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hoping to add some new hunters in the woods

Geno C

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Well around thanksgiving time i recived word from 2 of my best friends they were interested in hunting with me. They asked if i would help them iron out the details and find the info out for the sportsman classes and bow hunting classes.

Its pretty exciting news for me considering i get to let these guys into my world so to speak. for many years they would hear about my seasons of bow hunting / shotgun season and i could always see a spark of interest there. They both want to take the sportman and bowhunting classes. A new level for me is the interest my fiance is taking to it. she also wants to take the sportman classes this spring! im excited to say the least. im looking forward to sharing a few hunts with them and watching them evolve as hunters in the years to come. i have to show them the way when it comes to overal safety in the woods as i do not want to associate with any hunters who dont take saftey and proper fire arm handling first and for most... Im sure with my help i can carve the propper saftey and etiquette into each of them and enjoy more experiences yet to come!

anyone else taking a family, friend or little one hunting?

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"anyone else taking a family, friend or little one hunting?"

Well of course! I get more of a kick out of hunting with my wife and little guy than any thing else. He's 7 and has already came along for a couple of hunts each year for that last couple of years. I make sure to answer any questions and offer to help with the new hunters I know too.

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Sounds like a plan for future good times Geno. 8)

My buddies never took much interest after the fishing poles and cold suds got put away. They'd rather hang at the local watering hole "chasing tail" than chasing whitetails around the woodlots with me. That's ok though....I still score more often than they do and bring home the biggest racks! ;D

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Well my daughter loves to shoot but has no interest in hunting.....her boyfriend is very interesed and wants me to show him the ropes......I figure it can't be a bad thing  for him to realize I am a very good shot :D:)

LOL this is true...

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Yes,finally one of my best buddies is starting to take interest in the great outdoors, he came along on a scouting trip in october and that sparked it for him so hopefuly he'll go for his archery course and start hunting come fall.

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I had the pleasure of taking my 14 yr old niece with me for a few trips during gun season.

I let her use one of my guns, and she had fun. Didn't get any deer, but, I got to teach her alot about gun safety and she learned alot about deer and other game.

Looking forward to having her with me again in the upcoming seasons.  If all goes well, I will get here into archery hunting also.

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My daughter goes out hunting with me a few times per season at least. My fiance has gone with me before as well. My fiance's cousin has been going with my buddy for a couple of years now, Ive been out with them a few times, and he is old enough to get his license this year. I love seeing new people get into it.

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I have also got two of my buddies into hunting, both bow and gun and the one Turkey hunts too. The other good thing is they both have kids so hopefully they can pass it along to them some day, one has 4 young boys and I know they will be involved in hunting. Its neat to think that  by getting one guy into hunting we may gain an additional 4-5 hunters. I will need them some day when I'm old to drag my deer out.  ;)

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I have taken a few people over the years.  and I have certified probably by now 700 or more people to purchase a license and hunt over the past 26 years.  I offer to any of the younger students who do not have a place to hunt or anyone to hunt with a time to hunt with me.  I do have a younger gentleman who I have taken small game hunting as him mom passed away a little over a year ago and his dad is not motivated to do so.  He continues to show interest, and this fall he can hunt big game.  So, I expect to have him out this fall. 

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I took my girlfriend's little brother out squirrel hunting this year.  He's only eight so he couldn't really participate but I let him field dress a few critters and we saw some deer too.  When he got home he asked his mom for a gun for his birthday lol.  He keeps telling people that he can hunt too in 4 years.  Nothing like exposing a new hunter to the sport and the great outdoors that may not have had the chance otherwise. 

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