while taking an innocent life that has no say in the matter of it's life?  Give it up for adoption and let it have it's life!


Just the fact the SCOTUS had to do legal gymnastics to say it falls under the privacy issue, should be enough to make any intelligent human being agree it's wrong!  Besides, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was very clear her motive was to control the population of minorities in America.  That's a FACT!  How is that not wrong?


I'm just fed up with all of the Godlessness America has come to embrace and I'm not going to be polite about it anymore.  But that's my own opinion, and it's is not open to debate with me, so save it.

Edited by Mr VJP
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ummm I don't know where you live, but that's exactly what legislators attempt to do. It is why we vote on legalization of marijuana, gambling, abortion, death penalty, gay marriage, right to die etc. Most of what politicians campaign on is ethics. Even economics, spread the wealth to the poor because it is unethical for one man to be rich and another to starve. I'm not saying it's right, but law at it's core is an attempt to stabilize society around a group of principals, morals and values.



I live in America and legislators do all of this to buy votes and remain in office.  That is their only concern.  They can't even spell ethics and certainly don't give a tinker's damn about it.

Edited by Mr VJP
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I thought about this too. A lot of people here have made that argument that any willful lawbreaking is unethical. But what if you hit a deer and it's laying in the middle of the street with its back broken, clearly suffering? It's technically illegal to shoot a deer on or across a road. There are no cars coming in either direction and all available cops are out on calls and unavailable. I would consider it unethical to not break the law and dispatch it if I had the means. Some here would disagree

Disclaimer for those who may feel the need to jump down my throat like so many here do: This situation was hypothetical. I have never been in this situation, nor have I shot on or across a road.

I hear you but I wouldn't do it with a firearm, the penalties are just too steep

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Why do I care about what kinds of practices travel under the name of hunting? It doesn't effect me does it? Well, as a matter of fact, it does. Unfortunately, society paints us all with the same brush. During my entire life, hunting has been an activity that I have been closely identified with. When I say I am a hunter, or people mention that I was a hunter after I am gone, I don't want images to pop into people's heads of some guy leaning against a fence settling the crosshairs on some critter eating out of a feeding trough. There are also a whole lot of other hunting practices that I don't want hunting to be associated with. So yes, I am opinionated, and vocal about those things that I do not want anyone to even think that I participate in. And yes, I do add those feelings to what I consider "personal ethics".

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Whoaa Seabiscuit! I was trying to keep focused on hunting. I didn't even want to discuss deer farming. Now we are arguing about abortion. If I could wag my finger at Belo I would - tsk, tsk, tsk.


Thanks everyone. I think I learned what I wanted to know. The people who participated in this discussion do not equate legality with ethics. The people who have made that argument in other discussions, did not speak up.

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