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Leaked tape captures Trump in crude rant with TV host

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12 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

 What if someone told you mother they are going to grab her by her private parts? Im sure you would care what they said.  I know I wouldnt allow that. 

I'm  sure most of the guys on here( me included) have talked dirty about women one time or another with their buddies. that's all it is to me, harmless locker room talk.If that's all the left can find on Trump then he's got my vote.

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Trump is finished.  I just love how some of you clowns continue to defend him.  I reckon he could sleep with your wives or mamas and you'd still vote for him.  

Just wait until tomorrow's debate.  He will be publicly tar and feathered.  He is debating a woman and one of the moderators is a woman, and the other is a gay guy.  And there will be women in the audience asking him questions and ready to stone him.  If he ain't done yet, he will be after the debate.  

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Some staffers inside the Republican National Committee are rebelling and “defying orders” to continue working for Donald Trump, according to a source familiar with the situation. 

"They’re dropping their duties to the campaign," the source told Business Insider. "Turning their attention to Senate/House."



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Most guys on the planet have said incredibly awful things when they were in "private". So what he said doesn't really shock me. But, unfortunately for him it was recorded. And that is the difference.

Trump's campaign was effectively over the evening of September 26th when he conducted the worst debate performance in modern history, if not ever. And I am not even exagerating my view of that; it was worse than the one decades back with the guy who's face was melting.

So with a campaign falling off the cliff and another likely-to-be-bad debate coming up on Sunday we get this news. And of course it is no revelation. Somebody had this and released it to supercede the fact that finally some of hillary's speeches are out.

But, Trump can't afford this. He already has a tough time with women and this looks very, very bad.

If Trump actually cared about America he would immediately leave this election. But in his own words he's never backed down. He is too prideful, too stubborn. He won't lose, and hillary will be president. I promise you, believe me.

My wife is arguing fervently to vote for Hillary as an anti-trump. I've told her I will never vote for hillary. My wife and I both voted for cruz in the primary. Trump is so bad he's turned a cruz voter toward hillary. I plan on staying home or marking off mickey mouse on the ballot if we have that option in new york.

Trump should never have been nominated. You people who helped nominate him should have seen this coming. I did. Everyone else who didn't vote for him did, too. Why couldn't you see it coming? Why did you think he would learn? Why did you think he would not lead a pitiful campaign, as he has, and implode, as he is doing? Hillary's ascension is your fault. Will you atone for it and how? Will you blame the mainstream media when trump is obliterated a month from now? 

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27 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

Some staffers inside the Republican National Committee are rebelling and “defying orders” to continue working for Donald Trump, according to a source familiar with the situation. 

"They’re dropping their duties to the campaign," the source told Business Insider. "Turning their attention to Senate/House."



Um. Holy @*#&. It sounds like PENCE, who is on Trump's ticket backed out of an event. At what point will the truly hillary hating crowded realize Trump is costing them the election (I knew it many months ago)? He cannot be kicked out now, but if he withdraws perhaps pence can pick it up and I guarantee you many people would jump on Pence.



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23 minutes ago, Core said:

Um. Holy @*#&. It sounds like PENCE, who is on Trump's ticket backed out of an event. At what point will the truly hillary hating crowded realize Trump is costing them the election (I knew it many months ago)? He cannot be kicked out now, but if he withdraws perhaps pence can pick it up and I guarantee you many people would jump on Pence.



Ive read there are people who want to write in pence.  But this is the nail in the coffin for DT.  

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2 hours ago, Core said:

Um. Holy @*#&. It sounds like PENCE, who is on Trump's ticket backed out of an event. At what point will the truly hillary hating crowded realize Trump is costing them the election (I knew it many months ago)? He cannot be kicked out now, but if he withdraws perhaps pence can pick it up and I guarantee you many people would jump on Pence.



Pence could be more appealing to the many undecided voters.  Those people who are against hillary but aren't ready to vote for dt

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1 hour ago, diplomat019 said:

DT was married  in 2005.  Wonder what his wife thinks about him wanting to grab other women's pussys?   Wonder if this might be the end of his marriage too? 

She already came out with a statement today condemning what he said. Remember the last time a president's spouse released a little admonition of their spouse's behavior during a general election? Me, neither.

Unless he does well in the debate tomorrow--I mean really well--and based on his last performance I think he is patently incapable of performing well during a debate, we will see a further erosion this week in the polls.

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2 hours ago, Core said:


Trump should never have been nominated. You people who helped nominate him should have seen this coming. I did. Everyone else who didn't vote for him did, too. Why couldn't you see it coming? 


