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NY Casino Annoucement - 12/17/14


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I think Seneca County. Its next to the Thruway so that state will get more tolls, and its between Syracuse and Rochester. Also I see Sessler announced they will in vest $100 million dollars in a large retail development. They would be stupid not to, as between the casino and this you are talking over $500 million dollars invested.

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Kind of glad the options in my county were rejected.  Would have affected one location I hunt and the Rennaisance Faire grounds.  The roads there are a mess all of August through Sept - every weekend when the faire is on.


Another location in my county would have affected my drive to another parcel I hunt and getting to certain businesses we use.


Either of those locations would greatly affect my Friday commute home.

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Right down the road from me, Im glad its coming the biggest thing in this county is the landfill, We need the jobs and it can be really good for the economy, There is a lot of people who dont want it and im not sure i understand whats wrong with it coming here, Some residents in the town of Tyre arent happy but the rest of the county will gain, Some of these people were offered what they owed on the properties with life time use if they dropped the lawsuits, If it were me id be all over that deal,

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This is a very sad state of affairs in a very sad State (economically and politically).   We are the only State in the Country   that had the opportunity to create a booming new industry that would create real wealth (Shale Gas)  but turned it down in favor of an industry that creates no wealth at all but only redistributes existing wealth. 


This State continues to run real wealth producing industries out of the state and over regulates farms and over taxes small businesses.


 Additionally, " the casino industry increasingly divides America into haves and have-nots. Those in the upper ranks of the income distribution rarely, if ever, make it a weekly habit to gamble at the local casino. Those in the lower ranks of the income distribution often do. Those in the upper ranks rarely, if ever, contribute a large share of their income to the state's take of casino revenues. Those in the lower ranks do."  - David Frum, CNN Contributor,  September 24, 2013


The State basically is making most of its money off the poorest people instead giving them an opportunity.  Although a few will make it big the majority will experience a net loss and will be poorer for spending there days addicted to watching spinning visual displays on computer screens. 

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Yes, they are Class III casinos.  Having represented two counties for many years against an Indian land claim where the tribes wanted to have a class III casino, I will say that most experts that have studied the effects agree that casinos tend to drain, not augment, the local economy.  The quote from David Frum is on point.  I would not want one in my area.

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