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New 2016 crossbow legislation introduced


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Too many people "infesting"? So you would prefer less hunters out there?


I believe you only took the part of Doc's message to suit your needs . He wrote "There really are too damned many people infesting the U.S. these days" He mentioned the US not the hunting community .

With more people coming to the USA , some to choose to move out of the urban areas , purchase land and build a house or a developer buys up a chunk of land and builds a housing tract . I have personally lost a few hunting spots due to this happening . 

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Can anyone substantiate a rumor I just read, on a national deer hunting forum, that these measures passed and we will have full inclusion of the crossbow for archery season in all but a couple of Long Island zones starting this fall?   I am not from Missouri, but you got to "show me" some significant proof for me to believe this.  If it did pass, to those who fought so hard to prevent it: try and look at the positives and stop dwelling on the negatives.    You now will have another, "easer" weapon to use, if you want to, when you get older.   Everyone's time in the woods should get extended by a few seasons anyhow.              

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Can anyone substantiate a rumor I just read, on a national deer hunting forum, that these measures passed and we will have full inclusion of the crossbow for archery season in all but a couple of Long Island zones starting this fall? I am not from Missouri, but you got to "show me" some significant proof for me to believe this. If it did pass, to those who fought so hard to prevent it: try and look at the positives and stop dwelling on the negatives. You now will have another, "easer" weapon to use, if you want to, when you get older. Everyone's time in the woods should get extended by a few seasons anyhow.

I'm not aware it passed. But hope it does

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Bill S7005 still sits in the Environmental Conservation sub-committee. Similar bill introduced in the NYS assembly sits there also. Maybe after we get past Tuesday's primary election things will progress. Wishful thinking on my part!?!

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Too many people "infesting"? So you would prefer less hunters out there?

Isn't it amazing how people work so hard to establish controversy where there really is none.


The fact is that I have been around a bit longer than most here, and I have pretty much lived in the same area for almost all of my life. So, I have seen changes to rural areas that may have flown over the top of the heads of many. I was part of the rural culture that experienced one room school houses, Grange Hall dances, and a  time before posted signs. And I have watched the city dwellers move out into the country like locusts buying up parcels of hunting land and essentially locking it up with their 5 acre home sites. I have seen the improvements in roads and cars making commuting a natural and easy thing to do, and basically filling up the countryside and hunting lands with residences and recreation camps. So when I talk about excessive infesting by people, that comes from a unique viewpoint that you have never had the opportunity to experience.


The point of all of that is that the impacts on hunting regards the "access problem" and the slicing and dicing of hunting lands. And when hunters talk about the population problems that is what they are talking about, and had you bothered to look at the context of the reply, it would have been obvious that that is what I was talking about.

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Isn't it amazing how people work so hard to establish controversy where there really is none.

The fact is that I have been around a bit longer than most here, and I have pretty much lived in the same area for almost all of my life. So, I have seen changes to rural areas that may have flown over the top of the heads of many. I was part of the rural culture that experienced one room school houses, Grange Hall dances, and a time before posted signs. And I have watched the city dwellers move out into the country like locusts buying up parcels of hunting land and essentially locking it up with their 5 acre home sites. I have seen the improvements in roads and cars making commuting a natural and easy thing to do, and basically filling up the countryside and hunting lands with residences and recreation camps. So when I talk about excessive infesting by people, that comes from a unique viewpoint that you have never had the opportunity to experience.

The point of all of that is that the impacts on hunting regards the "access problem" and the slicing and dicing of hunting lands. And when hunters talk about the population problems that is what they are talking about, and had you bothered to look at the context of the reply, it would have been obvious that that is what I was talking about.

Maybe I didn't pay attention. OR, your post was so drawn out and convoluted that I lost your meaning. No chance of that, is there?

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Isn't it amazing how people work so hard to establish controversy where there really is none.


The fact is that I have been around a bit longer than most here, and I have pretty much lived in the same area for almost all of my life. So, I have seen changes to rural areas that may have flown over the top of the heads of many. I was part of the rural culture that experienced one room school houses, Grange Hall dances, and a  time before posted signs. And I have watched the city dwellers move out into the country like locusts buying up parcels of hunting land and essentially locking it up with their 5 acre home sites. I have seen the improvements in roads and cars making commuting a natural and easy thing to do, and basically filling up the countryside and hunting lands with residences and recreation camps. So when I talk about excessive infesting by people, that comes from a unique viewpoint that you have never had the opportunity to experience.


