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Couple more made it through


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I don't have the pics but my buddy across the road from my place is getting pics of two really nice bucks that seem to hang together a lot. They mostly hang on his place except during the rut when they each spent a lot of time on my place, I hold the does all season. They moved back to his place after the first week of December and are back to hanging out together. They will both be true whoppers next year as long as they survive

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i've pulled all my cameras.  hopefully this weekend i can relocate them to areas where i believe particular bucks moved back in to.  problem a small number of bucks have already shed.  had one yearling shed on Dec 17th and a younger hunter took it thinking it was a doe. there's a handful of bucks i believe made it that are 3.5 or older.

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1 hour ago, dbHunterNY said:

i've pulled all my cameras.  hopefully this weekend i can relocate them to areas where i believe particular bucks moved back in to.  problem a small number of bucks have already shed.  had one yearling shed on Dec 17th and a younger hunter took it thinking it was a doe. there's a handful of bucks i believe made it that are 3.5 or older.

Good luck! I think this time (right after the season) is a critical time to take inventory, before they shed. Once they do, who knows what buck is what:rolleyes:...

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Good luck! I think this time (right after the season) is a critical time to take inventory, before they shed. Once they do, who knows what buck is whatdefault_rolleyes.gif...

Yeah you're right none have any healed injury or physical markings to tell them apart little bit like double throat patch, torn ear, etc.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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18 minutes ago, hunter49 said:

  If your cam times are correct, isn't it odd that they know when it is safe to come out in the day light hours again?  Dam sob's  lol

Yeah, they are correct in those photos. Kind of a pain checking them every time I pull a card to make sure that the time and date are right, but it is really frustrating to have the date and time flip and not catch it and have to put a note on the folder in the computer. Some cameras just have a bug and there seems to be no rime or reason why they flip dates and times (and sometimes am and pm.)


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I put the photos of the wide 6 together into a little vid clip. I like the way he raises his hoof, alert to the cam. The little doe shows his size at the end. I would guess a 3.5 year old for my neck of the woods. Can't wait to seem him as a 4.5 next year if he doesn't get jacked. 4.5's are so rare around here.

Wide Six just before Christmas eve.mov

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