That's an easy one actually.  They couldn't see it coming because they are ignorant idiots just like Trump.  They've all helped make this a complete circus.  This is by far the most unbelievable and embarrassing election in the history of this nation.  No other comes even close!

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The people that pretend to be simon pure "goody two shoes" crack me up! I am no saint nor do I pretend to be one, a little old for that kind of stuff these days but what Trump said is akin to common locker room talk I heard when I was a young fellow and a bunch of guys were together talking about women and I heard a lot worse, don't bother me a bit! Trump is a well known womanizer and playboy why the hell would anyone be surprised at this stage of the game.

What about old Bill, Lewinsky, her stained dress and his cigars, that did not bother me either, actually thought it was funny. the blatant lying about it is what got him. At least Trump owned up.


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1 hour ago, airedale said:

The people that pretend to be simon pure "goody two shoes" crack me up! I am no saint nor do I pretend to be one, a little old for that kind of stuff these days but what Trump said is akin to common locker room talk I heard when I was a young fellow and a bunch of guys were together talking about women and I heard a lot worse, don't bother me a bit! Trump is a well known womanizer and playboy why the hell would anyone be surprised at this stage of the game.

What about old Bill, Lewinsky, her stained dress and his cigars, that did not bother me either, actually thought it was funny. the blatant lying about it is what got him. At least Trump owned up.


I don't think anyone is pretending that. I'm positive I've said thing as awful (grabbing comment--never have tried to cheat on my wife or sleep with a married person). I have no idea about who; sometimes my brother and I say increasingly terrible things just for the heck of it. It means nothing, it represents very little about us (I think?). But, we're pretty careful that there is no other audience because out of context it's bad. Trump obviously was not careful enough. But it's not only what he said, it's that the media will make a complete circus out of it, and he put himself in that situation--one I might add that most other politicians seem somehow to avoid putting themselves into.

It's just another thing onto the pile of the mistakes he's made. In this case he could argue he was overheard, but he was not overheard inadvertently when last week he told people to check out somebody's sex tape. That was deliberate and stupid, not a mistake and stupid.

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Give me a stinking break!  Rude  crude ya , and Not just a few men and  woman have made the exact same type of comments about the opposite sex...FACT!!!!  I worked as a bartender and night club manager for years...as a waitress and in a hair salon and in a factory and around construction. Bathrooms..I cleaned the club's as well..men have nothing over women in vulgarity,they just hide it better...let me tell you...it was and I'd bet..especially from reading some on line posts...still very prevalent. You know what really bothers me...self righteous ass holes that act like in their growing years they never made a rude comment told and or laughed at a rude joke...I hate a hypocrisy more  than vulgarity.

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13 minutes ago, Core said:

I don't think anyone is pretending that. I'm positive I've said thing as awful (grabbing comment--never have tried to cheat on my wife or sleep with a married person). I have no idea about who; sometimes my brother and I say increasingly terrible things just for the heck of it. It means nothing, it represents very little about us (I think?). But, we're pretty careful that there is no other audience because out of context it's bad. Trump obviously was not careful enough. But it's not only what he said, it's that the media will make a complete circus out of it, and he put himself in that situation--one I might add that most other politicians seem somehow to avoid putting themselves into.

It's just another thing onto the pile of the mistakes he's made. In this case he could argue he was overheard, but he was not overheard inadvertently when last week he told people to check out somebody's sex tape. That was deliberate and stupid, not a mistake and stupid.

You are kidding right? The clip was 10 years ago, and guys will be guys! It is what is is!


Here's what I had to say in a more 'candid' reply to this whole thing on another thread:



I already commented about this in another thread. But, here's a little more "candid opinion".

This is the breaking point? Why? For being a guy?

Bill Clinton is a horn dog, pig, and a freaking pervert!! We all know what he did with his cigars when he was in office! That's actually a perversion and fetish! Hillary has committed more crimes against this country then anyone in history!

Seriously! Not sure why Trumps comments are that big of a deal in comparison. Just goes to show, it's OK for one side to do it, but not the other. Gimme a break!


If you feel the need to hold Trump responsible for what he did 10 years ago, then you best be holding the Clintons responsible for what they have done for more then 30 years! Bill is a pervert! Hillary is a traitor! They are both degenerates! It's not even funny the double standards set forth by the Democratic Party. 

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47 minutes ago, ....rob said:

You are kidding right? The clip was 10 years ago, and guys will be guys! It is what is is!

