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How many days do you hunt during deer season? How far do you travel to hunt?


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32 miles each way. 14 bow hunts about the same gun and ML. We were thinking of moving to my hunting area, but I'm retiring in 2 1/2 years and a warm state with no state income tax sounds better.

Heck I can fly out and hunt the best states in the U.S. For less then the tax on most NY camps!


I know a guy in banking/finance who lives and works in South FL. Bought a farm in IL and goes up there for two weeks to hunt every year (he's up there more in summer to prep). He has a house on it and it's fancy as can be. Said it's more fun to have those two weeks than an entire season locally. He does zero hunting in FL. He'll retire up there though.


Another guy in FL in same industry does nothing in FL hunting-wise but spends two straight weeks in KS on a lease he bought into. That's it. Probably spends less money than many to hunt.


I often wonder if something like that would work for me. I'd want to be around my property more, but maybe they're onto something.

Edited by phade
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32 miles each way. 14 bow hunts about the same gun and ML. We were thinking of moving to my hunting area, but I'm retiring in 2 1/2 years and a warm state with no state income tax sounds better.

Heck I can fly out and hunt the best states in the U.S. For less then the tax on most NY camps!


I think you are correct we are being robber paying these high taxes in NY. I live on Long Island and have a place up state and the taxes are killing me. We never own any land we just rent it from the gov't. I often wonder how states with lower taxes have so much more than we do.

I do have family in Florida but its to dam hot for me. Just to get to my house I have to pay 3 bridge tolls, plus drive 162 miles each way .

I am retired now and looking to relocate to a tax friendly state.


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I got around 20 days. Not a lot. Hunted 3 areas. 2 public and 1 private. One public area just has too many people for the small area, and I hunted about 5 areas in that area, if that makes sense. Takes me 15 to 20 minutes to get to any of those spots. Started seeing deer late Oct. in a couple of those areas.

Public area #2, took about 40 minutes to get to. Only hunted there once this season. Hadn't been there for almost 20 years. One day in the reg season, and I saw a few does. No scouting.


Private land, hour away. 6 days. Saw deer almost every time. NZ and does.



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I put in roughly 14 full day sits and 1 afternoon sit.  Anywhere between 40 to 50 miles each way depending on where I hunt.  During gun season, I did more still/stalk hunting so I hike several miles through out the course of the day.

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I hunted about 35 full days and a few evening sits after work. I travel anywhere from 10 to 100 miles to hunt! Walk any where from 300 yards to 4 miles in a given day! Going to try turkey this spring and also started raising chickens with a friend! Also starting a garden and planting food plots in April!

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I hunted about 35 full days and a few evening sits after work. I travel anywhere from 10 to 100 miles to hunt! Walk any where from 300 yards to 4 miles in a given day! Going to try turkey this spring and also started raising chickens with a friend! Also starting a garden and planting food plots in April!

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This is a great thread for new hunters.  Too many people who have little to no experiencing in hunting think you just walk into the woods and walk out with a deer the same day as a norm.  I some times have friends who don't hunt tell me "You've gone hunting a lot.  What have you gotten so far?  You must suck as a hunter."  This really shows how much effort we hunters really put in to be successful and this doesn't even include all the scouting done during the pre-season.

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This is a great thread for new hunters.  Too many people who have little to no experiencing in hunting think you just walk into the woods and walk out with a deer the same day as a norm. 

What? ......... why mess around. Just go into the woods, get your deer, and get home. I know it can be done because I see the real hunters doing it on TV all the time. :mda:

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This year was a bad one for time for me, due to unexpected travel obligations. Typically I hunt anywhere from 20-40 days depending on the weather and my health issues. Most of them are all day hunts but sometimes they are just an afternoon, etc, depending on weather and what I am hunting (squirrels typically get about half a day). Recent lower gas prices not withstanding, it's hard for me to afford traveling more than 20 miles from home to hunt, so my few spots are usually within that radius. When I am small game hunting I will walk miles in a day, but deer hunting I try not to get more than a mile from the car, as admittedly dragging a deer by myself is rough work. My father, whom I hunt with often, can no longer assist as he can have serious health complications when lifting/dragging more than 30lbs.

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About 45 mins one way. So it s not to bad. Due to my wife's work schedule and the kids I didn't get out as much as I would of liked to. I hunted once a weekend for the entire bow season and all of opening weekend for the gun opener. At least 2 times a weekend with a combo or fri-sat for the rest of gun season. Only got out once with the muzzleloader

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