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Just one more......treestand


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I've actually streamlined a bit from past seasons:

6 Summit Talon Brackets w/3 Summit Hawk HangOns = 6 sets

2 Ladder Stands

1 Lone Wolf Climber

Those are all for me at 3 primary hunting parcels:

150 acre Public (4 other regulars)

450 acre Public (6 other regulars)

60 acre Private Lease (just me)

Just gave away my 9 yr old Summit Open Shot Climber to my buddy while we were hanging/moving stands today.  

Perfect weather for it this am, 50 and light rain:IMG_0062.PNG

Edited by OtiscoPaul
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Had dinner at my oldest son'd home in Honeoye Falls today . Before dinner he , my youngest son and myself went to Mendon and set up another ladder stand and checked out 3 other stands while there . Got a chance to wear my camo rain gear that I bought at Tractor Supply last year . It doesn't breathe and was wet on the inside . Live and learn ! 

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Twenty plus years of buying stands and maintaining them

replacing cables and straps.... Taking them down every year and putting them back up.. I still have original loggy bayou aluminum stands from 25 plus years ago you use to use Chinese finger ropes to tighten to tree... Best longest lasting stands are by far the aluminum ones.by API and loggy bayou.. Lone wolf are keeping up well but are not as old.. Worst by far steel ladders.. 

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5 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

gonna add one this weekend.  That will give me 10 on 120 acres, 2 on 60 acres, 1 on 9 acres and 1 on 12 acres.  I have a lack of stands for east winds though.  I see that now going into season.  

I have found that the deer do not seem to move during east winds. I think maybe because all the trail systems are not set up well for east winds because so rare.

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Cleared shooting lanes for the box blinds for rifle season yesterday. Porcupines ate through the floor on one and had to replace it.  Wife saw the porky on the woids later and he took a CCI to the cranium. We killed 13 adult porcupines since May. 9 in one day alone. Last year they ate one box blind right to the studs. Pics are the views from 1 of 4 box blinds. All are on one hedgrow about 300 yards apart. 






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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to put up a stand on a new spot of ground i just got permission for (12 acres) and there was a treestand up there already.  The owners ddint know it was out there but found out who it was and they have to take it down this weekend.  So I will be putting up a new stand on Sept 30th the day before season. 

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On 7/21/2017 at 6:24 AM, Robhuntandfish said:

How many treestands do you have up and what size of property?  Seems like I add stands every year and always want one more.  Just want to be sure I'm not addicted!  lol

10 stands - 7 of them shared with one other person on 120 acres, 2 on about 50 acres and 1 on 9 acres (new this year). I love the ladder stands! 

2 stands as of right now on 40 acres but will have more when I see where the deer are traveling, 11 stands on 220 acres 1 that is permanent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weather relented and wife can do kid duty so I am heading out tomorrow am to hang 2 ladders and recover my climber from my tompkins lease (wanted this done 2 weeks ago), 1 tree is over a mile in.

With my climber back in hand I may hunt Saturday PM up north if the forecast holds.IMG_0471.PNG

11 sets total

Edited by OtiscoPaul
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