Except other guys are not being caught for this and it is playing extremely well into the narrative of him holding women in low regard, whether that is true or not. Anyway, I don't think he's a crap candidate because of these comments. I think he's a crap candidate because of everything else, but these are clearly not helping and the polls are going to reflect this shortly.

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23 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

The Trump tape sounded like the BS crap you would hear in a locker room . Guys making BS brags about conquests that they never had , etc .. 

Guys know this, but only because guys have been in the locker room saying it. Women don't; they don't want to realize how bad some guys can be. And trying to teach them real-time isn't going to soften the blow of this to trump's campaign

Trump: "Yes, I said it, buy ladies chances are your boyfriends and husbands have been just as bad"
Lady: "Hey, honey would you ever say that about women?"
Guy: "Oh, of course not, dear! Trump is terrible! Can't believe he would be so awful"

There are definitely crocodile tears, but the damage is done nonetheless. Honesty is not necessary in politics for a story to hurt and this one is going to.

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3 minutes ago, Core said:

Except other guys are not being caught for this and it is playing extremely well into the narrative of him holding women in low regard, whether that is true or not. Anyway, I don't think he's a crap candidate because of these comments. I think he's a crap candidate because of everything else, but these are clearly not helping and the polls are going to reflect this shortly.

You are still negating the fact that the Clintons have done far worse. Making a lewd comment is one thing, sticking cigars where they don't belong is just messed up. The Dems are nitpicking now. They aren't focused on any of the issues, just out to drag Trump down. At least he has talked about some big problems in this country and he wants to resolve them. 


Ever been around a group of women talking about men? I have, a few times. Trust me, they are just as brutal in what they say about us.

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4 minutes ago, ....rob said:

You are still negating the fact that the Clintons have done far worse. Making a lewd comment is one thing, sticking cigars where they don't belong is just messed up. The Dems are nitpicking now. They aren't focused on any of the issues, just out to drag Trump down. At least he has talked about some big problems in this country and he wants to resolve them. 


Ever been around a group of women talking about men? I have, a few times. Trust me, they are just as brutal in what they say about us.

It doesn't matter now, it's too late for him. The clinton stuff is far enough in the past most people just don't care anymore. New news is more important than old. People are not used to trump in this way because they never paid much attention.

The dems always nitpick because they are morally bankrupt, but a lot of them vote.

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Hillary's "stuff" isn't that far in the past. It's still far worse! Treason is far above a lewd comment from a promiscuous man. That there is a fact. The real problem is social media and nothing is private anymore. Things get blown out of proportion by zealots who probably never leave the house except to get "munchies". Their whole world revolves around social media and really don't have a clue what's wrong with this country because they are brainwashed by the whitewash that people like the Clintons force on said social media.

I just can't put my trust in someone who took money for her "foundation" from the very terrorists that are trying to kill innocent Americans. I just can't. I also don't have much respect for anyone who does support her knowing this.

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CORE,I can't quote you ,on the Kindle, you couldn't possibly be that clueless. In what Pollyanna state do you live where women aren't aware of what most men say. Better yet are you so clueless you have no idea what women are saying about men!....OMG your posts narrative was beyond laughable.

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24 minutes ago, ....rob said:

Hillary's "stuff" isn't that far in the past. It's still far worse! Treason is far above a lewd comment from a promiscuous man. That there is a fact. The real problem is social media and nothing is private anymore. Things get blown out of proportion by zealots who probably never leave the house except to get "munchies". Their whole world revolves around social media and really don't have a clue what's wrong with this country because they are brainwashed by the whitewash that people like the Clintons force on said social media.

I just can't put my trust in someone who took money for her "foundation" from the very terrorists that are trying to kill innocent Americans. I just can't. I also don't have much respect for anyone who does support her knowing this.

Don't trust in Hillary. She is not trustworthy, she is corrupt and power hungry and a bad person to run the country. I plan on never voting for her. It's just too bad that one of approximately 5-10 people in the entire country who couldn't beat her in an election happen to be actually the nominee responsible for that job. 

I still hope trump wins so that she doesn't because I expect he would be kicked out of the white house in very short order. Dems from day one would call for his impeachment and it wouldn't take long for republicans to do the same. Then we get pence who I think would be just fine.

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25 minutes ago, growalot said:

CORE,I can't quote you ,on the Kindle, you couldn't possibly be that clueless. In what Pollyanna state do you live where women aren't aware of what most men say. Better yet are you so clueless you have no idea what women are saying about men!....OMG your posts narrative was beyond laughable.

You should stick to threads about vegetables and hunting.

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