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I got an idea for lower tag prices!


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I think the state should start a program where we go back and take the hunters safety course every 5 or so years for a discounted price on licenses. What do you all think about this? I mean seriously with the way prices of everything and limited jobs people need a break on license fees. And second i think some people need a reminder on rules and regs and how to shoot and safety.

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Ok reread your post if this is opptional for a reduced lic. fee ok then.But no way on Gods green earth would i spend 4 hours a night for 3 nights sitting there for less then $100 a night. So looks like I'd be getting a check to hunt !

The whole course needs to get with the times anyway and go online for most of it.Come in one night for hands on. My kid is in college in a medical program and half of that is online , a simple hunter ed should be a snap to set up online.....

Now if they made a hour or so online refresher with online test for a savings of $25 bucks or so off super sportsman I might do it . But the state is looking for more money not less.

Edited by Larry302
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Im sure us hunters spend alot more money on other things that we dont need that cost more than a license. I still say its darn cheap for what you get out of it. Less than a tank of gas in my truck, cheaper than taking the family ot dinner, cant even snowmobile for a day on that money, I can think of alot of things that concern me more than something that allows me to enjoy countless hours a year in the field not to mention the price of beef. Safety course, when is the last time you ever hear of anyone failing one? I remeber the class and there was a few kids that didnt pass the test but yet walked out with there certificate. Something needs to change with the mentalitly of some hunters safety practices without doubt.. Most of these hunter accident you read about are stupid common sense things should never have happened and could have been avoided.

Edited by wdswtr
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I'm all for taking a refresher hunter safety course... but seriously.. you all really think that a hunting license is too expensive??? name one other form of entertainment that you love that costs money... that you can do for months.. that is cheaper... I bet some of you spend more in a day just on beer and cigarettes. The super sportmans license is $100.. I can hunt deer, small game, turkeys, and fish all year long for less than 10 bucks a month.. thats less than 40 cents a day... if you saved just a dollar a day all year you could buy a super sportmans licenses for the next three years... and those that buy just a deer hunting license can do it even cheaper.

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I don't mind having to take a scaled down refresher course. The price of the licenses isn't much and the money goes towards maintaining state land so I have no problem with that. Reducing the revenue means reducing the quality of our state land. I think they should reduce the cost of out of state license fees. Maybe it's generate more income by getting more hunters. Several hundred dollars for an Elk tag in Montana? That's just ridiculous. My bro has a buddy who lives out in Montana but I can't afford to drop several hundred on an Elk and possibly not see a single one while I'm out there.

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