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Valentine Day


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Hope everyone has someone special to celebrate, share your special moment with. ( If so choose) What are you doing for this special day? Studies show the average male spends $130 on their valentine and the average female spend about half. Some people even buy their co-workers something. My wife and I have a special dinner at home. I buy her a nice size lobster, shes for me, a nice angus steak, along wiith twice baked potato, and whole asparagus on the grill..We kind of prepare the meal together. ( More or less)

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i still didnt get the wife anything yet thinking about stoping and getting her a spa package while i head to her mothers house to paint. my brother just got 2 tickets to the sabres game tonite his wife never wants to go so he invited me i havent made my mind up yet if im gonna ditch the wife for the game or get a movie lol

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A dozen red roses sent to her office. Always gets favorable reviews.

I also send smaller flower bouqets (this year with a small teddy bear) to each of my two daughters, ages 30 and 26. Something I started when the 30 year old's boyfriend broke up with her on valentine's day 8-9 years ago. She started hating valentine's day after that. Now that I started this tradition, I can't seem to give it up.

Good old FTD.

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After being married for 20 years, we don't bother with commercialized made up holidays like Valentines Day anymore. Nevertheless, this year is different. Our Valentines gift to each other was paying off our home mortgage yesterday which is I think better than candy and flowers any day of the year. ^_^

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After so many years we don't do much...Mr B gave me my card and some chocolates this morning..saying I almost got you flowers but...and I said I would have killed you lol.....seriously I put a stop to that waist of money years ago...I'd rather have a dozen arrows... about same amount of $$ ;) ...right now I'm stirring up a batch of oatmeal/raisin/chocolate chip cookies for him ...and making chicken pot pie...a favorite of his tonight

Hope you all have a great Valentines with loved ones

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I made reservations to this super romantic restaurant. She said since we're saving for a vacation later, I should not spend the money. Score! That's $200-$300 I didn't have to spend. I think I'll use that on a new Harris bi-pod and other accessories. Just kidding! She is very sensible though which is why she's a keeper. We'll be spending the night at home watching the Knicks game.

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I was smart. I bought some pink camo lingerie at the harrisburg show...she'll get that tonight.

Gift for her...but really for me. Actually, it was more for comedic effect, but she'll get a kick out of it. Card, some flowers, and a home cooked dinner is in order tonight.

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Im with skillet..... bought my gf a nice card, a nice thing of flowers, and actually wrote a nice lil letter in the card, and she is being a total biotc...... today, so i threw everything in the yard..... btw, this is the first time i actually did something like this for her for this stupid holiday. F off cupid.

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Im with skillet..... bought my gf a nice card, a nice thing of flowers, and actually wrote a nice lil letter in the card, and she is being a total biotc...... today, so i threw everything in the yard..... btw, this is the first time i actually did something like this for her for this stupid holiday. F off cupid.


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well i went out looked around at spa packages for the wife pretty much didnt know what the heck i was looking at so she got nothing from me. then i gave her an attitude pissed her off and told her i wasnt interested in going to dinner so she left to eat and went for her monthly girls night of playing bunco. i turned down going to hockey with my brother and now im hanging out at home with my 2 little ones.

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My wife and I celebrate valentines day, every day! Since this is my second go round in the marriage dept, it seems to be working! We are together 15 years! Tell them u love them you love them every chance you get, buy little Things here and there and MOST of all listen to what they say(you will most likely not agree with them just listen)!

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Well dinner and cookies were a big hit...and the daughters boyfriend...hedged his bets and made dinner for her when she got home...she hedged hers and had stopped for his favorite wine on her way home...lol....both kids called and wished Mom a happy V day...alls good with the world...lol

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Thanks for the replies everyone. Glad you enjoyed it. Dinner went well, Lobster prices are up and their was a shortage in our area. I thought about hunting supplies, for the misses, but that just wouldn't fly, if you know what I mean. I do see a dozen bolts on the horizon though., maybe for the old birthday.

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