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Cardinals at the bird feeders


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Been keeping the bird feeders filled . We have had a lot of Red Cardinals show up . A few times between 8 and 10 have been at the feeders . The females look pretty chubby . I have only seen a few around the past couple months but they are showing up in full force the past couple days . 

Blackbirds have also been showing up . Got a couple of them today . They are Bully Birds and bully the other birds at the feeders . 

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10 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

There were several Robins in the back yard the other day before the snow started . I guess a lot of them don't go south for the winter . 

I think the crazy weather will have them wondering if they came back early!

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13 hours ago, Lawdwaz said:

I love the song of the male Cardinal especially in the early morning this time of year.  They sit way up high in the maple trees and whistle their little love song back and forth. 

Great stuff!

One of the prettiest songs from the backyard!

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1 hour ago, stubborn1VT said:

No finches, Doc?  Over the last few years I've been over-run with goldfinches and redbills.  Otherwise, I have the same list as you.  Well, mostly.  Add bluejays and minus the deer.

I forgot the "big-mouth" birds ..... blue jays. No finches yet, but they'll get around to us eventually. Or maybe they were here when I wasn't looking.

We are going through birdseed like crazy this year. The bird activity was absolutely nuts the past two days during the storm. It was like they were afraid that it was their last meal......lol.

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So far at the feeder up on Taborton, we have only:

- Juncos

- Nuthatches

- Chickadees

- Titmouse

We need to get better seed.  We set out black oil sunflower seeds.

In the past two years, I've seen, in addition to the above:

Pileated Woodpecker, Hairy & Downy Woodpecker, Yellow Bellied Sapsucker, Cedar Waxwing, Scarlet Tanager, Red Tail Hawk, Broad Winged Hawk, Barred Owl, Osprey, Hermit Thrush (and it's cousin, Robin), Bluejays, Crows, Ravens, and I know I'm forgetting a few others...

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