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That's if the world comes to an end tomorrow as some are predicting.  LOL  Hopefully the judgement for us will be to be sent to a place where there is some good hunting.  LOL 

One of my workmates here at the office had the line of the day today. He said it's also his wedding anniversary tomorrow, so his world actually came to an end on this day 28 years ago when he got married. LOL

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Can you believe there are actually people out there burning through their savings and splurging on things thinking it all ends tomorrow?????

I think the good people have until November and they go to heaven, I guess all those teachers are the first to go ! lol

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I heard one idiot being interviewed on the radio this morning.  He said he hadn't paid his utility bills in the last couple of months.  I guess his world will come to an end when he doesn't have electricity to turn on his TV or radio to listen to his favorite nut job preachers!  LOL

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The funny part is that this quack (AKA preacher) apparently predicted the same thing back in the 90's.  His excuse for it not happening back then was that he had made some mathematical errors in predicting the date.  So why are people so stupid to believe him now??  Did he show all these people his diploma that he finally graduated from elementary school and now knows how to add and subtract correctly?  LOL

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Can you believe there are actually people out there burning through their savings and splurging on things thinking it all ends tomorrow?????

I think the good people have until November and they go to heaven, I guess all those teachers are the first to go ! lol


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Can you believe there are actually people out there burning through their savings and splurging on things thinking it all ends tomorrow? ??? ?

I think the good people have until November and they go to heaven, I guess all those teachers are the first to go ! lol


Oh yea, some had very good jobs that they quit!

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Sounds like a perfect oppertunity to call the mother in-laws and tell them how we really feel once and for all! :P  No more holding back fellas.....let it all out! ;D

Wooly, I think you just may have found the way this world WOULD come to an end.  Tell all the men on planet earth to tell off their mother-in-laws and doomsday is sure to follow!!  First your mother-in-law would be pissed at you, and soon after it would be your wife for pissing her mama off. Man oh man! Closest thing to hell on earth that one could imagine!!  I think getting swept into the ocean by the next great tsunami would be preferable to such a scenario.  LOL

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A New York man spent his entire $140,000 life savings advertising his prediction that the world will end May 21. Robert Fitzpatrick, a 60-year-old Staten Island resident, said he spent at least that sum on 1,000 subway-car placards and ads on bus kiosks and subway cars.

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A New York man spent his entire $140,000 life savings advertising his prediction that the world will end May 21. Robert Fitzpatrick, a 60-year-old Staten Island resident, said he spent at least that sum on 1,000 subway-car placards and ads on bus kiosks and subway cars.

What a knucklehead!  His money could have been better spent by sending us all on some nice hunting trips! 

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A New York man spent his entire $140,000 life savings advertising his prediction that the world will end May 21. Robert Fitzpatrick, a 60-year-old Staten Island resident, said he spent at least that sum on 1,000 subway-car placards and ads on bus kiosks and subway cars.

After Saturday, he will be living in the subway, where he can see all of the stupid signs he bought.

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what is really sad is....these people can vote....and even worse....they can breed

You forgot to mention these guys are all republicans!!! LMAO!!!

But from reading the thread the world is not going to end tomorrow. The nutjob said tomorrow the rapture will occur. So Jesus is gonna come back and pick up all his faithful subjects, and the end will occur sometime in the fall probably before deer season. So if the religious faithful do disappear tomorrow we are screwed. Me I live next to a Catholic Cemetery so I'm gonna go see if they rise up for their trip to heaven.

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It really amazes me that people still fall for this! Especially when the Bible say's that only God the father knows when he will have enough of the wickeness of man and call up his faithfull. See Matthew 24:

    36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,f]'>[f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

  42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

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