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Even in high school I was a supporter of freedom, rights, the Constitution and Conservative ideals.  Maybe because I was already into hunting, fishing and the outdoors.  Even then I knew the government was not my friend, couldn't be trusted and certainly shouldn't be asked to oppress others for me.  Nixon was President and Vietnam was still going on.  Need I say more?

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1 hour ago, Doewhacker said:

The qoute beneath it is not a quote from Freud, but hey it looks legit! 

    • It is a paraphrase of a statement from the essay "Guns, Murders, and the Constitution" (February 1990) by Don B. Kates, Jr. where Kates summarizes his views of passages in Dreams in Folklore (1958) by Freud and David E. Oppenheim, while disputing statements by Emmanuel Tanay in "Neurotic Attachment to Guns" in a 1976 edition of The Fifty Minute Hour: A Collection of True Psychoanalytic Tales(1955) by Robert Mitchell Lindner:
Dr. Tanay is perhaps unaware of — in any event, he does not cite — other passages more relevant to his argument. In these other passages Freud associates retarded sexual and emotional development not with gun ownership, but with fear and loathing of weapons. The probative importance that ought to be attached to the views of Freud is, of course, a matter of opinion. 
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33 minutes ago, Rattler said:
    • It is a paraphrase of a statement from the essay "Guns, Murders, and the Constitution" (February 1990) by Don B. Kates, Jr. where Kates summarizes his views of passages in Dreams in Folklore (1958) by Freud and David E. Oppenheim, while disputing statements by Emmanuel Tanay in "Neurotic Attachment to Guns" in a 1976 edition of The Fifty Minute Hour: A Collection of True Psychoanalytic Tales(1955) by Robert Mitchell Lindner:
Dr. Tanay is perhaps unaware of — in any event, he does not cite — other passages more relevant to his argument. In these other passages Freud associates retarded sexual and emotional development not with gun ownership, but with fear and loathing of weapons. The probative importance that ought to be attached to the views of Freud is, of course, a matter of opinion. 

Yes I know, it’s a paraphrase from Kates. 

“This is not a statement that appears in any translation of any of Freud's works.”

Due to misreading of this essay and its citations, this paraphrase of an opinion about Freud's ideas has been wrongly attributed to Freud himself, and specifically to his 10th Lecture "Symbolism in Dreams “

and last but not least the actually line Kates formed his opinion from..

"The representation of the penis as a weapon, cutting knife, dagger etc., is familiar to us from the anxiety dreams of abstinent women in particular and also lies at the root of numerous phobias in neurotic people."

Meme on fellas

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46 minutes ago, Rattler said:

Even in high school I was a supporter of freedom, rights, the Constitution and Conservative ideals.  Maybe because I was already into hunting, fishing and the outdoors.  Even then I knew the government was not my friend, couldn't be trusted and certainly shouldn't be asked to oppress others for me.  Nixon was President and Vietnam was still going on.  Need I say more?

Did adults make fun of you on the national level because they didn’t agree with you? 

The point is grown men and will men are attacking these kids for standing up for something they believe in after they witnessed a terrible event. Seems like the rolls have reversed for some. 

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I just wish these kids would do some research before protesting.. More kids die from alcohol, and texting and driving ..but guns are scary.. I really feel gun safety should be taught in elementary school  again in middle.and high.. most of these kids have never seen a real gun.. but they know best... crazy

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When these kids, young adults or what ever they prefer to be called put themselves on stage they open themselves up for criticism.Just his way of carrying himself, his antics and hand jesters puts him in the race-baiters category .

Sorry David you are a wet behind the ears pizz-pot,looking for your pot of gold.I would really like to meet your parents to see if they are morons like yourself.

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The singular courage it takes to attack and ridicule 16-year-old kids anonymously.

The stones ... the guts ... the sheer will. 


They're kids. They're filled with equal measures of passion and rebellion with a little stupid thrown in. When I get into a discussion with my art school sexually ambiguous feminist fight-the-power niece, I don't ridicule or lambaste her. I gently challenge her point and encourage her to come back to the table with better arguments. 

Much like the way one deals with Papist.

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39 minutes ago, left field said:

The singular courage it takes to attack and ridicule 16-year-old kids anonymously.

Agree about the anonymity, I surely do wish I had the opportunity to attack and ridicule and debate this 16 year old lib puppet face to face and I would not be gentle about it!:aggressive:


Edited by airedale
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52 minutes ago, left field said:

The singular courage it takes to attack and ridicule 16-year-old kids anonymously.

The stones ... the guts ... the sheer will. 


They're kids. They're filled with equal measures of passion and rebellion with a little stupid thrown in. When I get into a discussion with my art school sexually ambiguous feminist fight-the-power niece, I don't ridicule or lambaste her. I gently challenge her point and encourage her to come back to the table with better arguments. 

Much like the way one deals with Papist.

typical libtard response

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1 hour ago, left field said:


They're kids. They're filled with equal measures of passion and rebellion with a little stupid thrown in. When I get into a discussion with my art school sexually ambiguous feminist fight-the-power niece, I don't ridicule or lambaste her. I gently challenge her point and encourage her to come back to the table with better arguments. 

Much like the way one deals with Papist.

I believe "stupid" is the greater part of that mix.

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1 hour ago, airedale said:

Agree about the anonymity, I surely do wish I had the opportunity to attack and ridicule and debate this 16 year old lib puppet face to face and I would not be gentle about it!:aggressive:


So you believe he is being used but still, you want to attack him in person? The courage it takes to say that on a forum.

1 hour ago, greg54 said:

typical libtard response

Not really. Socially liberal. Outside of kids, animals and perhaps close relatives, I really don't care who you sleep with. And you want to marry said non-kid, animal or relative? Knock yourself out. Past that, I'm pretty sure I skew conservative. 

But those labels are so mind-numbingly limiting I don't use them. But if they help you, enjoy.

1 hour ago, philoshop said:

I believe "stupid" is the greater part of that mix.

How does that Twain quote go?

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”

It comes with the territory of being a kid. I can't imagine what comes with the territory of watching 17 of your fellow students gunned down at school. So some kids filled with piss and vinegar want to scream at the world after an afternoon of carnage? That seems fair to me. 


Edited by left field
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When I was 17 I thought I knew everything.  Then I turned 25.  I realized I was so dumb back when I was 17 but now at 25 I know everything.  Then I turned 35.  I realized I was so dumb back when I was 25 but now I know everything.  Now that I'm over 40 I know that I don't know anything at all.

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