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2015 HuntingNY Gun Harvest Thread


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Dec.3..This mornings hunt I had plans to hunt doe and I knew I had to beat them to the blind area.. Didn't work out so well for by 5:30 everyone was either there or on the way, when I pushed them walking down the road...I was snorted at just as I reached the blind so the last steps I used the grunt tube then took a stick and beat a bush at the bottom of the ladder before climbing...I glassed a doe in the laneway feeding my way at about 7am ...I watched her as she headed my way very slowly.....Oh man 22 mins please please please..nope 7:10 she moves into the slashings behind my blind  and heads up hill...

Now you have to understand doe are harder to hunt than buck here...always have been and I was mad.Next thing I know I see what I thought was the neighbors dog, I about flipped until I glassed it and it was a nice sized yote...Hhhmmm snorted at, pushed deer,doe left,and not seeing many turkeys..This hunt was ruined.... I draw down on him about 80 yrds Bang!.miss and he's now running at me for he has the fence on one side and brush piles on the slashing side...bang! I see the slug hit just past him WTH! am I blind ! He stopped at the last shot and I shoot one more time and think I clipped his foot he was close and I was trying not to shoot over him.....Off he goes running funny into the neighbors swamp after rounding my fence..

Talk about feeling down 3 misses in a row! I'm sitting there beating my self up and now it's 7:25 and I see deer...Well those shots were like some sort of call because there are deer at the end of the lane way and filing out of the swamp across the fence...I glass and all 8 are fawns!...I just laughed and grabbed my apple to eat, when I look up.....Here comes the buck charging out of the swamp...I can't tell how long the tines are because he's close to my fence and it's now snowing pretty good...I grab my gun and get ready...he jumps the fence and before he barely touches the ground half way across the laneway,he lunges into the saplings and stops...I reposition in another window not even looking at him...The slashings are so thick and hes around 70 yrds out...I settled on a small brown patch on a trail I'd cleared this fall it was my only shot and then he broke....  the second he hit that trail I squeezed off the shot and he never kicked just went on a full stretched out run...I never even followed him the trees were so thick and I was sure I had missed yet again...about the time those thoughts raced through my mind I heard the crash!...glassed out the back blind window to see white belly...Mind you my Browning only holds 4 3" shells and I had forgotten (in my frustration) to reload...So I literally had just one shot....Now this one I could handle...unlike the bow buck......... he hung on the scale at 105...and has very little smell...so I'm sure will taste great!

Edited by growalot
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I got a late start this morning and never got on stand until around 7:25am, legal shooting time was coming fast!


It seemed like I was there longer but the time of my cell phone pics says 8:25am and it only took 5-7 minutes to reload, climb down and waddle the 70 yards or so to the buck.


He came in with a doe and was trailing her.  Momentarily I considered shooting her as I figured the shadowy figure in back was going to be her fawn and they SHOULD have got my scent any second.  She flicked her tail a few times and continued to head towards the little creek.  Then she jumped across the creek and headed up the other side.  I had just noticed the horns on the second deer and figured; don't blow it, take your time.  He took two steps up the bank and stepped into my window, BANG and down he went.  Nary a twitch................


I used my NULA smokeless ML with Parker 275gr BE bullets.


I killed him out of the same stand I shot the archery buck from.  I could tell he wasn't the same size body as the other buck so didn't call for dragging help but wished I would have!  He only weighed 130# but the drag is mostly uphill. :(


Got him home, weighed, hung and skinned.  I'll get cutting tomorrow AFTER I take my sweetie pie for brunch. :)











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my dad filled his buck tag @ camp in 8P @ 8:30am, 12/5/15, only deer seen that morning.. the buck was cruising nose down, after letting many deer walk this year..he chose him to be tag worthy. he thought he was bigger than what he was when he shot, it happened so fast, he almost regretted shooting him, it took a few minutes and then dad became very happy with his decision .. he will be on the wall from the shoulder up! .. My dads age is starting to catch up with his abilities like he used to.. 1 proud son right here.



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Shot this buck on November 28th at around 9:18 am at 70-75 yards. He was running along a cut hay field just inside the woods about 60-65 yards from my stand. I normally hunt with my father facing one way and me facing the other so when I heard my father snoring I turned to check his side to see if there was anything behind me. I saw nothing so I turned around, but as I turned around I saw the buck running with what looked like a limp. He was directly perpendicular from me in a shooting lane when I saw him so I gave a couple bleats to slow him down so I can get my hearing protection on and my rifle up. He was also running into an area that has a few shooting lanes but they are close together and you need to be quick to get a shot there. I had to make a second bleat to stop him from running again. Once I was all ready I had my rifle aimed at a shooting lane I knew he was going to walk through but he started to run again. I tried to stop him but he wasn't having any of it so I knew it was now or never so I shot. I've practiced shots like this so I was confident in the shot. Well as I was getting ready to shoot my father woke up and watched the shot. Well he thought I missed the deer because all he saw was the head. At the time I thought I might have missed as well because he ran at an angle to where I couldn't see him for more then a quick second. He thought we should stay in the stand because he was almost 100% sure I missed, but I felt that there was no way I could miss this shot and he did look hit and I thought I saw a glimpse of him go down. I convinced him that we should take a look just in case, so we got down about 20 min after the shot. I went to where I thought I hit him and I couldn't find any blood but I decided to take a quick walk because if he was hit, he would be down pretty close. Well after about 10 yards I look up and saw a tree that was covered in blood. Another foot and I saw the deer laying maybe 2 feet from that tree. All in all he went maybe 40 yards from the point he was shot. The shot took out the left lung and severed the heart completely. Turns out his right shoulder was dislocated and he had a healed up wound on his brisket so I'm thinking he got beat by a bigger buck. Good thing this happened early because I had 3 parties to go to so I was only able to hunt until 11 am max. I had to rush the gutting and skinning to make it home in time for my father and I to get ready. I got up at 3 and didn't make it home from those party's until 2 am. Great deer and great parties...what an amazing day! Only bad part is my parents convinced me to mount it so now I'm going to be out 500 bucks, but its worth it. 




