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2010 deer reports


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They have to make some assumptions to do so, but they try.

The DEC visits butcher shops and records all of the deer there, then calculates the percentage of those hunters who reported their kill.

They use this percentage for a statewide assesment of how many deer would have been killed if the reporting percentage was applied to the total.

Some of the weaker assumptions might be that all regions reporting percentage would be similar, or that the reporting percentage of those who process their own deer is similar to those who take their deer to get cut up.

But its about as good as you can get, I guess.

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Yeah..i kno a buncha people who dont report, and i  been gettin on em about it..especially the brown its down crowd at work..i even showed them how easy by phone it is..i have decals on my contact list..those guys take the deer home and start cuttin right away..im suspect that they take more than they should..if i can change the way one guy operates then im doin good..but theyre set in their ways

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[quote][/some of the weaker assumptions might be that all regions reporting  percentage would be similar, or that the reporting percentage of those  who process their own deer is similar to those who take their deer to  get cut up.quote]

Now that is an under statement

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You know, I have to wonder. When they visit processors, taxidermists, etc. to come up with this ratio of those that report vs. those that don't, what do they do with the list of hunters that they find that did'nt report. Do they send out tickets? I have never heard of anybody getting a "failure to report" ticket in the mail.


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Yeah..i kno a buncha people who dont report, and i  been gettin on em about it..especially the brown its down crowd at work..i even showed them how easy by phone it is..i have decals on my contact list..those guys take the deer home and start cuttin right away..im suspect that they take more than they should..if i can change the way one guy operates then im doin good..but theyre set in their ways

Less than half report? That is not good. I also wonder what the rule is for aging the deer? They said more 2.5 year olds were taken.

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the part I dont get is the claim is the take was up, whih it was.  But everyone knows somone who desotn report and it seems to be estimatred at half report, and than take into account deer that are poached.  I dont get how so many people were reporting all season not seeing deer.  It seems they are out there and the herds have not been dessimated. I traveled 108 miles today for work and saw 83 deer out in fields. 

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I'm not understanding what the deal is with the maximum day after kill requirement. Why can't they just make it 7 or 10 days after seasons close?

If you have other things going on that don't allow you to fit that timeframe, you probably don't call them in for fear of being ticketed for being over the alotted window of opertunity they set. I'll bet that's the biggest reason most don't report.

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I would like to see an interactive website from the DEC. Gives you real time information about what's going on in your area. You report your harvest and see the numbers appear on screen. Take it a bit further how about the name of the person and the information about the harvest. That way you will know if your neighbor who has been bragging about the nice 8 pt and two does hanging in the barn reported his deer. I know you can report online but the two times I tried it didn't work. This day and age all kind of information can be calculated real time to give you an update about the season.

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I would like to see an interactive website from the DEC. Gives you real time information about what's going on in your area. You report your harvest and see the numbers appear on screen. Take it a bit further how about the name of the person and the information about the harvest. That way you will know if your neighbor who has been bragging about the nice 8 pt and two does hanging in the barn reported his deer. I know you can report online but the two times I tried it didn't work. This day and age all kind of information can be calculated real time to give you an update about the season.


What better way to get guys to report, shows you when, where and how you harvested your deer.

We have already discussed an excellent way of getting near 100% reporting that involves mandatory reports for every tag issued (successful or not). Apparently the DEC is not really that interested in forcing an improvement of reporting rate since they have publicly ruled that plan out.

In terms of publishing hunter names on the internet, I see that as serving no other purpose than supplying a useful resource for harrassment from your local animal rights wackos. However, given the history of anti-gun people supplying pistol owners names on the internet, I'm sure it is just a matter of time before some nutcase applies the Freedom of Information Act to get listings of hunter names to publish on their websites.....lol.

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Yea publishing names could get sticky but I think a hunter would love to see their name "up on the board".

There could be so many options available to the hunter. Pat good idea, DEC wants to keep down the population you get more back for a doe, least back for a buck 2.5 or younger.

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Trying to charge a refundable report deposit on each tag would turn alot of people off. Think about it, the license is $100, then $25 a tag for up to 7 tags (either sex bow/ml, doe bow/ml, regular season buck, 4 possible DMPs) and you are looking at $275 up front to get your license and tags. People would be very unhappy even though you would get $175 back at the end of the season.

Mandatory reporting kill or no kill for each tag is the simplest way to go. No report, no tag next season.

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Ok, here is my theory on why the DEC might be against a "1 tag - 1 report" law. And bear in mind that this is only a theory, not supported by anything that the DEC has said or implied. I think they may be a bit scared by the low reporting rate that currently exists and may be fearful that they could find themselves in a position of fining or otherwise punishing more than half the hunter population, which could then lead to a terrible backlash of desertion in the hunter ranks. One thing that kind of supports that theory is the lack of action taken against those that they find non-compliant as they do their "reporting rate" surveys and calculations. Have any of you ever heard of anyone receiving a ticket in the mail for not reporting their harvest? And yet they apparently find enough of them to come up with a reporting rate number that shows that there is significant non-compliance. It's almost as though they really don't want to enforce that law. So a "1 tag - 1 report" mandate would force their hand and perhaps make them enforce something that they are afraid to enforce.

Now that's all just a guess, but I'll be darned if I can think of any other logical reasons. In prior posts on the subject, I have shown how such a law that is basically enforced by computer software would actually save money over the labor intensive methods being used today.

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