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nuisance permits and posted property


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Now this might sound strange to you hunters up north!!


  I'm in DMU 3M I would really like to know how the DEC hands out nuisance permits to people who post there property and only allow certain hunters to hunt it. 
   the DEC lets people post there property for the sole purpose of shooting trophy deer then turns and lets the same people shot doe's out of season and let them rot! yes they leave them to rot sometimes gut shooting them just to get them off the fields and die  Now before you get mad at me understand I'm a farmer and a hunter too its just unbelievable to me that my fellow farmers and orchard owners can let someone (a privet club) post there property then get nuisance permits to thin the herd it makes no sense if theirs that many deer here and believe me there is their like rabbits! why not make it so you at least have to use the deer IE donate it to a food pantry or self consumption letting them rot or burying them is nothing but a waste.





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The Dec lets people post their property for the sole purpose of shooting trophybdeer? I did not need the permission of the DEC to post my property. How I hunt it and what I legally shoot is no ones business. I have not heard of dmap permits given for non agriculture properties. May happen, but I do not see why

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The DEC doesn't "let people post their property".

It is a right of landowners to do so.

I know several farms that get NP's - every one of them is hunted.

Just because they are not open to anyone does not mean they are not hunted.

They get the NP's because not enough deer can be taken in season.

They react to pressure quickly, pattern the hunters and change routines.

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I did not at any point mean to implement the DEC as letting someone post there property what my statement meant was why do they give out NP's when the so called privet club only wants to shoot the bucks if your sole interest is trophy's then so be it as far i'm concerned it does no harm to me

  But why not make it so the deer they shoot with the permits get donated I'm not in any why against hunting clubs or deer management i just hate to see the waste NYS should be putting permit deer to use feeding those in need 

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We had this problem ourselves about 8 years back in 8P, before the farmer ended leasing his thousand acres out to a group of guys. Wished i had got to it before them. Any who, the DEC did nothing about it, no matter how many calls or emails and letters were sent. They would leave them in piles, bucks and does just to rot. Luckily for us the land was leased out..


I talked to a friend over summer who owns an apple farm and hunts it as well, We talked about nuisance permits and he had stated that if they get the permits for their property and do not let someone hunt that land during deer season, it is against the law. Saying that's why they do not apply for nuisance permits so they can still deny hunting permission besides family and friends. He mentioned that he has to let someone or a group hunt that land, but once vacated he is legal... its the first Ive heard of this. 


Just curious has anyone ever heard or witnessed this? I may have worded it incorrectly, been a few months lol

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I have had nuisance permits given to me by farmers and have taken does during the summer months . I shoot the doe for meat not for the sake of shooting them only to let them rot . The land gets posted and the only hunters / shooters are the ones that have permission so that the farmer knows who is on his property . Many farmers didn't feel it was necessary to post until some yahoos would park vehicles where they didn't belong and have to get towed out of a field or climb over fences and do damage . Then the posting began ! 

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I have had nuisance permits given to me by farmers and have taken does during the summer months . I shoot the doe for meat not for the sake of shooting them only to let them rot . The land gets posted and the only hunters / shooters are the ones that have permission so that the farmer knows who is on his property . Many farmers didn't feel it was necessary to post until some yahoos would park vehicles where they didn't belong and have to get towed out of a field or climb over fences and do damage . Then the posting began ! 


you hit the nail on the head take them for meat i have been hunting almost 40 yrs now I will take a doe any day and yes give me a permit i will take them then too.

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Last year a local farmer in Penfield asked me if I was interested in taking a doe with a permit . I jumped at the chance . It was in September and I finally got a doe to cooperate the last week of September . I had been seeing bucks and on a couple of occasions , the doe were at the crest of a hill and it wasn't safe to shoot . If you do something stupid , it falls back on the farmer and doesn't make him a happy camper . That doe tasted great . 

I should have checked with him this year but didn't . 

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I am in R4. I usually manage with DMAPs but a few winters back got nuisance permits. The R4 staff detailed exactly what was to be done with the deer. I could use the first 3 for myself or friends. After that, all had to be donated. They gave me a list of butchers. This might vary between regions.


Posting and how people control deer population problems seem disconnected to me. I post to protect Christmas tree customers. The business can make it hard to kill enough deer during the season. There is a bit of a problem when your customers don't feel safe.

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I was also a "hunter" on a permit that was issued to the owner of a big estate that was issued his because the deer destroyed thousands of $$ in landscaping......I always took everyone I shot and ate them, donated one or two to a wildlife rehab center, but I consider that a good use of them as well.

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I was also a "hunter" on a permit that was issued to the owner of a big estate that was issued his because the deer destroyed thousands of $$ in landscaping......I always took everyone I shot and ate them, donated one or two to a wildlife rehab center, but I consider that a good use of them as well.


so it don't change the taste of them lol, Like i said if i had the permits my freezer would be full and i would rent out my tree stand

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