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So after many of hours and passing multiple small bucks. I finally had the opportunity to harvest a fairly large doe today. I was having a crap day, starter went on my service van. Had an embarrassing moment when I had to rapp on it in their driveway but they were none the wiser. I went got a new starter, changed it and by the time I was done the work day was ruined. I decided to go for a long slow walk to ease the nerves and perhaps bump a deer. I never walk. Today I walked from 2-4 jumping only what I can only think was a pair as I never saw them. Was headed back through my food plot and checked my cam, nothing but coyotes. Decided on walking a trail I rarely walk out because it takes longer, I still had about 20 min of legal light. I start walking down the trail and everything starts rustling, then crashing. I stop and look around listening for the direction they are moving in. It sounded like they split but one was coming right to me. I turned down the trail, crouched down and waited. This doe popped her head out spooked and unsure. I put the scope on her shoulder and squeezed the trigger. She ran about 100 yards and died 30' behind my tree stand. I couldn't be more pleased with my harvest as it has been a tough year. 030a19d05eb2f25846ce45c217476df2.jpg

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Shot a doe last night in Lima. Hunted the morning and saw a buck and a doe but couldn't get a clean shot on the slick top.....

The wind and cold temps darn near made it no fun, but it still was.

In the afternoon I went to a different spot on the same farm as morning and had a doe and two fawns step out. They were nervous and started trotting away. They stopped suddenly, I picked out the adult and sent a Parker BE on its way. She hit the dirt like she was struck by lightning. About a 70 yard shot.


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Thursday Dec 17th. 1:30 pm. Approaching 100 hours of gun season. Stand is about 100 yards from large grouping of white pines. Can barely see thru them while in there. Other side is trout stream where deer seem to bed around. 11-12 maybe more came ripping out of there straight to me. I mean hauling. Fawn , fawn , there's a big body and concentrate on it. May have been buck or bucks in the group but it happened so fast. Tails weren't even up I verbally bleated and she stopped almost right under my stand Amazed it worked ! Aimed like a shotgun to get on her and only had to move scope a minor bit to get on vitals. Deer were running everywhere and kept my eye on her. She didn't go far at all. Took off top of heart and I believe both lungs. #3 for the freezer. 2 hours to get her out to my car again. I need a pack mule ! Hopefully tip over another Monday or Tuesday.


Edited by turkeyfeathers
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Been a long season for me from losing 2 with bow to no shots in rifle season...1 miss Saturday and a dead doe today 140 yards broadside after we jumped her and she stopped to look back3a59ec0b51c422f7f8cb4c3318cc1024.jpg

Buddy's also got one today button buck with a previous injury that I wish I had taken a pic of while we were going to look for his ramrod...lol long story let's just say it's his 2nd one in 2 years 3f6f90e6405afb9c41f2b75906cf5c9f.jpg

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Managed a nice 10 point in 8F this season. Measured out at 135" with 5" bases, think red bull can... Not my biggest but a wall hanger. 



I got to my parking location with all intentions of hunting one of my other stand sets for the wind we had (South/Southeast) but really wanted to check my camera card. So I decided I would take a look at the camera card and if something happened to come in at this stand in the usual place I would still be able to shoot it. So being hopeful and talking myself into this stand I made the noisy trek across a plowed field (heavy frost and frozen top layer of mud). As I walked I could hear the woods moving and starting to wake up but still too dark to see past 5', I also used my grunt call and lightly grunted as I walked across the field. I got to my camera 10' from the bottom of my tree stand and heard a branch break and what sounded like a deer grunt but dismissed it as a squirrel. I quietly got my card out and replaced with a blank and heard another branch break and another grunt. This time a little louder and deep. I moved as shiftly as possible without making a sound to the bottom of the tree and slowly and quietly ascended the tree. It wasn't 20 minutes and series of light grunts until 2 shadows made their way into the plowed field at this point I could tell the first deer was either a fawn followed by a big doe or a doe followed by a big buck either way I could only make out the bodies. Once it started to get a little lighter ~ 10minutes I could make out the deer and to my surprise it was one of the "hit list" bucks. I pulled up the rifle clicked off the safety and rested the cross hairs on the top of his back. I knew at 100 and 200 yards my gun shoots dead on so this 160 yard shot was a chip shot for the old .270 win. The deer was straight away ready to step back into the thick brush when I pulled the trigger. After the shot I looked for him in my scope and with my binoculars but could not find him. I decided to wait for my nerves to settle down before I climbed down. As I walked across the field I was replaying the shot over and over thinking how did I miss. I get to where I thought I shot looking around for blood. As I looked to my left I could see him laying just inside the weeds. He must have jumped and landed just out of sight from my stand. To say the least he is one of the nicest deer I have shot in a while, he might not be the biggest but definitely a trophy. I had spent countless hours hunting this deer during bow season but had not been around until the wed. before thanksgiving. 





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No cranker here, but you can imagine how sweet a gals first deer/buck was at the end of the day.


I've never had such a happy hunt in my entire life!

It wasn't the most perfect shot. She caught him a lil far back so we trailed him over 300yds.

My head was glued to the blood trail which was running out by the step.


Sis looked over and spotted him trying to get to his feet.  A littlttle confusion amongst us at that point, but she finally settled the crosshairs to DUMP him for good!


This was my most memorable hunt EVER!

F= big bucks!





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