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What is this country coming to??

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. Religion doesn't allow things like drugs, abortion, free love, homosexuality, same sex marriage, etc., etc. So it's no surprise people who don't object to those things would object to religion. To quote a wise observation, "When anything goes, eventually the country will go."

Yea religion has a wonderful track record of perfect people in the pulpit eh?

Sounds like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who flat out denies having any homosexuals in his country, look how well it is working out for all of those extreem religious countries.

With all of that said, I agree with you. Our politicians are guided not by morality but but money and power..

"I thought being rich and famous would make me happy....boy was I right"

Mitt Romney

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Seriously, now...all you "smoke pole" guys: You would not shoot someone over the removal of a religious mural, would you?

ok so it is just a mural then it is just the bible then it is just our guns. How many more consessions do we need to allow before saying enough is enough? Yiu need to remember that the hoope and change we were promised is a slow process. Every "little " thing like a mural is just one more step toward losing it all. And those of you who think our military will take care of us who is the military going to protect us from ourselves. If things get to a point of military law, which I expect so see around election time, who does the military take orders from? umm not us. There are three choices as I see it. 1 follow the fools off the cliff. 2 stand up to the fools. 3 stay home and keep your head in the sand. The choice is yours. I for one am in the number 2 group. Also the libs and free thinkers are the ones on the doll and are entitled to it. Just ask them. So to stay on the doll they need a fool handing it out to them. When we spend more than we take it, it is doomed for failure. Now feel free to tell me to wear my tin foil hat, but when it all implodes, dont come to my house looking for a handout.

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Interesting...Lightweight horse pucky...insteresting, still. Illustrates how a moron thinks. Must ask: Do you actually know any liberals? Have you discussed the situation in America with them? I doubt it.

I have one friend who is an avowed Liberal..."Flaming Liberal", in her words. She is nothing like what you describe. If you were down and out...wearing a "I Hate and Shoot Liberals" T-shirt...she would be the first to offer you help. And, arch conservative that you are...you would accept her help...and then shoot her.

I will not tell you to wear a foil hat...You obviously already have it on.

I feel sorry for guys like you!

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Yea religion has a wonderful track record of perfect people in the pulpit eh?

Sounds like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who flat out denies having any homosexuals in his country, look how well it is working out for all of those extreem religious countries.

Do crooked Cops make all laws bad? Religious officials don't make religion bad, they just prove themselves unworthy of their positions. For the anti-religious to point to a few bad people in religious positions and say all religion is bad, is tantamount to saying because there are corrupt officials in law enforcement, I will obey none of the laws. To go further and say all of the faithfull need to be silenced, is extreme objection, especially in this country, which was founded on the idea of freedom of religion. By the way, it is not "freedom from religion", as some people today believe it is.

People who revolt against religion and it's followers are doing the same thing as any other bigot or person of predjudice. They are practicing discrimination and hate. Live and let live. I am not a religious person, but I certainly respect the beliefs of those who are.

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I guess the "revolution" will start in New York, this is by far the crookedest state I've lived in. I've lived in 7 states over the past 30+ yrs. With guys like Hinchey basically drawing their own congressional districts boundries in order to get reelected. How much more antihunting/gun can you get than Schumer and Hinchey (granted he's leaving but will most like be replaced by another anti). The way to change the country is to start voting differently in your own state.

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Interesting...Lightweight horse pucky...insteresting, still. Illustrates how a moron thinks. Must ask: Do you actually know any liberals? Have you discussed the situation in America with them? I doubt it.

I have one friend who is an avowed Liberal..."Flaming Liberal", in her words. She is nothing like what you describe. If you were down and out...wearing a "I Hate and Shoot Liberals" T-shirt...she would be the first to offer you help. And, arch conservative that you are...you would accept her help...and then shoot her.

I will not tell you to wear a foil hat...You obviously already have it on.

I feel sorry for guys like you!

yup anyone who thinks differently than you is a moron. And yes I do know a few libs and have never shot at or threatened to shoot any of them. oh and btw the tin foil hat and name calling was set up for you. If I had not mentioned it, you surely could not think of it. And those who have no legit argument always call names. Hey only a few days until the first of the month good for you. You will get some more free money. Sadky your mind is already made up so there is no sense in confusing you with the facts now have a nice day.

Edited by bubba
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The Muslims know what this country is coming to. They have a plan all alid out and will use our own laws against us. While everyone is busy arguing who is left and whose is right they are using our legal system to break down our nation and dictate policy to us. Here are just two examples.



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