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What Hunting Question frosts yer nads ?


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" The Deer Hunter's Prayer " - by Dale Sunderlin

Heavenly father, to you I pray,

A majestic deer may come my way.

Let my aim be straight and true,

this my Lord, I pray to you.

A swift clean kill is what I ask,

Take his spirit swift and fast.

For his last breath should not be,

One of pain or agony.

Let his soul,

Come to Thee,

To roam your heavens,

Wild and free.

Awesome, thanks for posting that

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Steve...to be honest I don't think us lady's particularly think much about any sensitive part of are anatomy getting "frosted" ...well in the sense that Eddie was referring too :secret::blink:;)

but the more I'm on this site the more ....unusual.... things I now see some guys think about

Edited by growalot
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One hunting buddy is going through that with girls (casual relationships or beginning of them)...of course he's in that 22-25 y/o range and these girls want to confiscate his time...kind of funny watching him go through it since I did the same when I was his age. It's just one of those things people will never understand. Sometimes he looks like he's been chewed up one side and down the other when he show's up to hunt.

Wrong place to post this but i had to mention it. I had a girlfriend a long time ago who could not understand my affinity for the outdoors. We fought over it constantly (among lots of other things). When I met my wife and things started to get serious I sat her down and laid it on the line. I told her "I hunt and I fish, i get up early and sometimes i'm gone all day. A half a day hunting or fishing is relative to the success of the day and by no means does it indicate that I will be home by 12:00PM and it can turn into a full day in an instant. It's something that is ingrained in my soul and without it I am not me. Before we take this any further I need to know we are not going to argue over it"

when she said no i knew she was the woman for me.

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Wrong place to post this but i had to mention it. I had a girlfriend a long time ago who could not understand my affinity for the outdoors. We fought over it constantly (among lots of other things). When I met my wife and things started to get serious I sat her down and laid it on the line. I told her "I hunt and I fish, i get up early and sometimes i'm gone all day. A half a day hunting or fishing is relative to the success of the day and by no means does it indicate that I will be home by 12:00PM and it can turn into a full day in an instant. It's something that is ingrained in my soul and without it I am not me. Before we take this any further I need to know we are not going to argue over it"

when she said no i knew she was the woman for me.

Wow, someone should make your story into a movie! Maybe they could call it "Screamon Demon, The Love Story". I think the problem would be categorizing it as a "romantic" movie. Might fit more under the "thriller" or "horror" categories for some. LOL Just pulling your leg here!

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Then, slowly over time so you don't notice, things will change. One day you will wake up ands say WTF...what happened!

We can add the music from the movie "Psycho" right about here. He might as well let himself get bludgened at this point, for it's pretty much done and over for him.

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How about the question when someone walks into your home and spots the deer mount hanging on the wall ....... "Did you shoot that one?"

Nope, he come ripping down that hill back there and smacked into the wall and that's as far as he got ........ Here's your sign.

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I guess the reason these questions don't bother me is because I get asked dumber questions while I work. I work as an armored car employee and anyone I don't know or have busines with is a potential threat. Yet every idiot walking the street needs to walk up to me and ask me "Is that a real gun", "You ever have to shoot someone", "Do you have any extra", "You have any free samples", "Oh you brought my pay check". Just a bit of advice to all, don't approach an armored car employee while thier working. You catch someone on a bad day you could end up in a world of hurt.

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How about the question when someone walks into your home and spots the deer mount hanging on the wall ....... "Did you shoot that one?"

Nope, he come ripping down that hill back there and smacked into the wall and that's as far as he got ........ Here's your sign.

LMAO, yeah Ive gotten that with my fox mount a few times. I usually just look at them funny.

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Websters dictionary. Catch 1. to capture or seize as after pursuit ; to take.

While I may not capture a deer I sure pursue and take them. So those folks are not to far off.

Well off to bed getting up early in hopes of catching a big buck on this way back to his .....

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