The point of all of that is that the impacts on hunting regards the "access problem" and the slicing and dicing of hunting lands. And when hunters talk about the population problems that is what they are talking about, and had you bothered to look at the context of the reply, it would have been obvious that that is what I was talking about.

I am with ya on most..Even the Grange dances. lol  Also was a time where a guy could walk anywhere up north where i grew up and hunt. my best bunny spot now holds Ogdensburg's Wal-mart.  That is the reason i put my money into dirt and as much as i could get my hands on. Me or mine will never have the lack of spot's or deal with the yellow sign syndrome. Young fellas that hunt today would be smart to do the same!

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Maybe I didn't pay attention. OR, your post was so drawn out and convoluted that I lost your meaning. No chance of that, is there?

Or it might be indicative of a reading comprehension problem. Actually I think it has more to do with trying to create controversy where there clearly was none. A little bored are we? ....... lol.

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Or it might be indicative of a reading comprehension problem. Actually I think it has more to do with trying to create controversy where there clearly was none. A little bored are we? ....... lol.

No reading comprehension issues here. Classy personal attack tho, coming from someone who always whines about seeing that on the site.

Bored, yes. Bored of reading your typical novel style post. So yes, I'm sure I skimmed through and missed your meaning. I don't like your posts, so I don't spend much time on them.

Trying to create controvery? No. You're the one who just can't let the crossbow issue go. Instead of trying to use your obviously superior grasp of the English language, to bore people into seeing things your way, maybe it's time to get over it. It's happening. Not if, when.

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No reading comprehension issues here. Classy personal attack tho, coming from someone who always whines about seeing that on the site.

Bored, yes. Bored of reading your typical novel style post. So yes, I'm sure I skimmed through and missed your meaning. I don't like your posts, so I don't spend much time on them.

Trying to create controvery? No. You're the one who just can't let the crossbow issue go. Instead of trying to use your obviously superior grasp of the English language, to bore people into seeing things your way, maybe it's time to get over it. It's happening. Not if, when.

See, I knew you had a reading comprehension problem. There was nothing in my comment that said anything about crossbows was there? Oh, you wouldn't know because the reply was over 4 sentences long and you couldn't handle it. But at least now it comes out why you tried to fabricate controversy. You are carrying some grudge over my position on crossbows and decided to arbitrarily make up something....lol. At least have the honesty and courage to prepare something truthful rather than trying to hide your grudge in some bogus comment about something you wish that I had said.


Oh and by the way, I really don't care whether you like my posts or not. They are not written for those that have reading difficulties. If you don't like them, don't read them. It really is that simple.

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How does one start a rift over the word "infested"? Sounds like someone came in a bit late in the thread with no understanding about what was being talked about... got confused... put a foot in his mouth... didn't know how to get out gracefully... so continued fighting on despite knowing he is wrong... to try and save face. Don't see anything wrong with any of what Doc has said.. pretty much spot on.

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Yep, no understanding. You nailed it joe. Ol doc sure told me. Consider me properly chastised.

Sorry but you stepped in it all by yourself. You totally missed what he was saying and weren't man enough to admit you read it wrong. You could have taken the high road and said "Oops, sorry I misread it" but you opted to dig a bigger hole. It's over.. now we can get back to the regularly scheduled program... still in progress. :)

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There is no official time line on these proposed bills. Remember, it still sits in a sub-committee awaiting approval before it even gets to the voting process in both houses. Then it needs the governor's approval and it's then official. Also, the legislature recesses for the summer some time at the end of June through about Labor Day, when nothing is done. So, there's basically about 8 weeks of official legislation time with approx 3 days per week that they're convened. In the past 3 years, the biggest hurdle for all crossbow legislation has been getting it out of that Environmental Conservation sub-committee and up for a vote in the assembly & senate. My guess is that if the Xbow bills aren't thru the assembly & senate before summer recess it won't be enacted for 2016. FYI - A similar bill introduced in 2015 died in the Enviro Cons sub-committee.

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