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Would You Support a Blaze Orange Compromise?

wildcat junkie

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Which is it??? One sentence protect us...the other don't protect us. Can't have it both ways.


Since PA has gone with mandatory FO...the number of "mistaking for game" accidents dropped like a rock. Coincidence?????



And Ny does not have any more and in fact less incidents than PA does.  Coincidence?

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Which is it??? One sentence protect us...the other don't protect us. Can't have it both ways.


Since PA has gone with mandatory FO...the number of "mistaking for game" accidents dropped like a rock. Coincidence????




Our accident rate is still lower than PA. 

And I have heard our rate of voluntary usage is the same or higher than their mandatory one.

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And Ny does not have any more and in fact less incidents than PA does.  Coincidence?



No coincidence at all...because nearly all NY hunters wear FO. Listen, I'm a visitor to NY...you folks decide what you want/need, I'm very thankful to visit and enjoy the NY outdoors. Stay safe! FT 

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The truly sad part is if the hours were changed, those who now admit they already use those hours will again push it by another 15-20 minutes.  They want the orange to think they are safely breaking the law. High light gathering scopes etc. I find it funny everyone says deer do not see it it is so much safer, then will not wear it during bow or ml season.  If the deer do not see it and it is so much safer, why would you not wear it all the time you are in the woods?  I have asked that question several times and no one ever answers.  It can not be both ways.  

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The truly sad part is if the hours were changed, those who now admit they already use those hours will again push it by another 15-20 minutes.  They want the orange to think they are safely breaking the law. High light gathering scopes etc. I find it funny everyone says deer do not see it it is so much safer, then will not wear it during bow or ml season.  If the deer do not see it and it is so much safer, why would you not wear it all the time you are in the woods?  I have asked that question several times and no one ever answers.  It can not be both ways.  


No I would not push it another 20 minutes it would be dark. I don't wear it at bow season because I don't have a guy with a 7MM in the woods with me. A lot more hunters out there with a gun which equates to more trespassers. Safety for me at gun season is know who is on your land, where they are and being able to spot them. 

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WRONG!!  It is NOT the government's job or responsibility to protect any INDIVIDUAL from ANYTHING!


Government's sole purpose is to provide for the basic needs of the citizens and support a military to protect ALL of it's citizens from attack.  It can only do what the citizens decide to let it do!



Which is it??? One sentence protect us...the other don't protect us. Can't have it both ways.


Since PA has gone with mandatory FO...the number of "mistaking for game" accidents dropped like a rock. Coincidence?????



Notice the first line has the word INDIVIDUAL capitalized.  The second line has ALL capitalized.


There is no duty to protect any one person.  There is a duty for government to protect the nation from attack by an enemy.  That's one of the necessary evils of needing a government.


Conversely, the government has no authority to make us protect ourselves from any and all dangers as it sees fit.  This has been accepted by the masses after years of propaganda and now we see all kinds of laws restricting our freedom.  And it's going to get much worse.


Americans really are an idiot electorate.


BTW, I'll bet the incidents of "mistaken for game" would drop to zero if the shooter was given the death penalty, F.O. or not!

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If we really want gun hunting to be safer all they have to do is do away with doe permits during gun season. The woods are exponentially safer when you take the brown is down out of the game! Just look at the accident numbers for NZ compared to SZ. Then the half hr law would be a no brainer. "Well maybe not for are law makers but..."

So you think bow hunters and ML hunters can meet the required take for most areas? check out the actual harvest numbers before you answer.

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No I would not push it another 20 minutes it would be dark. I don't wear it at bow season because I don't have a guy with a 7MM in the woods with me. A lot more hunters out there with a gun which equates to more trespassers. Safety for me at gun season is know who is on your land, where they are and being able to spot them. 



There could be a guy in the woods with a shotgun then hunting small game.  Just saying in for a penny in for a pound.  More people get shot during turkey season wearing camo than anytime.  Seems to me you would eb taking your life in your own hands.

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No I would not push it another 20 minutes it would be dark. I don't wear it at bow season because I don't have a guy with a 7MM in the woods with me. A lot more hunters out there with a gun which equates to more trespassers. Safety for me at gun season is know who is on your land, where they are and being able to spot them. 



so a guy who is trespassing and knowingly breaking the law is going to obey a BO law to get caught.

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so a guy who is trespassing and knowingly breaking the law is going to obey a BO law to get caught.

If he is seen W/O blaze orange he could be stopped & therefore caught. That's why my neighbors have been given the word. No blaze orange = tresspassers.


The only way to "blend in" with legal hunters would be to wear blaze orange.

