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Pretty Scary


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During this hunting season my brother in law and i were at his parents house in coventry while they were on vacation and we went down to feed the dogs and let them out. Well they were eating and we were sitting on the couch shooting the breeze just talking. Well my brother inlaws trailer is a stone throw away from his parents house. I heard a truck outside and i heard a boom and glass break. I dove to the floor, army crawled to the front door, and snuck around the back to see who it was, and what do you know, a 10 point was dead on the lawn, and the truck saw me and wwent to take off and slide into the ditch. So i figured that they arnt going anywhere, so i walked back inside and got my brother inlaw. by this time they just were getting the truck out of the ditch. My brother inlaw ripped the one guy out of the passanger seat and gave him one hell of a whoopin. then the guy in the driver side got the truck fully out of the ditch, my uncle reached through the window and cracked him. i was trying to hold the one guy down that shot the deer, and my sister was on the phone with the cops. The guy being bigger then me got out of my hands and pushed me into the ditch, punched my brother inlaw in the back of the head, they jumped in the truck and off they went, by the time we got in our car to chase them to find where they were going and they were gone... Went inisde and inspected, they shot the deer, went rthough the deer, into the house, through the bathroom wall and broke the glass out of the sliding glass door on the shower. Guys got away becasue we didnt know who they were and didnt get a license plate and only had the color of the truck. the bullet they used was found, but cops took it for evidence and that wasnt enough evidence to find the guys. But i dont think they will be doing it in coventry anymore being the one guy got a pretty good whoopin.

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I assume the truck had a license plate????? I'm just sayin'!!!!

They caught a couple of poachers wit a crossbow down here in Region 3 last fall. Guess what their license plate number was? "LUV2HUNT" wow that's real hard to forget! They were caught and prosecuted.

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As for the story, come on, if it is true, its about the dumbest set of things you could possibly do in that situation. Youre really gonna run up to a truck full of poachers (that have loaded guns) and try to drag them out of their truck? Before you call the cops? Again, if true, you all are lucky you arent dead or otherwise permanantly disabled or disfigured.

Second, something like that would have made the paper, at least in the police blotter section. Anty up. ;)

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Yes Pygmy....it would be called NYS..

by the way.....when two guys drew down on our goats...right in front of the house,in broard daylight,with a bow....I chased them down the road until they pulled over and I trapped the driver in his truck with the dodge....when I was done giving them hell I let them drive off and followed them for miles and miles...Guess what? I was so angry...upset ...ticked off....it wasn't until I got home I realized ...I forgot the plate #...no cells back then...so yep if this is true I know how easy something like that can happen....

So many quarter backs...Oh be kind enough to leave me out of post I don't come into on my own Thank You

Edited by growalot
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Ya know ...comments are fine but seriously there's more than a few on here.... that just love the pack mentality and turn even simple posts into free for alls.....What is it to get the post #'s up? So before you go off on a little ditty member this..

If you dont want people commenting on it, dont post it. ;)
... ;)
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During this hunting season my brother in law and i were at his parents house in coventry while they were on vacation and we went down to feed the dogs and let them out. Well they were eating and we were sitting on the couch shooting the breeze just talking. Well my brother inlaws trailer is a stone throw away from his parents house. I heard a truck outside and i heard a boom and glass break. I dove to the floor, army crawled to the front door, and snuck around the back to see who it was, and what do you know, a 10 point was dead on the lawn, and the truck saw me and wwent to take off and slide into the ditch. So i figured that they arnt going anywhere, so i walked back inside and got my brother inlaw. by this time they just were getting the truck out of the ditch. My brother inlaw ripped the one guy out of the passanger seat and gave him one hell of a whoopin. then the guy in the driver side got the truck fully out of the ditch, my uncle reached through the window and cracked him. i was trying to hold the one guy down that shot the deer, and my sister was on the phone with the cops. The guy being bigger then me got out of my hands and pushed me into the ditch, punched my brother inlaw in the back of the head, they jumped in the truck and off they went, by the time we got in our car to chase them to find where they were going and they were gone... Went inisde and inspected, they shot the deer, went rthough the deer, into the house, through the bathroom wall and broke the glass out of the sliding glass door on the shower. Guys got away becasue we didnt know who they were and didnt get a license plate and only had the color of the truck. the bullet they used was found, but cops took it for evidence and that wasnt enough evidence to find the guys. But i dont think they will be doing it in coventry anymore being the one guy got a pretty good whoopin.

Thats one crazy dream.....did you wake up sweating?

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Yes Pygmy....it would be called NYS..

by the way.....when two guys drew down on our goats...right in front of the house,in broard daylight,with a bow....I chased them down the road until they pulled over and I trapped the driver in his truck with the dodge....when I was done giving them hell I let them drive off and followed them for miles and miles...Guess what? I was so angry...upset ...ticked off....it wasn't until I got home I realized ...I forgot the plate #...no cells back then...so yep if this is true I know how easy something like that can happen....

So many quarter backs...Oh be kind enough to leave me out of post I don't come into on my own Thank You

GEEZE, Growie...You don't have to YELL at me.... :angry: ...

Now you've hurt my FEELINGS again... :fie: ...

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