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Drain The Swamp Dems not voting

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When Trump said he'd drain the swamp LOL, but this is crazy. The Democrats are not even willing to represent the people who voted them to office. It looks like they won't even vote NO. So is this the start of the swamp being drained. Fake crying Chuck Schumer and "Tell them your a Muslim" Pelosi are boycotting what, democracy. 

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The demorats are pulling out all the stops, willing to say and do anything that they believe will help them.Keith Ellison from MN. who wants to run the DNC shows up in DC with some clown from CAIR that wants to promote their muslim beliefs by pushing sharia law.I hope they get him to be in charge ,The democrats will be history.:taunt::taunt::taunt:

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"When Donald Trump said he wanted to drain the swamp, he didn’t mean he wanted to clean up American institutions so they would work better, what he meant was that those institutions shouldn’t actually exist. This explains why every person picked for his cabinet is opposed to the mission of the agency that person is supposed to lead."

Some of you may be too young to remember what it was like before Congress passed the Clean Water Act and the EPA started cleaning things up. I routinely saw raw sewage (turds and toilet paper) floating by while I was fishing the local creek in my town. There were no bald eagles in the lower 48 because of DDT. This is where we are headed again with Pruitt and Trump shutting down the EPA.

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I remember the Cuyahoga River catching fire, when Lake Erie was considered dead, and air in NYC that you could cut with a knife. 

All that changed, in no small part, due to the EPA. Thank you, Nixon, you crazy bastard. You too, Woodsy.

Overreach and "screw you, no" is a small price to pay when it comes to the protecting the land we share. 




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I guess time will tell,IMO all the government agencies are so bloated with high salaried hacks that are there to oversee the highly political staff of do nothings that determine our destiny.I am sure at one point of time all of these agencies were  very efficient at what they were supposed to do,NOT ANYMORE.I hope the cuts will be realistic and they will still be able to address the issues that are most important, not dictated by some political POS.

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The problem with all of these government agencies is, they continue to seek more power and more regulation that extends way beyond their original mandate.  They morph into government behemoths that exert influence way beyond anything that would resemble constitutional authority.  If these agencies were kept under control and forced to limit their scope to things that didn't destroy businesses and liberties, maybe they wouldn't be under attack at this time.

They have all let power go to their heads and it is being used to abuse the populace now.  That's the reason many are being considered for extermination.

The BATFE is a perfect example of a Federal agency that has no constitutional mandate to even be in existence, and has a history of malfeasance that would make the gestapo jealous.  These agencies need to be reigned in or eliminated.

EPA, DOE, Ed Dept, DEA, DOT, NAFTA, FAA, etc., have all become enemies of the civilian population in America, when they were supposed to be agencies that would improve the quality of life for Americans.

Forget about the good they do.  If the bad they do far outweighs the good, they need to be stopped.

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Im not saying that the formation and early work of the epa wasnt justified but now you cant even take a leak out you back door with violating some regulation they have imposed. these organizations need there teeth yanked out.They should be at most a recomedation body without the athority to regulate. If laws need to be passed thats why we elect officials.

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