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Not true at all. I wear green plaid and you will not find anyone who is more of a legal hunter than I am.  to say that legal hunters wear orange is simply a blanket statement.  An illegal hunter will not want to blend in.  So make another law illegal hunters will not follow.  I see how that will work.

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The truly sad part is if the hours were changed, those who now admit they already use those hours will again push it by another 15-20 minutes.  They want the orange to think they are safely breaking the law. High light gathering scopes etc. I find it funny everyone says deer do not see it it is so much safer, then will not wear it during bow or ml season.  If the deer do not see it and it is so much safer, why would you not wear it all the time you are in the woods?  I have asked that question several times and no one ever answers.  It can not be both ways.  


I can say that I dont wear it during bow season because I am not as concerned about being shot at by someone that is 100 or 200 yards or more away. I would have no issue wearing it during bow season if I thought it would be of any type of advantage though, deer see it as a shade of grey, thats all. I have deer within bow range of me all the time during gun season, when I have my blaze hat/vest on. The only reason I wear blaze is so that other hunters see me.

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Not true at all. I wear green plaid and you will not find anyone who is more of a legal hunter than I am.  to say that legal hunters wear orange is simply a blanket statement.  An illegal hunter will not want to blend in.  So make another law illegal hunters will not follow.  I see how that will work.


He meant if BO was mandatory

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Let's dispell the myth of "high light gathering scopes"


No standard optical scope "gathers" light. They ALL reflect light. The better the optics, the less light is lost through reflection.


A scope has 8 lens surfaces that can hinder light transmitance. (reflection)


If each surface reduces light tranmitance by 3%, that's 24% of the light that is lost or 76% light transmitance. If it only loses 1% for each surface it only loses 8% or it has 92% light transmitance.


Well you say, I can just buy a scope with a BIG oblective lens to "gather" more light.


Wrong! The relative brightness you see is due to magnification coupled with the "exit pupil" diameter. The exit pupil diameter is determined by the the diameter of the objective lens divided by the magnification.


So you buy a 3-9 power scope that has a 60mm objective lens. That gives you an exit pupil of almost 7mm. That should be brighter than the same scope that has a 42mm objective lens right? Not really. The human eye can only admit light through a 5mm exit pupil. the 42mm objective lens has a 4.7mm exit pupil while the 60mm lense only takes advantage of 5mm of the 7mm exit pupil. Almost all of that extra weight & bulk of that huge scope is a waste. The scope must also be mounted higher to clear that huge lens so it is more prone to getting knocked askew & it doesn't come to the eye as quickly.


BIG objective lens can not make up for poor optics.


2nd, the theory that blaze orange would case accidents because people would be shooting as long as didn't see orange is about as absurd as the crap about being trapped in a burning veicle by a seat belt.


For every life caused in the later instances, many more could be saved by safety requirements.


Another thing. How many of you can honestly say that if you were watching a trophy buck waiting for him to take one more step or change angle as the exact time of sunset lapsed, you woiuld take a shot 5  or even 10 minutes later when the opportunity presented itself? Would you reaaly pass even though there was plenty of light?


As far as I can see, the restrictions on some of the best times to kill a mature buck are far more restrictive than requiring somone to wear an orang hat.


What I am looking at here is a possible bargaining chip to convince the hand wringers in Albany to allow us to hunt during those most productive times like in many other states.

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CULVER -In NZ it would make a minimal difference because we don't have dmp's now and I would love to see late muzzleloader season done away with anyways.

I would rather see the early MZ season in the NZ eliminated. Give the bow hunters a shot at hunting pre-rut bucks for another 7 days before the shooting spooks the deer.

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Well folks it seems that some of us do not wear Orange and some do. Choices Are what makes this country great why would anyone want to give that up for a law?

I would give up that choice to increase the odds of taking mature bucks during the light pressure, long season hunting of the NZ eponentially by extending shooting hours.


Not wearing blaze orange during gun season is a gamble anyway. I din't always wear it until a guy at my place of employemnt shot & killed his uncle. Now, I don't set foot in the woods W/O it.

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Wildcat- I personally would love to see all muzzeloader done away done away with and only have a 1 week gun season but that isn't a popular view. My problem with the late Muzz season is that every doe shot is bred so with every doe killed you are actually taking 2 or 3 deer.

How would the timing affect deer numbers if all the does are bred anyway? Whether they are shot during early season or late season would have little impact.


Only about 10% of the does are breeding at a given time anyway. Unless the doe/buck ratio is 10:1 or more, most of the does get bred.


Why do you think the population explodes W/O doe harvesting?


I think we should have a ML season like PA's late season. Flintlocks with iron sights only.

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