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A good days hunt


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This picture is from 2005.  I killed the doe first, let her lay for a bit before gutting her and waited for a buck to show.  After dressing her out and dragging her to my side of the gully, I climbed back into my Summit and figured I'd just sit and wait until it was time to meet my partners for some breakfast.

Well, after 20 minutes or so a coyote comes slinking in, looking for a gut pile I assume.  Bang/flop.  I climb back down, cross the gully again and drag the 'yote over next to the doe.  Well, quite a morning I have going!

Climb back into the climber and shimmy up the tree.  20 minute later the 2nd song dog shows up and bang/run.  He didn't go far, only 40 yards or so.

Well, that was a good morning.  Two coyotes and a doe, all in less than 2 hours and shot with a T/C Encore 50 caliber muzzleloader.  Lima, NY.


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The way things are going, you might have them in time for spring gobbler season?  ;)

I'm having my 5th MRI in 7 weeks next Monday. Ultrasound, EMG & xray also.  Nerve issues in my shoulder leading to muscle atrophy.  I feel like I'm being used my these Dr's..........I feel cheap and dirty :(

I'll make sure my wife has your contact information. 

Thanks for the concern, Uncle Dan!

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Larry..Sorry to hear about your health problems... I wouldn't be making so light of it if I knew you were having issues.. :-[ ...

On the other hand, I can certainly identify with  your feeling "used" by doctors...

On my last visit to my urologist, I told him that next time he'd better KISS me first... ??? ....

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Larry..Sorry to hear about your health problems... I wouldn't be making so light of it if I knew you were having issues.. :-[ ...

On the other hand, I can certainly identify with  your feeling "used" by doctors...

On my last visit to my urologist, I told him that next time he'd better KISS me first... ??? ....

Oh, all be fine. 

If they can't get my wing back in shape I'll be thinking CROSSBOW!

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Cool story....

Sorry about the ills....got a bad right elbow that drives me crazy at times....too many nails driven ???

Do you mind leaving them to me in your will..??

I mean just in case you expire prematurely from tripping over a laundry bin or something... ;) ....

I have Swaro 8x32's but just SLC's....you want dibbs on them too? 8)

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