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Obama executive order a go.....

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You treat your right as a privilege not a right. Please don't you and your leaders treat mine like that.

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Perhaps gun ownership should be a privilege and not a right. It is proven an a daily basis that too many people are unable to properly handle such a right. Driving is a privilege, subject to numerous laws and restrictions and unless you wantonly abuse that privilege the state allows you to freely drive wherever and whenever you want. The same should apply to guns, pass a background check, like you would a roadtest, follow the law and be on your armed way.

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Perhaps gun ownership should be a privilege and not a right. It is proven an a daily basis that too many people are unable to properly handle such a right. Driving is a privilege, subject to numerous laws and restrictions and unless you wantonly abuse that privilege the state allows you to freely drive wherever and whenever you want. The same should apply to guns, pass a background check, like you would a roadtest, follow the law and be on your armed way.

Man you drank all the koolaide didn't you. I hope some day I never have to day told you so. Question have you fought for the Rights you want to make a privilege? You do know history I take it? The American Revolution, and on. Many men & women have died for the right your speaking about. Your using the 1st Amendment because of the 2nd Amendment!!!

Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk

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Nice thread.  It starts with a veiled suggestion of 'what someone in this country should do' to the President.  A few posts later, a statement that calls the President a 'kenyan born monkey', and the only one on the thread getting attacked is the guy that called out those posts.  Another proud moment.

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Nice thread. It starts with a veiled suggestion of 'what someone in this country should do' to the President. A few posts later, a statement that calls the President a 'kenyan born monkey', and the only one on the thread getting attacked is the guy that called out those posts. Another proud moment.

Mornin' Virg. Truth hurts don't it? Many feel the way I do, & more of us are growing the balls to say so every day.


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Are u referring to him as a monkey because he is half black?

No, it's his ears. GW looked like one, too. It's just a bonus that he craps in his hands and throws it at the American people.

I'm sorry that you feel guilty for being white, but please point out where I said anything about it being the fact that he is black.

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Perhaps gun ownership should be a privilege and not a right. It is proven an a daily basis that too many people are unable to properly handle such a right. Driving is a privilege, subject to numerous laws and restrictions and unless you wantonly abuse that privilege the state allows you to freely drive wherever and whenever you want. The same should apply to guns, pass a background check, like you would a roadtest, follow the law and be on your armed way.


You don't think owning a firearm is already subject to hundreds of laws and restrictions?  Obama just added more of them.  


It's becoming more common on a daily basis, to see drivers who can't handle the "privilege" too.  But when they don't, they are arrested and jailed.  Obama isn't trying to infringe on the driving "privileges" of every American because some speed, drive recklessly, drive drunk or intentionally drive into crowds to kill lots of people.


Does he demand high horsepower sports cars be banned?  Or crotch rocket motorcycles?  No.  He allows far more freedom where a government endorsed "privilege" is granted, than he does for a Constitutional right.  Why do you suppose that is?


Perhaps it's because you are no threat to government oppression and wanton tyranny when you own a car or motorcycle, but as a gun owner you are.  


It has nothing to do with safety, violence, crime or gangs.  It has everything to do with freedom and the governments desire to impose complete control without effective opposition.


Support the government's desire to disarm Americans and suffer the obvious oppressive repercussions that will follow and the constant escalation as well.

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I was just asking a question. Reason i asked was because the term monkey is often used towards black people as a derogatory word.

How do you know im white?

I am tho and i dont know what i said that made you get the impression i feel guilty about it.

Well played. My apologies.

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Philo. I agree that its a slippery slope we need to be careful of. Imo not every law has pure intentions. But then why do we as gun owners do background checks at stores or online purchases? Why wasnt the line in the sand drawn back then? Do you see what im saying. Why are we ok with doing background checks at a store/online but we refuse to have it done with a private sale?

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I was just asking a question. Reason i asked was because the term monkey is often used towards black people as a derogatory word.

How do you know im white?

I am tho and i dont know what i said that made you get the impression i feel guilty about it.



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Philo. I agree that its a slippery slope we need to be careful of. Imo not every law has pure intentions. But then why do we as gun owners do background checks at stores or online purchases? Why wasnt the line in the sand drawn back then? Do you see what im saying. Why are we ok with doing background checks at a store/online but we refuse to have it done with a private sale?


I'm not okay with that at all, and I never was.


You're arguing that one more small loss of Liberty is not a big deal, when it is in fact a very big deal to many of us in this country, because even a tiny loss of Liberty is still a loss.

Never give an inch.

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Well Virgil...let me make this perfectly clear to you, I owe you no explanations for ANYTHING I post,period.

Now that I have that established, go back to where I responded to Rob,several post before you hopped in:


Rob...,I didn't actually put a " thought " on what to do about it. I won't openly assume what you interpreted my sentence to mean.


I chose my wording to see what "thoughts" they would elicit period.

Your response was typical of you and expected. I have one more poster that will eventually respond I'm sure, with his typical response. The only surprise I have in this, you beat him to it.

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BTW for your other assumption on a members post. We tend to pull images from our brains we don't even recall seeing...but triggered and they come back to us. So to that end..He probably saw this at one point in time...Now it is your brain taking you to those other places...remember that.



Edited by growalot
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just sharing.....................



NSSF Statement: "Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and make Our Communities Safer"

We all share the goal of reducing the intentional misuse of guns and enhancing the safety of our communities. As the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) will carefully review all aspects of the executive actions that President Obama announced today. Much remains to be spelled out. In the interim we have some initial reactions:

  • We support further resources being allocated to staffing and increasing operational hours for the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to make the system more efficient and responsive.
  • We represent Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs). The criteria for what will constitute being "engaged in the business" going forward needs considerable clarification and raises questions about enforceability.
  • The number of firearms lost or stolen while in transit to or from FFLs is less than 0.15 percent of the number manufactured and imported in a given year. In these rare occurrences, FFLs already actively participate in ATF's long-standing voluntary reporting program and FFLs and common carriers work closely with ATF to investigate them. Proposals to make a shipping FFL responsible for tracking and reporting firearms no longer in their inventories, after the legal title has been transferred to the purchaser, are misdirected, as the receiving FFL is in the best position to know if it receives its shipment.
  • We have long called for the effective enforcement of the numerous laws already on the books regarding the criminal misuse of firearms and would encourage the administration to carry through on this directive.
  • NSSF has been working actively since early 2013 through our FixNICS initiative to encourage states to report all appropriate adjudicated mental health records to NICS and has succeeded in getting legislation passed in more than a dozen states. We welcome the administration's attention to this issue.
  • With regard to the development of "smart-gun" technology, the industry has never opposed its development. How additional government research into this technology would advance it is unclear. Law enforcement agencies and consumers themselves will have to make the determination whether acquisition of firearms with this technology "would be consistent with operational needs," as the White House itself states. We would continue to oppose mandates for this technology, particularly since there are well proven existing methods to secure firearms, and firearms accidents are at historic low levels.

NSSF will have additional responses in the days, weeks and months ahead, especially as federal departments and agencies begin the work of carrying out the executive orders.


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Did the teleprompter stop while he wiped his eye to get the tears flowing? He is a great actor. Grandstanding, political maneuver, that in the end do nothing. I would like for him to have said there will be no more fast and furious type operations going on as well as we will stop supplying weapons to the middle east.

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk

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