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can you hunt racoons with out a dog?

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Coons cans be hunted successfully without a dog, daytime calling is highly effective and in some cases even too easy. A good hand Coon squaller  or an electronic caller works well. In a nutshell you want to find denning areas, look for large trees that have big holes in them, big old Beech trees produced well for me, also old abandoned buildings might be a gold mine.

Go to youtube and type in daytime coon calling and there will be many videos giving tips on how to go about it.


Edited by airedale
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Kind of a cheat, but when deer hunting I sometimes see them regularly. I am not inclined to shoot them then though....too big a rifle and I dont want to disturb the area. They show up on my game cameras around my apple trees regularly in season. I wonder if you could bait pile them (likely just a spilled garbage can would work!) at night? 

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This year I started mixing in raccoon sounds during sets, especially in areas i know the racoons are thick. Or move a set closer to the den trees after nothing has come in and run racoon distress.. as they are bad bad turkey eggs eaters. and my turkey population is not what it used to be.. 

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