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Live from the turkey woods 2016


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Was all set to go back to where I busted them birds on the roost yesterday. 8:30pm last night my neighbor calls me and tells me there are 2 toms, 1 jake, and 3 hens just above my lower food plot, heading into my little patch of woods. Historically I can pick out the 5 different trees they will be roosted in the next morning when they come down to this area. Scrapped the original plan and slipped out to where the birds headed last night. Not a gobble, not a cluck, not even a flydown..... It's like they just disappeared.....

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Doesn't it just figure...I'm in the garden pounding in rebar for the tomato / bean fencing ...I have been hearing hens around me...mind you the garden has clover in it and is surround by clover plots ...I finish a fence and look up to see....yep a tom strolling through the clover plot looking my way...Neck stretch out just looking around...lol :rolleyes:

PS... no not going out...home to grab new delivery of strawberries...that have to go in today and AAAhhhhh my new WP Wolverine hiking boots...man my feet need these half off too... ;)

Edited by growalot
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Well I had ground hog day this morning. Same birds ,same gobble like crazy action at first light. Heading my way and then silence and poof they disappear. Well that's it for me this spring I had fun and shot a nice bird. Good luck to all and be safe!

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Tried to get back on the bird from earlier this week. Same old story.... Not a peep until flydown, he gobbled about 10-15 times, I believe I heard a hen, and then he walked the other way, down the hill. All quiet by 5:45

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Think he busted me moving. Heard some yelps (sounded like a gobbler). I leaned my head to get a different view and i saw him at about 60. Just his head. Didnt alarm, run or fly off. Moved about 80 yards down the hill and set up again.

This bird is smart. He did the same thing last week.

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I hate to mention this to those of you who have been hunting turkeys quite a bit this season with little or no success. As I mentioned yesterday I am done hunting this spring due to work , parties, etc. so my kid brother asks me where he should hunt turkey with his son. I tell him to go near one of my deer stands in the woods near a big hay field @ 100 acres. He hasn't turkey hunted at all this spring. So he wakes up at 0800 heads out to the spot, sets up and gives a call , gets an answer from this bird that I've seen in the field a couple of times , answers again my brother stops calling and the bird walks right into him and he shoots it at 25 yds. Luck is what u make it but I thought I would share this one . I'll send a pic.

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I hate to mention this to those of you who have been hunting turkeys quite a bit this season with little or no success. As I mentioned yesterday I am done hunting this spring due to work , parties, etc. so my kid brother asks me where he should hunt turkey with his son. I tell him to go near one of my deer stands in the woods near a big hay field @ 100 acres. He hasn't turkey hunted at all this spring. So he wakes up at 0800 heads out to the spot, sets up and gives a call , gets an answer from this bird that I've seen in the field a couple of times , answers again my brother stops calling and the bird walks right into him and he shoots it at 25 yds. Luck is what u make it but I thought I would share this one . I'll send a pic.

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Thanks, you jerk !!! :rolleyes:


Only kidding .

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I hate to mention this to those of you who have been hunting turkeys quite a bit this season with little or no success. As I mentioned yesterday I am done hunting this spring due to work , parties, etc. so my kid brother asks me where he should hunt turkey with his son. I tell him to go near one of my deer stands in the woods near a big hay field @ 100 acres. He hasn't turkey hunted at all this spring. So he wakes up at 0800 heads out to the spot, sets up and gives a call , gets an answer from this bird that I've seen in the field a couple of times , answers again my brother stops calling and the bird walks right into him and he shoots it at 25 yds. Luck is what u make it but I thought I would share this one . I'll send a pic.

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Keep the pic........................... :)

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I hate to mention this to those of you who have been hunting turkeys quite a bit this season with little or no success. As I mentioned yesterday I am done hunting this spring due to work , parties, etc. so my kid brother asks me where he should hunt turkey with his son. I tell him to go near one of my deer stands in the woods near a big hay field @ 100 acres. He hasn't turkey hunted at all this spring. So he wakes up at 0800 heads out to the spot, sets up and gives a call , gets an answer from this bird that I've seen in the field a couple of times , answers again my brother stops calling and the bird walks right into him and he shoots it at 25 yds. Luck is what u make it but I thought I would share this one . I'll send a pic.

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That's what happens when he knows where the corn pile under the treestand is left over from deer season .... Lol ...


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