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The drought is over, My first bird on the ground


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Left the house at 4:30, quick 20 min later I was walking up the hill to the area where I thought I heard them....a quick recon call from primos hand caller...yeah he is gobbling. I have now learned not to overcall I did that mistake the opening day only to see a bird, hear two gobbles and then he shut up for good. Not this time :-)

So, I hear him in the distance, way too far, so I sit down by the huge tree and call him again 10 -15 seconds later he responds so I shut up and let him come closer. 3 min later I see him flying over to the left and settling down. I gave him a quick soft nudge to show where the hens are and he gets it and is walking over. I freeze, I have my safety already off, ready to make a shot and only need to lift the barrel few inches, waiting for him to clear few woods and coming into an opening, 30 yards away is my kill zone, he walks in, my heart is pumping like crazy, so I breathe to relax, BOOM, I got him good...


My first Turkey ever was 21 lbs, 8 inch beard, 0.75 spurs....

I'm going to use bow for the second one. Thanks for all the good info and knowledge sharing on this website.


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Thank You Fellows,

Oh yeah, I'm as happy as they come, BTW, one part of him just came off the grill and it was delicious....the rest is in the freezer.

It was this website and you guys that have motivated me and  kept me going forward, persistence paid off. Now, I'm hooked for good, I truly appreciate your help here.


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